I Heart Balls

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My eyes blink rapidly, trying to keep my tears of happiness from ruining my eye makeup. I've been staring at my ball gown for a while. I feel beautiful with this gorgeous pink dress and my hair styled to perfection.

Fox's reaction was similar to mine. Her mouth popped open and tears threatened to mess with her makeup. I'm flattered at her expression of adoration.

I wish that I could see the rest of my family's reactions. This ball is nostalgic for the dances I used to have at home. I remember how grand and fancy they were. Those nights were always filled with good memories.

"You're almost as tall as me in those heels," Fox jokes and I size her up.

She's right. I am almost the same height as her when she's wearing flat shoes. This makes the special event more special, I suppose.

The only reason why Fox is not wearing heeled shoes is because of her leg. Or at least that is what I recall her saying the reason was. It's healed now and she can walk without a limp but I guess the worry of re-injuring it hasn't left her.

"The detail here, I didn't even notice, it's so nice." I point out and run my fingers over the jewels on Fox's dress. It simply looks right on her. The green material makes the green in her eyes pop and the fit of the apparel looks nice on her.

"This doesn't happen overnight." She states and goes to touch up her hair.

All classes have been canceled today because of this event and Fox and I have been taking full advantage of this free time. Getting ready is a whole process and we've successfully reached the end of it.

I hear talking outside the front door of my dorm and I recognize it to be the rest of our group. I race Fox to the door, somehow managing to beat her, even in heels.

I open the door and try not to swoon as I see Arlo's handsome face right in front of me. A

put-together-looking Robin stands behind him, looking formal with his hands crossed behind him.

Arlo's smile meets mine and I realize he's holding a bouquet of roses. "For you." Arlo blushes down at me and holds out the flowers. I feel like I'm melting at this point.

"You shouldn't have," I responded.

Robin let out an ugly cough behind him, indicating to wrap it up.

"Right, yes," I take a moment to glare at him for ruining the moment, "Let me put these inside, and then we can go."

I returned to my room and quickly prepared a vase for the flowers. I pour the water into them when I look up to see Robin giving Fox a single rose of his own.

"Did you steal this from Arlo?" Fox deadpans but takes the flower into her hands anyway.

"It's the thought that counts, right?" Robin remarks and it's not hard to miss the devilish smile

growing on his lips.

Arlo scrunches his fingers in between his eyes. Annoyed, he says, "I told him he should have bought his own. But did he listen? No."

Robin lets out a scoff. "Look, I didn't have time." He puts his hands up in the air, innocently.

"What a lie." Arlo states," You had so much time. You got dressed and ready in 30 minutes."

Robin leans against the wall and pouts. His arms crossed over his chest.

"30 minutes?" I can't help but question. There's barely any time to do anything.

"You look good for 30 minutes." Fox offers. Robin winks at her in response. She rolls her eyes and moves away from him.

"Okay," I put the flowers on the table and Fox added her single one, "Let's go now."

─────── ✿ ───────

My breath is taken away when I enter the ballroom. I look up to see Arlo's face is also in awe. My arm wraps around his tighter and we walk into the room together.

Light classical music plays softly from a live orchestra and a grand chandelier above us shines a warm light across everything. Table-clothed tables line the wall under large windows that I can't see out of due to it being night. No one is dancing yet and we walk to a table with some of our close classmates.

"Eden, you're stunning!" One of my friends squeals as I let go of Arlo and join the table. He pulls out a chair for me and I sit. I surround myself with friends and conversations until the head lady comes to the front of the crowd.

"Hello everyone!" She greets after the room and simmers down to silence. Her hair is twisted into an elegant bun and her champagne-colored dress shimmers as she stands in front of us all. Her speech is short and wishes us to have a good time here. Some rules were included but that's expected. She claps her hands together. "Let the dancing begin!" The head lady concludes and students start to shuffle onto the ballroom floor.

Arlo stands up and offers his hand to me. Easily I take it and we move towards the floor together. His hand feels warm in mine and I smell his cologne which I'm pretty sure the fragrance is cinnamon. I look up into his eyes and he playfully spins me across the floor.

We laugh as he attempts to dip me but fails. Giggles escape me; I lay my head against his chest after he straightens me from falling.

I pick up a tiny bit of a conversation nearby and I recognize Fox's voice. I nudge Arlo's shoulder to tell him to see what I'm looking at. In the center of a crowded dancing circle, there is Fox and Robin, not dancing. Due to the music and being farther away, I can't make out what they're saying too well. They go out of sight for a second but then I see them again and I am relieved to see that they are laughing with each other.

Fox reaches for Robin's hands and corrects them. They slowly begin to dance and it is a hot mess. Even though Robin is looking down at his feet, he's still tripping. Arlo and I gracefully twirl in their direction.

"I'm convinced you've never danced in your life." I overhear Fox say to Robin.

"Only for you, sweetheart." Robin answers, briefly looking from his feet to her eyes.

Even in the dim lighting, I can see Fox's cheeks turn pink.

Arlo and I leave them be and go back to our world. I believe I could hold and dance with him forever. The music switched to a slow, soft song. I did enjoy the upbeat dancing with him but it is the slow dancing that is my favorite. We sway side to side in soft motions.

I want to stay like this forever but that is not possible. The music stops and everyone looks around, trying to see what the problem is. A blood-curdling scream comes from the far side of the room and glass crashes right after it.

The hairs on my arm stand up and people start to scatter. Trouble was in the air.

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The long-awaited ball scene was here. Too bad it couldn't be all that perfect. Find out what happens next B) I just need to write it first... -me right now.

Also, forgive me about the chapter title.

Anyways, vote. <3

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