Encounter Of The Ben(s)

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After the incident with the S.U.V. group, Sari was showing Ben around the building of Sumdac Tower. Sari: "I think there's a Mr Smoothie food court here somewhere..." Ben: "Great, I love Mr Smoothie, by the way, thanks for showing me around here." Sari: "It's the least I can do for helping me stop those creeps." Ben: "No problem... though sometimes I wished that I could have done more..." said Ben, before he and Sari made it to a food court that said 'Mr Smoothie', and they went to take a zip of the smoothies there. Sari: "So... you have Captain Fanzone as your uncle huh?" Ben: "Yeah, I guess it's kind of cool in a way, but you have the famous Professor Sumdac as your dad, so that's something." Sari: "Yeah, though if you ask me, I feel like I'm the one taking care of him sometimes as he tends to overwork himself and forget to sleep or eat and I have to help him with that." Ben: "Well I'll bet he gets an ear ache from hearing my uncle complaining about whenever a robot malfunctions or something." Sari: "Well Captain Fanzone was never a big fan on machines, and I guess machines are no fans of his either." Ben: "I'll bet..." after finishing their smoothies, they went back to the lobby, only to hear foot steps behind that wasn't their own. They turned around and saw no one, but when they turned forward, they see a teenager with white hair and red cloths in front of them,. But the most shocking fact about this teen was that he looked like Ben, who goes by the name of Albedo (voiced Yuri Lowenthal). Sari: "Whoa... did we took some bad smoothies...?" Ben: "Well... maybe..." Albedo: "I can assure you that I'm for real... name's Albedo, and I've been looking for you, Ben Tennyson." Ben: "Me?, what for, and why do you look like me?, only with white hair and red eyes?" Albedo: "It's a long story, but let's just say I have a score to settle with you... well your prime counterpart anyway." Ben: "My prime counterpart?, what are you talking about?" Albedo: "If I was a nice guy, I would tell you what's going on... but I'm not a nice guy... so let's skip to the part where I end your life here!" said Albedo, before pressed a button on some strange watch on his wrist, and when he slammed it, he changed into what looked like some sort of big red four armed alien called Four Arms, much to Ben and Sari's shock. Ben: "What the?!" Sari: "Looks like we have a new villain in Detroit, which means it's time to kick some butt!" said Sari, before she transformed into robot mode, and went to attack to the transformed Albedo, who was surprised to see Sari's transformation. Four Arms Albedo: "I see... you're part Cybertronian, interesting... but it doesn't matter, for your time ends here!" Ben: "What's going on here?!" asked Ben in shock, before what looked like a large alien insect burst through the windows and punched Albedo away from the teens. Before they could say anything, Ben and Sari were being carried away by the alien insect, and soon were brought to a junkyard. Suddenly, once they got to the ground, a beeping sound was heard, and then with a flash of red light, the alien bug was gone, but a 10 year old kid appeared in it's place. Of course the real shock for Ben was that the kid was someone he knew too well. Ben: "Are you... me?"asked Ben, looking at a young Ben (voiced by Tara Strong) in front of him. young Ben: "Well... kind of... but from another dimension." Sari: "Other dimensions?, I knew there was other planets with life, but there are other dimensions?" young Ben: "Well I'm proof." Sari: "But how did you get here?" young Ben: "Ask him." said young Ben, before a portal appeared and out came a man named Professor Paradox (voiced by David McCallum), a time and dimension traveler. Professor Paradox: "Greetings Ben... and young Ben and miss Sari Sumdac." Sari: "You know who I am?" Professor Paradox: "I know more than just your name, daughter of Professor Issac Sumdac, part human and part Cybertronian due to being a Protoform originally that got fused with the Professor's DNA." Sari: "Okay... that's spooky..." Professor Paradox: "When you travel though time and space as I have, you would know a lot of things... let me introduce myself, I am Professor Paradox, a being who has the power to travel though space and time." Sari and Ben: "Cool!" Professor Paradox: "Yes, it is cool in a way, now... I'm sure you're wondering what's going on... well let me explain." said the professor, before showing a hologram of some kind of tree with images of Ben on parts of the trunk and branches. Sari: "What is this?" Professor Paradox: "Well have you ever imagined a time line as a tree... well this image shows the time line that involves Ben Tennyson, the trunk is the main time line, on the bottom is Ben when he was only 10 years old." young Ben: "That's me." Professor Paradox: "Yes, the Prime Ben, and in the middle is a Ben in his teen years, and on the top is a Ben as a grown up." Sari: "And the branches?" Professor Paradox: "The branches represent alternate time lines, alternate dimensions you might say." Ben: "So that guy with the white hair was one of those other me(s), but evil?" Professor Paradox: "Sort of, he's really an alien named Albedo, who's trapped in your form due to creating an inferior copy of the Omnitrix." Ben: "The what?" young Ben: "The watch that turned him or me into aliens." Sari: "Was that how he became that four armed guy?" Professor Paradox: "Yes, and this alternate time line is different compared to the others, as not only the Ben here lives in a city with the Autobots, but also one without the Omnitrix, as all the other other Ben(s) always have a connection with the Omnitrix." Ben: "Whoa... so there is a Multiverse where I not only have a watch that turns me into aliens, but as a hero too...?" Professor Paradox: "Something like that, but it's not the Omnitrix itself that makes your counterparts special, it's the other way around. Young Ben: "Grandpa Max sometimes tells me that." Ben: "Wait... so you still have your grandpa?" young Ben: "Yeah, sorry about what happened to yours." Ben: "How did you..." young Ben: "Your future self told me." Ben: "My what?" young Ben: "Look, I'm having a hard time understanding this myself... time travel is a real headache." Sari: "Anyway... what's with that Albedo guy being here?" Professor Paradox: "Not sure, but I'm guessing he has teamed up with Eon, another time/dimension traveler that is also an evil counterpart of Ben here, and he, Albedo and another evil individual, are traveling through dimensions to find, collect or destroy the Ben Tennyson(s)." Ben: "What can we do?" Professor Paradox: "For you boy, you must keep out of sight from Albedo or the other villains, while your prime counterpart and Sari will protect you while I figure out how to stop them." Ben: "But I want to help too." young Ben: "You can help by not being an easy target, while I go hero and kick some butt." Sari: "Don't be overconfident little Ben... that and arrogance comes before a fall, I learned that the hard way..." Ben: "Me too... especially when I lost my family..." said Ben to himself quietly, with only the Professor and Sari hearing him. Suddenly, a purple blast came out of nowhere and almost hits the group, only for them to dodge it in time. It wasn't long before the culprit of the blast appeared, who was Eon (voiced by Judd Nelson) himself. Eon: "It was not easy to find you... Ben Tennyson without an Omnitrix... but I'm sure I'll be easy to end you." said Eon, with an evil grin on his face.

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