This Is Why I Hate Machines

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At the top of Sumdac tower, Ratchet was working on getting the space bridge to locate Omega Supreme, but so far no luck. Ratchet: "Oh scrap... how does Bulkhead believe that this will work...?" said Ratchet, before Ben and Sari came to the scene. Sari: "Any luck?" Ratchet: "So far no, I'm just lucky that we're able to get this space bridge even working, and what are those badges you and Ben are holding?" asked Ratchet, looking at what looked like badges in the hands of the two teens. Ben: "Oh these?, they're devices that Professor Sumdac built in case we ever go to space." Sari: "Right, once you put them on your chest, and pressed them, a space suit automatically covers your whole body." Ben: "We happen to have an extra just in case." said Ben, before Captain Fanzone came to the scene, holding and talking through a phone. Captain Fanzone: "It's called Tech support, not taking excuses!, yes, get me Professor Issac Sumdac, and don't even think about putting me on... hold... the only thing I hate more than machines is tech support for machines!, where's Sumdac, I need him now!" Ratchet: "About what?" asked Ratchet, before some mini helicopter security drones came to the scene and attacking Captain Fanzone, who was trying to avoid getting hit by the drones' blasting. Sari: "Uh... we better help him." Ratchet: "You two do that, I got work to do on finding Omega Supreme with the space bridge." said Ratchet, as he continues to work on the space bridge while Sari and Ben went to help Captain Fanzone deal with the security drones. It wasn't long before the space bridge turns on, and the transwarp sphere begins to pull Captain Fanzone into it. Sari: "Captain Fanzone!" gasped Sari, before Ben jumps up and tries to not only go alien, but place the spacesuit badge on the police captain before getting transwarp to who knows where. Ratchet: "Okay... that's probably not good..." Sari: "We gotta go after them, who knows what's on the other side." Ratchet: "Fine, last thing I need is getting a scolding from Prime about putting Fanzone in harm's way." said Ratchet, before he and Sari went into the space bridge, in hopes to find Captain Fanzone and Ben. Meanwhile, on the planet Cybertron, Ben and Captain Fanzone appeared and the Autobots in the area freaked out by the sight of the humans. After trying to avoid getting stepped on, Captain Fanzone and Ben went to hide in an alley. Captain Fanzone: "Where the heck are we?, and why am I wearing this suit?" Grey Matter Ben: "That suit is what's keeping ya alive while on this planet... and speaking of which, by the residents here, I say we're on the home planet of the Autobots, Cybertron itself." Captain Fanzone: "Great... as if today couldn't be any worse... stranded on an alien planet..." Grey Matter Ben: "Technically, we're the aliens here as we're on their planet." Captain Fanzone: "Whatever... can you at least tell me there's a way back to earth." Grey Matter Ben: "Hmm... it's possible, they do have space bridge technology here." that was when Ratchet and Sari came to the scene and the human girl went to pick up Ben and hugged him. Sari: "Ben!, thank goodness you're okay... oh and you too Captain Fanzone, both of ya." Captain Fanzone: "Yeah, I'll be a lot better once we get back to earth." Ratchet: "Hmm... this concerns though... the space bridge back on earth locked to the current location of Omega Supreme, and if we ended up here on Cybertron... that means he's here, along with Megatron and Starscream." Grey Matter Ben: "Then where is Omega Supreme, I don't see him anywhere, and it's hard to not notice an Autobot the size of a large building." Ratchet: "Yes... that is odd... but we better keep our eyes out for anything weird." Captain Fanzone: "You mean like how the other Autobots on this planet freaked out by the sight of us or tried to step on us?" Ratchet: "Well... we Cybertronians didn't had much luck on befriending other organic life, and I'll bet with Sentinel Prime in charge while Ultra Magnus is recovering, his dislike for organics has rubbed off on them." and it turned out that Ratchet was right, for that was when a large monitor shows a program about Sentinel Prime giving a message to all Autobots about the dangers of the Decepticons and organic life, promising that he'll end the threat when he gets the chance. Grey Matter Ben: "Sheesh... it's hard to believe that Optimus Prime and the jerk were once friends to begin with." Ratchet: "I can't believe that jerk was able to take control over Cybertron to begin with..." said Ratchet, before Sentinel Prime himself, and Jazz, came to the scene. Sentinel Prime: "What are you doing here on Cybertron?, and with these organics?" asked Sentinel Prime in a demanding tone. Jazz: "Hey... I think I know these organics." Captain Fanzone: "Then you must know how I feel about machines..." Sentinel Prime: "Silence organic, and get ready to be terminated." Sari: "Terminated?!, you mean kill?!" Ratchet: "Are you out of your mind?!, Autobots don't kill living things!, we protect it!" Grey Matter Ben: "And besides, we're the ones who saved your life from Waspinator back on Dinobot island." Sentinel Prime: "That doesn't change the fact that organics are forbidden here, and you used a space bridge here while the whole planet is on lock down due to the Decepticon uprising." Ratchet: "Well the space warp field that brought us here didn't came from a space bridge... it's most likely from Omega Supreme." Sentinel Prime: "Oh come on, didn't that oversized bot turned into a space bridge repair crew ship after the war?" Ratchet: "Yes, but he's back online and fallen into the hands of Megatron." Sentinel Prime: "You expect me to believe that?" Grey Matter Ben: "Uh... guys... I think I found him..." said Ben, looking up at the sky, seeing Omega Supreme floating above the planet, surrounded by an electrical storm. Sentinel Prime: "Omega Supreme?!" Ratchet: "No wonder my instruments couldn't track him right, interference from that electrical storm." Sari: "What are we waiting for?, let's go." Sentinel Prime: "You're not going anywhere but to the council, Jazz, take the Organics and this old timer to the court." Jazz: "Yes sir..." Captain Fanzone: "So... I guess this we're not going back anytime soon huh?" Grey Matter Ben: "I think that's the least of our problems..." said Ben, before the Omnitrix timed out and the teen was human again, and wearing his own spacesuit he put on before entering Cybertron. Meanwhile, inside Omega Supreme, Megatron was looking down at the planet he plans to take control over for so long. Megatron: "Ah... it's good to be home again... and with Omega Supreme, I shall reclaim it and the Decepticons shall be the rulers of the galaxy." said Megatron, before Starscream's head hopped over to him. Starscream: "Oh yeah, but what's the point of having this giant Autobot if we can't get the weapons online?" Megatron: "Well the weapons might now work at the moment, Omega Supreme has already given more use than you have." Starscream: "It's not my fault that the one called Professor Sumdac used some head master unit to cut off my head and left me in this state!" Megatron: "Doesn't matter, as I still have my double agent, Shockwave, on Cybertron at this moment, and he's working on finding a way to collect the activation codes for Omega Supreme." Starscream: "Yeah, and while we wait up here, the Autobots are getting ready to fire their defense cannons at us." Megatron: "No Autobot would be foolish enough to attack their greatest weapon..." said Megatron, before the scene changes to the Autobot courtroom, where the Autobot council, lead by Alpha Trion (voiced by Phil LaMarr), were discussing what to do about Omega Supreme with Sentinel, Jazz, Ratchet and the humans. Sentinel Prime: "I say we attack Omega Supreme, if we can do that, we can end Megatron and the Decepticon threat once and for all." Ratchet: "We can also end Cybertron!, with as much transwarp energy he's absorbed, blowing him up would only end up blowing up the entire planet as well!" Sentinel Prime: "And what makes you an expert on transwarp energy?" Ratchet: "Well being a space bridge repair bot would get you to know how transwarp energy works more than you'll ever will, and besides, Omega Supreme is a fellow Autobot, a friend, if you harm one circuit on him and you'll answer to me." Sentinel Prime: "Are you threatening me?!, that's treason you know!, arrest him!" Alpha Trion: "Hold on Sentinel, Ratchet is right, while he might be currently under the control of Megatron, Omega Supreme is still an Autobot, and Ratchet here knows more about how transwarp energy works than we do." Ben: "Yeah, he might be a grouch, but he has more spark than you do." Ratchet: "I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted by that comment..." Sentinel Prime: "Now wait a minute, I'm in charge of Cybertron, so I should be the one who makes the decisions here!" Alpha Trion: "Don't think that being a leader is the same as being a tyrant." Sentinel Prime: "I'm only trying to save Cybertron from the Decepticons, even if it means attacking Omega Supreme, and you won't take action, then I will!" Ratchet: "Don't even think about harming Omega Supreme on my watch." Sentinel Prime: "Well it's not like he be able to listen to reason, not while he's under Megatron's control." Ratchet: "Maybe not you, but he'll listen to me, if I can get close enough to him." that was when a figure appeared behind the old medic Autobot, holding what looked like a large sledge hammer. It was the one eyed Decepticon Shockwave (voiced by Corey Burton), Megatron's double agent. Shockwave: "I'm afraid that won't happen on my watch." Ratchet: "Shockwave!" Captain Fanzone: "You know this bot?" Ratchet: "Not personally, but I saw him talking to Megatron through a monitor at the mines." Sari: "The one who attacked Ultra Magnus while we were after Wasp..." Sentinel Prime: "And he's got the Magnus hammer!" Shockwave: "Considering his current condition, I don't think he'll mind I carry it for a while." Jazz: "You must be made of chrome steel to show up here in front of the council." Shockwave: "I only came to look for the source of the activation codes for Omega Supreme." Ratchet: "If you want to take those out of me, then you'll have to take them out of my offline processor!" Shockwave: "And taking the risk of you planting with a magnetic virus, I think not, I studied your files, I'm going after the original source of those codes, and she's somewhere in this building." this made Ratchet to gasp in shock and horror, realizing what or who the Decepticon was talking about. Shockwave then used the hammer to summon a lightning bolt at the group, who managed to dodge in time, before seeing Shockwave making a get away. Ratchet: "He's going after Arcee!" Jazz: "Then let's move it and get to her before the bad guy does." Captain Fanzone: "Hold on, who's Arcee?" Sari: "Yeah... who is she?" Ben: "Can you tell us what's going on?" Ratchet: "Alright, Arcee was a female Autobot that was carrying activation codes for Omega Supreme when her memory got erased to avoid having falling into Decepticon hands, Shockwave must think he can bring her back." Ben: "Was she your girlfriend?" Ratchet: "What?!, of course not!, I barely knew her for more than a few mega cycles." Sari: "Yet you seemed to care about her." Ratchet: "Well... she lost her memory because of my EMP generator... so it's my responsibility to keep her safe." Captain Fanzone: "Right... well either way, it would be bad if that Shockwave guy get these activation codes, right?" Ratchet: "Yes, which is why we need to get to her first." said Ratchet, before he and the others went off to find where Arcee could be, unaware that Shockwave was hiding in the shadows, watching their every move without being noticed. It wasn't long before the Autobots and humans made it to the door, and soon opened it, and inside the room was a pink female Autobot, which was Arcee herself, laying on some bed. Captain Fanzone: "So... that's Arcee huh?" Ratchet: "Yeah... that's her, she hasn't changed at all over the solar cycles after the war as it seems..." Alpha Trion: "Well we have been working on repairing her the whole time, so it's only natural that she has not shown any sign of aging as the rest of us have..." Ben: "And we got here before Shockwave did, what easy luck." Sari: "Hmm... seems a little too easy..." Sentinel Prime: "What do you mean?" Sari: "I mean, we should have seen Shockwave coming or be at the door first... unless..." Jazz: "Unless what?" Sari: "Unless he let us get here first so and followed us..." Shockwave: "Correct you are little one." said Shockwave, who appeared behind the group and used the hammer to smack the Autobots out of the way, and takes Arcee away before he makes his get away, but not before Captain Fanzone and Ben, who used the Omnitrix to turn himself into Stink Fly, jumps up to take the hammer away from the Decepticon and Ben catches him while Ratchet uses his magnets to catch the hammer. Stink Fly Ben: "Hey!, we got the hammer." Captain Fanzone: "Yeah, but that Decepticon's getting away." Ratchet: "And he's got Arcee!, if he can get those codes out of her..." said Ratchet in concern, before Sentinel Prime makes a call to a some Autobot soldiers at a nearby fortress. Sentinel Prime: "Listen, open fire!, take down Omega Supreme!" Ratchet: "What?!, you fool!, you'll blow us all up with him!" Captain Fanzone: "This is why I hate machines... certain machines more than others..." outside of the building, a fortress fires a big blaster at Omega Supreme, and when that happened, the giant Autobot unleashed a giant explosion that was expending towards the planet. Alpha Trion: "You fool!, what have you done?!" Sentinel Prime: "What is that big orb that growing?!" Ratchet: "That would be the result of your foolish stunt!" Captain Fanzone: "This is not how I thought my life would end..." said the police captain, before Sari sees a nearby space bridge outside and suddenly, her eyes started to glow blue and her hands turned into a pair of Cybertronian keys, similar to her old one, and a beam got fired from them. Once the beam hits the Space bridge, it turns on, and another beam was fired from it and creating a transwarp sphere around the group. Once the transwarp sphere vanished, so did the group, before the explosion engulfed Cybertron and destroying it, along with all the Cybertronians on it. Once the Autobots and humans opened their eyes, they see that they were on top of Sumdac tower, meaning that the beam had sent them to earth. Captain Fanzone: "Hey... we're still alive?" Ratchet: "Looks like it... though the same can't go for everyone else on Cybertron... no thanks to him!" said Ratchet, glaring at the Autobot with the big chin. Sentinel Prime: "I was only trying to stop the Decepticons from taking over Cybertron!" Ratchet: "Well you succeeded, for there is no planet for them to take control anymore!" Alpha Trion: "I agree with Ratchet here, thanks to your mad stunt, not is only Cybertron no more, but all the sparks there too!, it's clear you were never fit to be a leader!" Sentinel Prime: "That's not true!, I am so fit to lead, and besides, every leader makes a mistake once in a while." Alpha Trion: "Not in the same scale as yours did!, as sole survivor of the Autobot council, I strip you from your rank of Magnus and the Autobot Elite guard!" shouted Alpha Trion, before stripping Sentinel's Elite Guard symbol, much to the former Elite guard member's dismay. Sari: "I almost feel sorry for him... almost..." Stink Fly Ben: "No kidding... Cybertron is gone... how are we gonna bring the news to Optimus?" Sari: "I don't know... but I have a feeling that he'll blow his top or mourn for his home planet..." said Sari, before Ben turns back to his human form, and Captain Fanzone walks up to Sari. Captain Fanzone: "Hey Sari... how did you do that back there, turning your hands into keys that shot a beam that activated that space bridge?" Sari: "I don't know... it just... happened..." Alpha Trion: "Hmm... the energy you released that brought us here... it's the same power of the AllSpark... tell me... have you been contact with it?" Sari: "Well... it's a long story." Alpha Trion: "Well it's not like I have anywhere else to go, so I might as well hear your story." Sari: "Sure, of course I'm still trying to figure out my origins as well." Alpha Trion: "Hmm... well if you like, I can help you figure it out." Sari: "Thanks, and I can show you what life here is like." Alpha Trion: "Of course, with Cybertron gone, I might as well call this place my new home." Jazz: "Groovy, you'll love this planet, it's got lots of cool things, like a cool light show called traffic lights, or a sky that can bring water falling from it, like a free car wash and more." said Jazz, before he along with Alpha Trion went off with Sari, who begins to give them a tour across the city. Captain Fanzone: "Great... all we need... more robots..." that was when the pair of malfunctioned security drones from earlier showed up and tried to attack again, only for Ratchet to use his magnets to take them out. Ratchet: "That's for saving the Magnus hammer from Shockwave." Captain Fanzone: "Let's say we're even." Ben: "Sorry about Omega Supreme... I know how much he meant to you." Ratchet: "It's probably for the best... at least he can finally rest in peace..." meanwhile, above earth's moon, a large transwarp sphere appeared, and once it faded, Omega Supreme appeared, completely unharmed, and Megatron was still online, along with Starscream and Shockwave, who came into the giant Autobot before Cybertron was destroyed. Starscream: "How lucky we were that the AllSpark fragments inside Omega Supreme restored us all back when he blew up..." Megatron: "Indeed... unfortunately the saying can't go for Cybertron... our rightful home is no more..." Starscream: "Yes, and it looks like we're back to that planet known as earth again." Megatron: "Hmm... if I can't take control of Cybertron... I'll take control of my prison planet instead..." Shockwave: "And we still have the Autobot that holds the key to take full control on Omega Supreme." Megatron: "Yes, Shockwave, send out a transmission to all the remaining Decepticons on earth and tell them all to come here... we have a big project to do." said Megatron, before looking at the planet earth and the still in stasis female Autobot on the bed.

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