Omniverse Air

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It took some time, but the space bridge of earth is finally completed, located on top of Sumdac tower, so all that's left is for Bulkhead to make sure that it's safe to use. Bulkhead: "Okay... gotta make sure the structure is sturdy and make sure the plasma dynamic thruster is installed right or this thing will malfunction, or worse, and we'll need the retrieval beacon so we don't warp around space randomly." Ratchet: "Since when are you a genius on anything?" Bulkhead: "Oh come on, I had a lot of time learning a lot about space bridge tech back at the Energon farm, I always had a knack for it." Bumblebee: "Too bad the Decepticons used your skill to finish their own." Bulkhead: "I didn't had a choice, they were gonna harm Professor Sumdac if I didn't, and beside, if the space bridge doesn't get completed right and overload, it would have warp have of the state into the far reaches of the galaxy, which would have happened if Omega Supreme didn't absorbed the transwarp energy." Optimus Prime: "Speaking of which, we need to find and free him from Megatron and Starscream's control, it's only a matter of time before they'll be able to stop him to transwarp around space randomly." Professor Sumdac: "Yes, which is why we need to make sure this space bridge is not only operational, but safe to use as well." Bulkhead: "Trust me, I know what I'm doing when it comes to space bridges." Professor Sumdac: "Well so do I, for I've done it before." Bulkhead: "Yeah, for Megatron." Professor Sumdac: "There was no need to bring that up!" while Bulkhead and Professor Sumdac continued arguing, Sari went to the controls, then her eyes started to glow blue, and her fingers turned into more robotic looking fingers that started typing on the controls, like she knew what she was doing, much to Ben's surprise. Ben: "Uh Sari... are you okay?" asked Ben, while Sari didn't responded until she stopped typing, and the space bridge started to turn on. Sari: "Whoa... that was weird..." Ben: "What just happened?" Sari: "I don't know... it was like the machine... spoke to me... and told me what to do..." it wasn't long before the Autobots and the professor noticed that the space bridge was on, and the teens told them what happened. Bulkhead: "How did you do it?, I mean you didn't have your key anymore." Sari: "I don't know... maybe I gained some ability to talk to machines when I got my upgrade." Optimus Prime: "We'll figure it out later, right now we need to see if the space bridge can get us to find Omega Supreme." suddenly, something or someone fell out of the transwarp sphere of the Space bridge and Ben managed to catch it in time. Of course the teen was surprised to see that what he caught was the 10 year old Ben Tennyson from the Ben 10 prime dimension. Sari: "Isn't that... the younger Ben from the Ben Prime dimension?" Ben: "I think so... but what's he doing here, and why did he came out of the space bridge?" that was when some more humans came out of the space bridge, which were really Gwen 10, Ben 10,000, and of course Eon, who was attacking the good Tennyson(s), before making a run for it and Ben 10,000 continues to chase him, while Gwen came over to the teens. Gwen: "Well, this is a surprise." Ben: "Gwen?, what's going on?" Bumblebee: "Yeah... I'm a little confused myself..." it wasn't long before young Ben finally woke up and was amazed by the sight of the Autobots. Young Ben: "Whoa!, awesome!, giant robots!, uh... are you the good guys or the bad guys?" Optimus Prime: "We're Autobots, protectors of life... so we're the good guys." young Ben: "Cool!, uh... why does this guy look like an older version of me?" Ben: "Um... it's a long story..." said Ben, before he and Sari started explaining to the group about their adventure in the Ben Multiverse and stuff. Ben: "So... there's a bunch of different versions of me... and you're one of them?" Ben: "Yeah, and it looks like the Multiverse might be in trouble again." once Ben said that, a portal opened, and out came Professor Paradox, the time traveler himself. Professor Paradox: "You are correct Ben, as Eon is back in action and trying to capture your other selves again." Ben: "Yeah, We kind of figured that when we saw him came out of the space bridge along with my other selves and Gwen here." Sari: "Speaking of which, why did they came out of the space bridge anyway?" Professor Paradox: "Because your space bridge turned on at the exact same time when Eon opened up a portal while trying to kidnap young Ben and Gwen from their dimensions, and Ben 10,000 went after them." Bumblebee: "You mean that guy that looked like Ben, but as a grown up?" Ben: "He's me, but of another dimension, and a grown up." Professor Sumdac: "Amazing... I've always heard about theories that involve parallel worlds... but I didn't think they could be true until now." young Ben: "Well I don't know about you, but I got a bad guy's butt to kick." said young Ben, before he went to use his Omnitrix to change himself into Heat Blast, before heading off to who knows where. Gwen: "He never stays in one spot for more than a few minutes..." Sari: "Well if Eon is back, we better help him." Ben: "Yeah, it's hero time!" said Ben, before he used his own Omnitrix to change himself into XLR8, and racing off to where his young counterpart ran off to. Sari went to use her robot form and went off with Gwen to follow Ben, and some of the Autobots, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Prowl, went to follow the teenagers to aid them for their upcoming battle as well. Bumblebee: "I don't fully understand what's going on, but I'm in the real mood for some action." Prowl: "And from what Sari told us, this Eon character will be dangerous." Optimus Prime: "Which is why we need to be very careful, there's no telling what he's capable of." it wasn't long before he and the other two Autobots arrived where the Ben(s), Sari and Gwen are, who are facing Eon. Young Ben: "Alright Eon, it's time to send you back to where you came from." Eon: "Don't think you can beat me now just because I don't have that double crossing Vilgax with me, I'm just as dangerous as him, perhaps even more." Gwen: "You might be an evil version of my cousin, but that won't stop me from taking you down." Eon: "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing to you." said Eon, before he fires a beam from his hand, which Gwen managed to dodge, but gasped in shock when she saw how a car that got hit by the beam, turned into dust. Bumblebee: "He vaporized that car!" Eon: "Hardly, what I did was speed up it's time, aging it until it became dust, as I not only can travel through space, but travel through time as well." XLR8 Ben: "Oh man... I sure hate to get hit by that beam..." Heat Blast young Ben: "No kidding, at first I was worried about turning into an old man... but becoming dust is even worse..." Prowl: "Then it's best for all of us to avoid that beam, or we're finished." Eon: "Don't think that I'll make that easy for ya all." said Eon, before he begins to fire more beams from his hands at his enemies, who managed to dodge them in time. Suddenly, teenage Ben's Omnitrix timed out and he changed back into his human form. Ben: "Oh man... not now!" Gwen: "Hang on!" said Gwen, before she used her own Omnitrix turn herself into a female version of Diamond Head, and fires some crystals at Eon, who tries to dodge them but gets hit a few times. Bumblebee uses his stingers to fire some blasts at Eon, who felt a little stung by them. Optimus Prime: "Make sure not to harm him too much, remember, he's still a human being." Bumblebee: "Yeah, but that won't stop him from trying to harm us." Eon: "You got that right." said Eon, before he continues to attack. It wasn't long before the Omnitrix on teenage Ben got back on, and Ben uses it to turn himself into what looked like an alien covered in orange armor on the back and arms. The alien was called Cannon Bolt, and Ben 10,000 told him to roll like a ball, which allowed him to not only deflect some blasts, but he managed to flatten Eon as well. Cannon Bolt Ben: "Wow, I'll bet Eon's flattened like a pancake now." Diamond Head Gwen: "Doubt it's ever that easy." Heat Blast young Ben: "No kidding, look!" said young Ben in his Heat Blast form, as Eon starts to get back on his feet, before Ben 10,000 throws a small ball at Eon, which released some sort of cold mist that formed a big block of ice that traps Eon inside of it. Once Eon was defeated, the Ben(s) and Gwen turned back into their human forms. Sari: "Whoa... what did you do to him?" Ben 10,000: "I used a freeze bomb on him, putting him into a frozen state that puts him in suspended animated, he won't cause trouble in there." young Ben: "Why didn't you used it before?" Ben 10,000: "Well for starters, I had to get close enough and get him to be still long enough to work, and there's not a lot of fun of kicking butt if you used it right away." Ben: "Well... I guess that's fair." Prowl: "Even if it means avoided damage to the area?" Ben 10,000: "Well... okay, fair enough." Gwen: "The grown up Ben might be more mature compared to the other Ben(s)... but he's still Ben..." Ben(s): "Dweeb." Optimus Prime: "Well at least the danger has passed." Ben 10,000: "Yes, now all I gotta do now is to get Eon locked up and get young Ben here and Gwen back to their own dimensions." said Ben 10,000, before Professor Paradox came to the scene through a portal. Professor Paradox: "Allow me." said the time traveling professor, before he leads the other Ben(s), Gwen and a frozen Eon through the portal. Ben: "It was nice to see ya guys again." Ben 10,000: "Same here." Gwen: "So long doofus." Ben: "Smell ya later, dweeb." said Ben, before his other selves and Gwen went into the portal and vanished. While traveling back to their own dimensions, Professor Paradox erased young Ben's memory about what happened on Detroit as he was not supposed to know about his other selves till a bit later in the future. It wasn't long before young Ben woke up inside his grandpa's motor home, with his grandpa and cousin, having no memory about what happened with Eon and the Transformers. Back at Detroit, Ben, Sari and the Autobots returned to the top of Sumdac tower. Professor Sumdac: "So this Eon character has been taken care of?" Ben: "Yeah, and the other me(s) and Gwen are back to their home dimensions." Bumblebee: "A Multiverse full of Ben(s)... sounds like something from those super hero comics I sometimes read." Sari: "You've been looking into my comic books?" Bumblebee: "What?, like you're the only one who gets to read books about super heroes?" Bulkhead: "Never mind about that, cause we still need to use the space bridge to bring back Omega Supreme from Megatron." Ratchet: "No kidding... there's no telling what he'll do once he takes full control on Omega Supreme..." said Ratchet, as he was still worried about the Autobot ship Transformer, who is also his friend.

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