Chapter Fifty-one: BTE (Best Trio Ever).

Start from the beginning

"Okay now, off you go, brother. I need to have a girls' chat with my friends." Amber says.

"Fine. I've got some boys' chat to do with my friends too." Ambrose says.

"Good for you." Amber says as she turns to me and Michelle.

"Alright guys, I'll see you later." Ambrose says.

"You too, Ambrose." Michelle says.

"Thanks for the invite." I say.

"It's nothing." Ambrose smacks his sister's head playfully "That's for smacking my head for no good reason!" Ambrose says from a distance while running off.

"You can't run know!! What an asshole." Amber mutters, her hand at the back of the smacked area of head.

Michelle and I chuckle at Amber.

"That dude needs to grow up." Amber says, sitting beside Michelle.

"I think your brother is adorable." Michelle says.

"Adorable but can be a fucking brat." Amber says.

"God, he has gotten more handsome and even sexier. I just realized I didn't notice much at the birthday and engagement party." Michelle says.

"Gross Michelle, not my brother. Hope you're not planning to flirt with him 'cause he's got a girlfriend who would pull out your hairs before I do." Amber says.

"Okay, that sounds like a deadly indirect threat." Michelle says.

"Maybe it is. What's with you and setting your mind at hooking up at a party?" Amber asks.

"You ask as if you don't know me. You know I like to explore, as long as I'm not with my own person. I know it's a slutty thing to do but it's just me. Nothing changes that, not even my feelings for my gender. I'm bi after all." Michelle says.

"You know you're not totally bi....I's not like you've fucked a did kiss a girl though...." Amber says, looking at me.

"That was gross by the way." I say.

"I'm sorry about that. I know I haven't fucked a girl before but having sexual thoughts and feelings about a girl is enough for me to know that I'm bi." Michelle says.

"True though...." Amber says.

"Right. Speaking of this, I don't know if I have to ask this but, what're you gonna do about Caleb?" I ask.

"Yes, about Caleb. Does he know about your sexuality?" Amber asks.

"He doesn't. I didn't tell him 'cause he doesn't need to know." Michelle says.

"So, you gonna keep dating him?" I ask.

"Well.....I know he's toxic jerk.....but I must admit, he's a great fucker." Michelle says.

"Michelle!!!" Amber and I yell at the same time.

"What? It's not like you guys don't know how much sexual satisfaction matters to me." Michelle says.

"What're you? A sex addict?" Amber asks.

"I'm not even gonna argue that." Michelle says.

Amber scoffs while I roll my eyes.

Michelle smirks at us.

"Guess you're never gonna change." Amber says.

"I may change in other ways but for that, I'm not sure yet." Michelle says.

"Thank goodness you said yet 'cause I have a feeling that you're gonna get tired of it one day. I remember I was almost a sex addict but then I realized that sex isn't as important as we make it seem. Sex isn't bad.....I mean, the pleasure is something else but it doesn't really matter. That's why I could stay like a week or more without doing it with my boyfriend......ex-boyfriend." Amber says.

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