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This story takes place in the city of Detroit, where it was home to advance robots, humans... and some residents of the Planet Cybertron, the Autobot space bridge repair crew under the command of Optimus Prime. 50 years ago, the Autobots' ship crashed landed in Lake Erie, while a boy named Issac Sumdac found the head of the most evil Cybertronian ever, Megatron. After 50 years have passed, the Autobots have finally woken up from stasis and became the city's newest heroes after stopping a mutated insect monster. They gained allies out of a few humans, like Issac Sumdac who has created the company, Sumdac Systems, the police captain who hates machines known as Captain Fanzone, and the young red haired girl, Sari Sumdac. Due to being deceived, Professor Sumdac rebuilt Megatron, who was close to getting the source of all life for Cybertronians, the AllSpark itself, only for it to be dispersed by Optimus Prime in order to stop the Decepticon leader. Since then, the Autobots were busy collecting the fragments of the AllSpark, while Megatron was forcing the kidnapped Professor Sumdac on creating a space bridge that will bring him and his fellow Decepticons to Cybertron. Eventually, the Autobots found the location of the Decepticons' space bridge and managed to stop the Decepticons once again, thanks to the help of their ship, which was really a giant Autobot named Omega Supreme. But just when things were looking up, Sari made a shocking discovery that she wasn't all human, but half Cybertronian due to her being originally a Protoform which got fused with the Professor's DNA when he found and touched it. The young girl was mad at her father for a while for not telling her the truth sooner, but after a battle with a human villain, she finally forgiven her father. It wasn't long before she started practicing her new powers, which was still not much compared to the Autobots or have enough experience to use them. When a battle with a space rock monster happened and got left behind, Sari used her key, which was given by the AllSpark it's power, to give herself an upgrade that made her turn into a teenager and a robot mode that allowed her to take down the space rock monster. However, the key's power was too much for her new body to control, and her upgrades made her go on a rampage. And if that wasn't the worst that has happened, Sari accidentally stabbed Bumblebee, her best friend, and nearly put him offline if Ratchet, the team's medic, didn't fixed him in time. Ratchet used his EMP generator to shut down Sari's upgrades, allowing him to fix up the circuits in her. Of course the danger wasn't over yet as Omega Supreme returned, but under the control of Megatron and his traitorous second in command, Starscream, and their goal was to take down the Autobots and use Omega Supreme, which got the power to warp around space when he absorbed the space warp energy of the Decepticon space bridge, to warp themselves to Cybertron. Thanks to Bulkhead, who was the muscle of the team but genius when it comes to space technology, he and Bumblebee, who was able to recover, used a piece that gives a space bridge the power to generate space warp energy, to make Omega Supreme warp around space randomly, unable to get to Cybertron due to the lack of a retrieval beacon. With the threat gone for now, the Autobots and Professor Sumdac came over to Sari, who was resting on a bed, recovering from her upgrade episode. Sari was asked to go home and rest for a while until she makes a full recovery, while the Autobots figure out how to make contact with Cybertron without their ship. Elsewhere in the city, there was a young teenage boy named Ben Tennyson, who lost his family from a house fire when he was only 10 years old and got adopted by Captain Fanzone, the police captain of Detroit. He was a big fan of the Autobots since they first appeared in the city, and wished that he could be a hero just like them. Little did he knew that it won't be long before his life will be changed forever, in the form of a watch from space... and himself, and that's where this story begins.

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