Multiverse Time Bomb

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Last time on Transformers Omniverse, Ben has learned that there is a Multiverse of alternate time lines that not only has their own version of himself, but his counterparts have a special watch that allows them to change into heroic aliens. But there are also evil Ben(s) too, like Eon for example, who has found Ben and out to destroy him. Ben: "Let me guess... Eon?" Professor Paradox: "That is correct, and he's not the only one here." said the professor, before Albedo shows up, standing next to him was a large alien with an octopus face. The new arrival was Vilgax (voiced by Steve Blum), and he was someone that the young Ben knew. Vilgax: "There's nowhere left to run for you." Ben: "Uh... is that another evil me?" asked Ben, which made both Vilgax, Eon and Albedo laugh. Vilgax; "So sorry, but do you realize how funny that sounds?" young Ben: "That's Vilgax, the guy who wants the watch, and somehow my grandpa knew him." Professor Paradox: "As much as I want to explain that, it's best to save those details to your grandpa once the threat is over." young Ben: "Fine by me, it's hero time!" said Ben, before he pressed a button on his Omnitrix and slammed it, causing him to change into an alien that was like a large orange dog with no eyes, and yet it had some sort of gills that were used for smelling, allowing it to see it's surroundings without eyes. It was called Wild Mutt, and young Ben in that form used it's claws to slash on the villains. Sari: "Well I can help too, right Professor?... uh... Professor Paradox?" Ben: "Hey... where did he go?" suddenly, another portal opened, and out came the professor, with what looked an adult version of Ben and a girl around the same age as young Ben with orange hair. Professor Paradox: "As young Ben Tennyson would say... it's hero time!" said the professor, before the adult Ben and the orange hair girl used their own Omnitrix to change themselves into a grown up version of the red four armed alien or a female blue lizard that has a black helmet on and goes really fast. Sari: "Well I'm gonna help too." Professor Paradox: "No, you must make sure that Vilgax and the other villains must not harm this Ben as he can't fight back." Sari: "Oh... you're right." Ben: "Oh man... so while all the other me(s) stop the bad guys, I can only just hide and watch?" Professor Paradox: "Well that's one way to look at it..." said the professor, as Ben continues to watch the battle between the villains and the Omnitrix wielders. It wasn't long before Vilgax pulls out what looked like some sort of large bomb with a clock winding key on top, and begins pushing some buttons. Eon: "What's that?" Vilgax: "A Multiverse time bomb, design to erase time lines." Eon: "You're gonna use it to erase this time line with the Ben Tennyson here?... nice." Vilgax: "On the contrary, this time line won't be effected, it's set to erase all the other time lines, including the Prime time line." Eon: "But... I'm a Ben Tennyson from a different time line... I'll be erase too!" Vilgax: "Yes, that was my plan from the beginning, once you and all the other Ben(s) are gone, there's nothing to stop me from using the Omnitrix and ruling the Multiverse." said Vilgax, before letting out an evil laugh that made everyone gasp in shock due to what the villain just said. Eon: "You double crosser!" Vilgax: "Don't be so surprise, it's not like we were ever friends to begin with, farewell." said Vilgax, before the bomb let's out an energy blast that made all the other Ben(s), including the girl, to vanish without a trace, except for the Ben without an Omnitrix as the bomb was set to get the others. The young Ben was starting to vanish too, but not before his Omnitrix fell out of his wrist and landed into the teen Ben's own wrist. Vilgax was about to charge towards Ben, when Professor Paradox got a hold of the teen and Sari, pulling them into the portal and vanished. Once Ben and Sari opened their eyes, they saw that they were in some sort of place known as the Time Void, where it was dark, no ground and they were floating. Ben: "What happened?" Professor Paradox: "I'm afraid that Vilgax has used the bomb to cut down the tree of your prime time line, along with it's branches..." Sari: "No... the bad guy couldn't have won... he couldn't!" Professor Paradox: "I fear he has... but only if we let him." Ben: "What do you mean?" Professor Paradox: "Well since Vilgax has cut down the tree... we must regrow it, by going back to the past and undo the damage." Sari: "We're gonna go back in time?... awesome!" Ben: "But... I'm no hero..." Professor Paradox: "Not yet, but now's your chance to be one." said thee professor, while Ben looks down at his young counterpart's Omnitrix on his wrist, and determination started to show on his face. Ben: "Alright... let's do this... it's hero time!" said Ben, ready to finally show the universe or in this case, Multiverse, that he can be a hero like the others.

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