An Extra Treat for Breakfast

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The morning rays shine through the curtain and into my room. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly rise from my warm bed. What time is it? Fox is still asleep so it can't be too early. After a while of sitting and staring at a blank wall, I convinced myself to go get dressed and cure my stomach, which is currently growling at me.

Choosing a lazy but put-together outfit, I hunt down some shoes and exit the room to get breakfast. There aren't many royals out in the hall this morning so I am surrounded by silence. There was an occasional sound of a bird singing outside, but besides that, nothing much was happening.

I reach the dining room and I make my way to the back where the room is. The tables are scattered with a few royals by themselves and a few in groups. The groups talk in a sleepy tone and the others, who decided to spend some time by themselves, go unbothered.

There are many foods to choose from. The bacon looks good but they serve that every day, so I decided to go for one of the newer blueberry muffins and some fruit. After that, I picked out a bagel for Fox and I packed it to-go because eating outside sounds nice today.

While I was gathering my breakfast, I overheard a few cooks talking about some recent news.

"Listen, Mary," One of the ladies passionately says to the other, "I know what I heard and if I think about it, royals are going missing."

Royals? Missing? I haven't noticed anything weird happen in this school so I'm sure they're talking about somewhere else. I brush the gossip off and I continue my morning.

As I was walking back towards my room, I sat down for a quick second to adjust the food boxes. A flash of red caught my eye in the mirror across from me. I look up from where I am seated and see Arlo's face looking back at me. Surprised, I let out a little chuckle and observed how his smile grew through the mirror. Standing up I see a sleepy Arlo leaning against the wall of the hall where the boy's rooms are.

"Fancy seeing you here, quite the morning person aren't you?" He says after we greet each other.

I feel a bit distracted at first as he looks cute with his uncombed hair.

"Hm? Oh yes!" I responded after a second. "The early bird gets the worm you know." Then I showed my breakfast boxes. Ew, why did I say that? Would he think that's childish to say? I set out a nervous chuckle after. I have to get my act together, I was normal when I ate dinner with him last night. Why am I being so weird?

Luckily, he found it funny and that calmed my nerves a bit. We then talked about last night's dinner and how nice that was. It was nice. I found it random at first because I had not interacted with him before. I also thought it was weird that his friend joined us. Fox has told me about how rude his friend, Robin, can be. But he was totally polite at first. He made a few snarky comments, but other than that I'd consider him a good guy.

"Welp, I have to get back to Fox, it was nice seeing you!" 

"You too," He gave me another one of his heart-melting smiles, "Cya, around." Arlo then walked off toward the dining room and I turned to go back to my room.

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Welp, this was a short one! I appreciate all the views I am getting <3 love you all !!

Robin's Songजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें