Avoiding Our Problems Through Cute Horses

Start from the beginning

"He must be close with all the workers around here," Eden quietly states at my side. Her fingers slighter and gaze over mine, without thinking, I take her hand. Her touch has become so natural to me. Because I feel like I'm in the middle of Robin's reunion, my head tilts to give my attention to Eden. Her hair is often in cute, complex hairstyles, but she wears a simple ponytail today. I love the way some pieces of her way hair curve upwards. Eden's sparkly green eyes flicker to mine once she feels my stare.

"Hm?" She smiles warmly at me. I don't stay anything, hoping my smile in return says enough.

My hand squeezes hers before I turn back to Robin. He and his friend are standing up now discussing the piece of metal the man was working on. It looks to be a key of some sort, like the one that hangs around Robin's neck. Maybe that's where Robin got his key from?

"Ho! Though, never mind that, it's been a long time hasn't it, Robin?" The man chides. A troubled face replaced his joyful expression, "Why haven't you been visiting us lately? Don't tell me you've lost your love for horses like your love for literature." Robin lets out a loud, nervous chuckle and lifts his hands to stop the man from talking. Finally, Robin turns to us where we've been quickly listening to their conversation.

"Bernard, these are my friends that I met at school," Robin emphasizes the last word, making sure Bernard heard it right. The man, Bernard, lifts a meaty hand to wave at us. Before Robin can continue his sentence, Bernard's eyes open wide in shock. Quickly, his head bows low in an ungraceful manner.

Bernard apologizes rapidly, "Your Highness and Highnesses, please excuse me for my ignorant manner. I hadn't recognized you at first. I'm an old rag who can't see, you have to believe me." Cautiously, I approach the distressed man and lay a kind hand on his shoulder. He lifts his bowed head to my face.

"All is well, friend," I assure Bernard. His chapped lips lift to a smile before backing up to sit on his haybale again. He seems happy, yet confused with our presence. Bernard turns to Robin and asks him if the reason why he hasn't visited home is because he has some friends. Robin glances nervously at us before going back to explaining.

"Bernard, listen. I haven't visited you because I didn't want to, I now attend a royal school and that is how I have met these wonderful people." Robin makes serious hand gestures while explaining this crazy concept to confused Bernard. His thick, fuzzy eyebrows continue to respond in confusion.

Bernard warily glances in our direction once again before turning to Robin. His voice drops to a quiet tone, but we can still hear him from where we stand. "Do they- Do they know that you're not?" Bernard doesn't finish the last word as he asks Robin.

"Yes, they know I'm not royal," He responds, but he appreciates the concern. My weight shifts from side to side. It's cold and as nice as the reunion is, I would like to go into the stables, where it is possibly warmer. Robin must sense how cold I am or maybe he's cold himself because he ends the conversation.

"You're right, Bernard, it has been a long time since I've ridden a horse. Do you mind if my friends and I take them out for a ride?" Robin suggests and Bernard happily agrees. He and Robin pull open the large doors, revealing multiple stalls with horses inside. I was right about the temperature, it became so much warmer once I stepped inside. Too bad I like horses more than warmth.

Robin and Bernard gather some riding gear off a wall before setting up some horses. There are four horses in this barn which is the perfect number for all of us. Bernard quickly saddles up a light brown beauty with a braided mane. I watch as he leads the horse back out of the stables to tie him to a pole in the front. He comes back and informs me I'll be riding that horse.

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