⏳Little Dummer Boy⏳

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"Well..." Hongjoong trailed off, having a flashback about his past.
He lived with his mother and father along with his older brother, BumJoong. He was 3 years older than Hongjoong and took care of him most of the time. Hongjoong would often go play the drum in the town square to try and make some extra money for his parents. They weren't poor but they definitely were far from rich. Joong's mother was a weaver and his father was a farmer. He'd often get taken to business dealings that his father went to, mainly because his dad wanted him to take over the family's crops and share half of the land with his older brother. Bumjoong would often help their mother with the weaving when he could but most of the time he'd spend his time in the field with his dad, trying his best to help him with the crops. At this time Bumjoong was 12 and Hongjoong was 9.
Hong was sitting under a tree on one of his free days, reading a book about the Captain Jack Sparrow that he had always heard of. He was an inspiration to Hongjoong and made him want to be a pirate himself. Hongjoong's mother came to the door and yelled for him "Hong! Get inside, it's time for supper!" She said before walking back in the house. Hongjoong came running with his book in hand. "Oh don't tell me you're reading about those damn pirates again" She said, cleaning off her hands as she set the food on the table. "They aren't just pirates mama. They're legends. I can't wait to be one." "Well you aren't gonna be. You're gonna stay here and take care of the farm like your father told you to. Why don't you do like your brother and help around a little more instead of running off to read your silly books" She said, sitting in her chair.
    Hongjoong looked down, waiting for their father to come sit down before they could eat. As soon as his father sat down and nodded, him and his brother started to eat. "He's been reading those books again.." "Hun, just let him be a kid for now..Bum is older after all. He's gonna naturally be more responsible and mature than Hong. He's just got couple more years of growing before he realizes where his priorities need to be" His dad said before starting to eat.
    After eating dinner, Hongjoong went out to the docks in their city. Usually in his free time he'd read or go to look at the ships. He'd walk along the docks, gazing at the pirate ships in awe. As he was walking he bumped into a tall man in a captain's uniform. "Woah, watch out kid" The man said, gently grabbing Hong's shoulders to keep him from falling over. "What are you doing out here? It's pretty late, kid." "I uhm...I just got done with dinner and uh...My parents said I could come" Hongjoong said, a little in a daze. He'd lied about his parents saying he could. They'd never approve of him going to the docks instead of helping his family at home. "Well you sure as hell shouldn't be out alone. You could get hurt" "I'll be fine...I can handle myself" "I'm sure you can, kid" The pirate said, continuing to walk. "Which one's yours?" Hongjoong asked quickly, stopping the pirate for leaving. "It's that one" He said, pointing at a big black pirate ship. Hongjoong stared at it in amazement. "She's a beauty ain't she?" The pirate said with a smile "I'd love to have something like that one day...How'd you get to be a pirate?" He says, looking over at the pirate. The pirate shrugged "I chose my own path. I didn't let anyone tell me what to do. But hey, I see some potential in you, kid. Maybe you'd like to get a tour of the ship sometime" Hongjoong nodded his head quickly at the pirate's suggestion. "Well, the sun's starting to set. I'd run along home if I were you. Maybe I'll catch you later" The pirate said, gesturing him along.
    When Hongjoong got home, he quickly got ready for bed but he couldn't sleep. He stayed up all night, dreaming of when he'd be a pirate.
    One day, Hongjoong's dad brought him along to a farming trade. That's where he met a boy named Wooyoung. He was 8, only a year younger than Hongjoong. Woo was there with his grandpa. "Son, go off and play with the little farmer boy while me and his Grandfather talk this trade out" He said, pushing Hong along. Hongjoong came up to Woo who was playing in the sand. "Uhm...hi?" Hongjoong said "Oh, hi. Uhh, whatchu wanna talk about. Like what do you like?" "I like pirates. I was thinking about startin my own crew one day." "What role do you think you'd play on a ship??" "Well obviously since i'm starting the crew, I'd be the captain. What about you?" "I don't know, What do you think i'd be?" "Well what are you good at?" Hongjoong said, crouching down and playing in the sand with him "I dunno, I guess I'm good at steering? I have to do it a lot with the farm work I have to do" "Hey maybe you could be a part of my crew someday" "Maybe"
"So, you really wanted to be a pirate huh?" Seonghwa said softly while slightly giggling. "Yea, I did. I always kinda envied how respectful and responsible Bumjoong was. My parents loved him..but alas, that doesn't matter to me anymore" Hongjoong said, smiling at Hwa and holding his hand. "So, what about you? What happened with your family?"

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