Ben & Sari

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It was early in the morning, right after the day of the incident with Sari's upgrade and the Omega Supreme attack, and now Sari (voiced by Tara Strong), was in the Sumdac Tower, trying to recover. It wasn't long before her father, Professor Issac Sumdac (voiced by Tom Kenny), came over to her. Sari: "Hey dad, I see you're up on your own this time." Professor Sumdac: "Well actually I couldn't sleep due to worrying about you... and I have to help the Autobots build their own space bridge in order to communicate with their home planet to warn them about the Decepticon spy." Sari: "Oh really?, and where is it gonna be built?" Professor Sumdac: "On top of Sumdac Tower, now I better get going and help Bulkhead, as for you, please do your best to recover and stay out of trouble." said the Professor, before he left the scene, leaving Sari alone in the lobby. That was when someone came inside, who was a teenager named Ben Tennyson (voiced by Yuri Lowenthal), looking around before seeing Sari. Ben: "Oh... um... is this Sumdac Tower?" Sari: "Yes it is, who might you be?" Ben: "I'm Ben Tennyson, and you?" Sari: "I'm Sari." Ben: "What are you sorry about?" Sari: "No I mean my name is Sari... S, A, R, I, but I can understand the confusion." Ben: "Oh, well I'm here because I'm looking for a place to get a smoothie, and I thought there might be a food court here that sells them." Sari: "Well you can ask my dad, he's the one in charge of Sumdac Systems." Ben: "Wait... you mean you're Professor Sumdac's daughter?" Sari: "Yup... and what about your parents, do they work here?" Ben: "Actually... my parents passed away when I was 10..." Sari: "What?!... oh I'm so sorry..." Ben: "It's okay, I put it behind me... though I wish that I could have done something... being a hero like the Autobots..." Sari: "You're a fan of the Autobots?" Ben: "Sure am, ever since they arrived in town when that mutant monster attack." Sari: "Yeah... that was one crazy and awesome day..." Ben: "Say... you look a lot like that little girl that monster got a hold of in the news... but she was like probably 7 or 8 years old." Sari: "Yeah... funny you should mention that..." suddenly, an explosion was heard from outside, and the two teens ran out to see the cause of it. Turns out that the explosion were a bunch of security drones being destroyed by a villain dressed up like Robin Hood named the Angry Archer (voiced by Jeff Bennett), using arrows that have punching gloves. Sari: "The Angry Archer?!, I thought Bumblebee and I got rid of that guy." Ben: "Bumblebee?, you mean the Autobot Bumblebee?, you're friends with the Autobots?!" Sari: "Yeah, guess I forgot to mention that, but right now we need to focus on stopping the bad guy!" Angry Archer: "You mean the S.U.V. team, young lass." said the Angry Archer, before an orange blur came and took some money from inside the Sumdac Tower. Turns out the orange blur was Nanosec (voiced by Brian Posehn), the fastest member of the S.U.V. group. Nanosec: "Hey, doesn't this chick look familiar?" asked Nanosec, before a blue energy blast hit some robots, causing the to slow down and lose power. Turns out the source of the blast was from a watch that belongs to Slo-Mo (voiced by Tara Strong), a female villain that makes things slow. Slo-Mo: "She looks like the little girl who helped that yellow Autobot put us in jail." Sari: "How did you get that slow power back?, didn't you lose it when you lost that AllSpark fragment?" Slo-Mo: "If you mean that crystal, well I found a new one, and with it, I'm back in action, can't say the same for Professor Princess though." Nanosec: "Yeah, she's been grounded by her parents for her crimes... though I still can't understand why a little kid would be a villain in the first place." Angry Archer: "Despite that, she would always be an honorary member of the S.U.V. team." Ben: "Uh... what's this S.U.V. you keep talking about?" Nanosec: "It's short for Society of Ultimate Villainy, our team name." Ben: "Oh..." Sari: "I don't care what you're called, you're not robbing my dad's company on my watch!" said Sari, before she transformed into her robot mode, shocking everyone around her. Ben: "What the?!" Nanosec: "That chick is a robot too?!" Angry Archer: "Now that's something you don't see everyday." Slo-Mo: "Nice trick, but it won't do any good against my time piece." said Slo-Mo, before she aims her time piece watch at Sari, who was able to dodge the blasts and then used a hammer to swat the watch away from the female villain. Sari: "You were saying, lady?" said Sari, before she punches Slo-Mo in the face, knocking her out cold. Nanosec: "Hey!, nobody hits my girl!, especially by some robot chick!" said Nanosec, before he tries to ram Sari, only for Ben to ram him away from her. Ben: "Leave her alone!" Nanosec: "Big mistake boy." Sari: "That's my line." said Sari, before she throws a punch on Nanosec, knocking him out cold. Angry Archer: "Um... I'll just be going now... cheerio!" said the Angry Archer, before bumping into Captain Fanzone (voiced by Jeff Bennett), the police captain of Detroit. Captain Fanzone: "You three are coming with me." Ben: "Uncle Fanzone, good timing." Sari: "Captain Fanzone is your uncle?" Captain Fanzone: "Well more like adopted uncle as I took the kid in under my wing ever since he became an orphan... and by the way... who are you?, cause I've never seen a robot like you... and I'm not a big fan of robots that cause trouble in my city." asked the police captain, looking at the female techno organic. Sari: "Actually... we met before..." said said Sari, before she changed back to her human form, and while she may look different a bit, the captain knew her face and hair too well. Captain Fanzone: "... Wait... Sari?!, is that you?!" Sari: "Yeah... it's me... I guess I have some explaining to do." said Sari, before telling the police captain what to her body when she got her upgrade and all that. Captain Fanzone: "Great... as if giant transforming robots weren't enough..." Sari: "Don't worry, it's still me." Captain Fanzone: "Yeah, good to here, but please try not to cause too much trouble." Sari: "Don't worry, I promise." it wasn't long before Ben came over to the pair. Ben: "So you're like a cyborg?" Sari: "Not exactly, more a like a human/Cybertronian techno organic being." Captain Fanzone: "Yeah, somehow that sounds better." said the police captain with sarcasm in his voice. Ben: "Oh man... why is everyone I know cooler than me...?" Sari: "Don't say that, you were a hero when you stopped Nanosec from harming me, so that makes you a hero." Ben: "Thanks." Captain Fanzone: "Well, I better get these three back behind bars where they belong, see ya kids." said Captain Fanzone, before he goes off in his car and takes the S.U.V. away to jail. Unaware to anyone, the teens were being watched by what looked like a big man with a squid face, hiding in the shadows.

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