Endgame, Part 1

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A day after the incident that brought the end of Cybertron, Jazz was helping Prowl master the Processor over matter technique, which is kind of like the trick Jedi from Star Wars use to make things float. So far, Jazz was witnessing Prowl making an oil barrel float up in the air. Jazz: "Not bad Prowl, how come you haven't been able to finish the training before I came?" asked Jazz, before Bumblebee and Bulkhead, in their vehicle modes, zoomed into the room and almost hit the Cyber ninjas and crashed into a wall. Prowl: "That's two reasons right there..." Bulkhead: "Where's boss bot and Ratchet?!, they gotta get this news!" called out Bulkhead, before Optimus Prime and Ratchet came to the scene. Optimus Prime: "What is it Bulkhead?, what's the emergency?" Bulkhead: "Well... it turns out that Omega Supreme is still online, I mean the scanners picked up his energy signature, and from they tell me..." Bumblebee: "He's located on earth's moon!" Ratchet: "What?!, are you sure?" Bulkhead: "Yeah, I find it hard to believe, especially after what you told me what happened on Cybertron." Bumblebee: "Yeah, no thanks to that glitch head, Sentinel Prime." Ratchet: "He's not a prime anymore, remember, he got demoted." Bumblebee: "I know, served him right, being a jerk got the better of him." Optimus Prime: "Bumblebee, I know Sentinel is a bot that's hard to get along with, but I'm sure he didn't mean any harm." Bumblebee: "Why being on his side?, after everything he put us through?, like kicking us out of Autobot boot camp just for dropping a tower on him, getting you expelled from the academy after what happened to Elita 1 on that spider planet when it was his idea to go there in the first place, and now our home planet is gone because of him!" Optimus Prime: "Now is not the time for the blame game, we need to focus on Omega Supreme." Ratchet: "Prime's right, like how is it possible for him being still online..." asked Ratchet, before Sari and Ben came to the scene. Sari: "I might have a guess." Prowl: "You do?" Sari: "Well kind of... I kind of had this dream last night, it showed me the AllSpark fragments we put into the spark chamber of Omega Supreme, glowed and brought the ship sized Autobot back together along with the Decepticons and a pink female Autobot as well." that was when Alpha Trion came to the scene and heard what she said. Alpha Trion: "It's possible that you had a vision from the AllSpark, warning you about the upcoming danger." Ben: "Uh... didn't the AllSpark blew up some time ago?" Optimus Prime: "Not exactly, more like it's energy was dispersed, becoming many shards of itself." Alpha Trion: "Yes, Ultra Magnus told me about what you did to keep it from falling into Megatron's hands, it might have been the right choice if it meant preventing Cybertron from being doomed." Bumblebee: "Apparently won't matter if they did anymore, since that glitch head Sentinel blew it up." Optimus Prime: "Will you let it go already?, how do you think Sentinel feels about what happened to the planet?" Bumblebee: "A fool maybe?" Sari: "Come on Bumblebee, as much as I agree that Sentinel is a jerk, we have to focus on the situation with Omega Supreme." Ben: "Speaking of which... wonder what Megatron's up to this time..." asked Ben, before the scene changes sets to the surface of the moon, where Megatron was watching Shockwave trying to hack into Arcee's processor in order to get the activation codes. He wasn't alone, there was also Blitzwing, a rebuilt Soundwave with Laserbeak, the two Constructicons, Mixmaster and Scrapper, the other loyal cyclops, Lugnut, and Slipstream (voiced by Tara Strong), a female Starscream clone. They were all Decepticons on earth that were summoned by Megatron to get ready for their uprising on earth. Megatron: "Any luck my loyal servant?" Shockwave: "Not much, I only managed to find records of her mind when she was a school teacher before the war." Megatron: "No matter, for if there's any bot that can get those codes, it is you, my loyal Shockwave." Starscream: "Uh oh... it seems that Megatron has a new favorite... and it's not you Lugnut." said Starscream, making Lugnut jealous of Shockwave getting Megatron's good side instead of him. Lugnut: "No!, I am the most loyal!" Shockwave: "Have you fried some circuits?!, I'm trying to work here!" Megatron: "Oh for Cybertronian sake..." said Megatron, annoyed by the chaos between Lugnut and Shockwave, completely unaware that Starscream's head was rolling away from the scene, heading towards the now abandoned Decepticon ship that he used to get himself to earth. Back on earth, the Autobots were trying to plan their next move. Sentinel was at the corner, still feeling very down for his demotion. Ratchet: "I believe we'll need to use the Magnus hammer." Optimus Prime: "We can't... it's for a Magnus to use... and noun of us are a Magnus, especially me." Sentinel: "That's for sure." Alpha Trion: "Silence Sentinel!, he'd be a much better one than you'll ever had or will!" said Alpha Trion in an angry tone at Sentinel, still mad about what happened to Cybertron. Optimus Prime: "Please Alpha Trion, now is not the time, we need to stop Megatron before he makes his move... maybe I can give myself an upgrade that will let fly, giving me an advantage in the air so I can keep up with him." Ratchet: "Are you out of your processor?, Autobots don't fly." Bulkhead: "What about Omega Supreme?, he's an Autobot and he can fly." Bumblebee: "And don't forget about Swoop of the Dinobots, or Prowl with his jet pack." Sari: "Or my own jet pack." Ratchet: "Alright... fair point..." Ben: "Hey... speaking of the Dinobots, we should give them a call so they can aid us in the upcoming battle." Sari: "Good idea, and we can get Wreck-Gar as well." Ratchet: "Are you sure about that?" Optimus Prime: "We'll need all the help we can get." Prowl: "And the jet pack might work, it's about time we have an advantage in the sky to keep up with the Decepticons." Jazz: "Let's hope it'll work, or else we're history, which won't be groovy." Optimus Prime: "And we need to know what Megatron's up to..." Ben: "If only we have something that will let us eavesdrop on Megatron..." Prowl: "I can go to the moon and find out." Jazz: "And miss out on completing your Cyber ninja training?, no dice." Optimus Prime: "Then we'll have to send someone else." said Optimus Prime, before he and everyone in the room was looking at a certain yellow Autobot. Bumblebee: "Why is everybody looking at me?... why does everybody always looking at me?!" asked Bumblebee in dismay, before realizing that he was getting the job on spying the Decepticons on the moon. Speaking of the moon, inside the ruins of the Decepticon ship, Starscream's head was hopping on some buttons that turned some machinery on, and on a table was an incomplete Cybertronian body that's a clone to his old one without a head. Some of the machinery grabs what looked like a body made of liquid metal, which was in fact one of the Protoforms that were stolen from Cybertron long ago, into the body, and arms and legs were formed to connect the body with the hands and feet. It wasn't long before one of the machinery picks up Starscream's head and screws it onto the body, making the Decepticon whole again. Starscream: "Ah... it's so nice to have a real body again." said Starscream, before Megatron comes to the scene, pointing his fusion cannon at his opponent. Megatron: "Enjoy it while you can, Starscream, it's the last one you'll ever have." Starscream: "Wait a minute Megatron!, I was just creating an army that will aid your invasion on earth." Megatron: "Oh but you think too small Starscream, I have much bigger plans with these Protoforms." Starscream: "You're going to clone yourself?" Megatron: "Bigger..." Starscream: "Wait... not the idiot Lugnut, right?" Megatron: "Bigger..." said Megatron with an evil grin, pointing at a certain giant Cybertronian outside. Starscream: "Oh... I see..." said Starscream, finally realizing who Megatron is gonna clone for his invasion on the planet. Meanwhile, back on earth, Jazz was helping Prowl master his Processor over matter on Dinobot island, and the Dinobots were watching from behind the bushes, curious about what the two Autobots were doing. Jazz: "Now Prowl, you must commune with the AllSpark... it's all around us..." Prowl: "Yes..." said Prowl, before he continues his meditation, and then an AllSpark fragment was formed in front of him. Jazz: "An AllSpark fragment?, crazy..." Prowl: "Well on this planet, the AllSpark really is all around us." said Prowl, while holding the AllSpark fragment. On the moon, Bumblebee arrived through a transwarp thruster so he could plant a transmitter on the area, but dropped it by mistake and Scrapper stepped on it, totally unaware of it. Bumblebee: "Oh man... the transmitter... what will I do now...?, after I find a place to hide from all of these Decepticons..." said Bumblebee, before he went inside Omega Supreme, and it wasn't long before he finds Arcee on her bed, with wires on her head. Bumblebee: "That must be Arcee... hmm... I can't get her out of here if those wires are what's keeping her online... ah, I can turn on her com-link, that should do the trick." said Bumblebee, before he turns on Arcee's com-link and used the thruster to warp himself back to earth. Bulkhead: "Did you get the transmitter in place?" Bumblebee: "Well... not exactly... but I did managed to turn on Arcee's com-link, so we should hear what Megatron and the other Decepticons are planning." said Bumblebee, before they turned on their com-links and hearing from Megatron that he was building something big on the moon. Outside of the plant, Ratchet, Ben, Sari, and Professor Sumdac, were working on a jet pack for Optimus Prime to use for the upcoming battle. There were a few problems, but Sari managed to scan the device and discovers the problem. Ben: "You seemed to have a knack with machines... too bad Captain Fanzone has an opposite relationship with them." Sari: "Yeah, and speaking of which, dad, you better tell him that the city should be evacuated, just in case for the attack to be really big." Professor Sumdac: "Good idea, we can't risk the lives here when Megatron makes his move." said the professor, before he and Ratchet finished fixing the problem on the pack, and soon it had wings to stabilize the flight pattern for Optimus Prime. Once it turned on, Optimus Prime was flying around in the air, and he seems to be enjoying it. Optimus Prime: "Ha, it's no wonder most of the Decepticons like to fly, it's a lot of fun." not too far away, Slipstream, the female Starscream clone, was flying nearby, in search of the Autobot base when she saw Prime. Slipstream: "A flying Autobot?, well not for long." said Slipstream, before she tries to fire her null ray at the Autobot, only for Ben, as Stink Fly, rams her away so the blasts would miss. Stink Fly Ben: "Sorry lady, but no one hurts one of my friends on my watch." Slipstream: "I don't know what you are, but anyone who's friends of an Autobot is an enemy of mine." said Slipstream, before she tries to attack again, only at Ben this time, before Optimus got in the way and fell into a river. Stink Fly Ben: "Prime!" said Ben, before he lands on the ground, checking to see if Optimus was okay. Optimus Prime: "Well... that could have gone better..." Stink Fly Ben: "Are you okay?" Optimus Prime: "Well... I'm still functional, I just hope that I can still hold off Megatron when he comes... even though I couldn't even hold off one of Starscream's clones..." Stink Fly Ben: "You took the hit to save me, so it wasn't your fault." meanwhile, back on the moon, Megatron orders his Decepticon troops to place the Protoforms into 3 Omega Supreme clone shells, which gave them legs and arms to attach the hands and feet to the body. Shockwave takes Arcee outside, finally found the file of the activation codes, activating the transfer of the codes, only the codes were downloaded into Lugnut. Starscream: "Ha, looks like Megatron's plan has failed, the codes went into the wrong bot." Megatron: "Oh have they?" Starscream: "Oh you don't expect me to believe that you actually planned to have the clones imprint on that idiot." Megatron: "Of course, if the clones had my personality, they might plan to overthrow me, but not with the personality of my most loyal lieutenant." Lugnut: "Ah, I am honored my lord." Icy Blitzwing: "Makes sense, I can't think of any other bot that's more loyal to Megatron than Lugnut." then Blitzwing switches faces. Hothead Blitzwing: "And noun are more double crossing than Starscream!" said Blitzwing, before switching his face once again. Random Blitzwing: "Oh!, I hope you order them to do the hokey pokey!, ah, ha, ha, ha!" Starscream: "Well even so, you'll need my AllSpark fragment to bring them online." Megatron: "Who needs your fragment, when I can use the fragments from Omega Supreme, in other words... you're no longer any use to me, and think of this as an example of what happens to those who would dare try to overthrow me." said Megatron, before he fires his fusion at Starscream, breaking the treacherous Decepticon's new body into many pieces. Back on the earth, Ratchet was repairing Optimus Prime, when the Dinobots, Wreck-Gar, and the Autobot ninjas, came to the scene. Ratchet: "Serves you right for not bringing the Magnus hammer, I told ya that we'll need it." Optimus Prime: "But holding it isn't in my programming... and I'm not a Magnus." that was when Alpha Trion came to the scene, heard what Optimus said. Alpha Trion: "Optimus, I know that you still blame yourself for what happened to Elita 1, Ultra Magnus told me about it... and Sari told me about how you took the blame for everything so Sentinel wouldn't get in trouble... but you must let go of the past, so we can all have a future." Prowl: "And sometimes fate makes it's own programming." Optimus Prime: "Maybe..." Grimlock: "Me Grimlock bored, when Dinobots fight Decepticons?" Swoop: "Yes, me Swoop want action." Snarl: "Yeah... me Snarl want to bash bad robots!" Wreck-Gar: "I am Wreck-Gar, I'm ready to save the city from Decepticons." Alpha Trion: "So... these are the back up I was told about?" Prowl: "Yes, but it's better than no back up." that was when Sentinel came to the scene. Sentinel: "Oh come on, you really think these bots have what it takes to deal with the Decepticons?" Ratchet: "They might be new to the job, but they're all we got now." Bulkhead: "Uh... guys, I lost Arcee's signal... but it seems that there are new signals on the moon." Bumblebee: "What do you mean by that?" Bulkhead: "I don't know... it's just a guess... but there might be new Cybertronians there." Sentinel: "That's impossible, the only way that could happened is as if the AllSpark was there." Ratchet: "Omega Supreme... he still has the AllSpark fragments in his spark chamber... and Megatron must have used them to create new Decepticons." Optimus Prime: "How many?" Bulkhead: "Um... 3 of them." Sentinel: "Only 3?, this should be easy then." Alpha Trion: "Don't be too sure..." Ben: "Yeah... why do I get the feeling that these 3 new Decepticons are gonna be real powerhouses...?" meanwhile on the moon, the Omega Supreme clones, or in this case, the Lugnut Supreme clones, came online, and Lugnut transfers the codes into them, but due to a glitch, Lugnut has to stay behind inside Omega Supreme with Shockwave on the moon to coordinate them. Megatron: "Are you sure you can't fix the glitch?" Shockwave: "I'll try, but until then, you have to command them through Lugnut." Megatron: "Very well, as long as my goal to conquer this planet as my own succeeds... onward my fellow Decepticons." said Megatron, before he and the rest of the Decepticons took a ride on one of the Lugnut Supreme clones, and flew off to earth. Meanwhile, at the Autobot base, the Autobots take a look outside and see the Lugnut Supreme clones coming towards the city. Optimus: "This can't be good..." Ratchet: "Nope... we're definitely gonna need the hammer..." said Ratchet, before the Lugnut Supreme clones were now hovering above the city of Detroit.

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