⏳Til' Death Do Us Part⏳

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[WARNING: Mentions of Physical + Verbal Abuse, Death]

Chad pushed Seonghwa towards the plank before letting go of his arms. Once Chad let go, Seonghwa jumped off by himself, going after Anthony. Before Seonghwa could hit the water, Hongjoong had swung by, hanging onto a rope attached to The King and caught Seonghwa. "Hello, beautiful" Joong says, with a smile. "No no, you've gotta let me go. Just trust me. There's a kid down there...I...I have to go after him.." They landed back on The King to which Seonghwa jumped over the railing into the water, diving after Anthony. Hongjoong ran to the side of the ship, looking down at the crashing waves below. Once Hwa hit the water, he immediately turned back into his natural siren self. Seonghwa struggled to swim, looking around frantically under the water for Anthony. Eventually Hwa found him and swam towards him, grabbing him and starting to swim up before he lost strength and started sinking. The closest he was to saving Anthony was by him pushing him to the surface. Hongjoong saw the unconscious kid and jumped in, knowing something was wrong when he saw no sight of Hwa. Once in the water, Joong looked for Hwa, eventually spotting him and grabbing him, getting him back on their ship. "Yunho, stay back and watch him, I'll be back" The rest of the crew began to attack, going after the more insignificant member of the Antiny crew, leaving Bryce for Joong. Hongjoong jumped back into the water, grabbing the kid and climbing back on board. He laid the kid next to Hwa, finding that Yunho had wrapped Hwa in some sheets. Hongjoong grabbed Hwa, trying to shake him awake but it wouldn't work. That's when he noticed the necklace was gone and that Hwa was still and cold. "Fuck..." Joong said, looking around frantically for the necklace. That's when he spotted it dangling in Bryce's hand. He watched Bryce put it on and try to use it, only for it to not work. "Ugh..this useless piece of shit" He said, taking the necklace off and tossing it over board. Hongjoong quickly ran and jumped over the railing, into the water. He swam after the necklace until he managed to grab it, holding it with his mouth and swimming back up to his ship, climbing back on. He ran over to Hwa and put it on him only to get no response. 'Damnit.... I was late..' He thought to himself, turning to look at Bryce. Anger filled Joong's face and he stood up, swinging on a rope over to the Antiny ship. He was going after Bryce and he wouldn't stop until he knew he was dead.
Yunho was shaking Hwa, trying to wake him up. "C'mon Hwa, I know you're in there. Just wake up for me...if not for me then for the Captain" He said, continuing to shake him. Eventually Hwa coughed, water and a bit of blood coming out of his mouth. Yunho breathed a sigh of relief "Fuck..I thought you died for a second." He said, drying Hwa off and moving him away from the side of the ship, sitting with him while the Antiny's attacked.
Tears were in Hong's eyes and his face was red as he fought Bryce. "You fucker!" He said, attacking him repeatedly "You took my Hwa from me and now i'm going to take the only thing that matters to you. Your pathetic fucking life" "My life?! You aren't taking any fucking thing from me" Bryce replies cockily. Suddenly Hongjoong got one good move and managed to stab Bryce in his stomach. Bryce's face is shocked and his body is frozen. Hongjoong steps closer to him, whispering in his ear "Rot in hell, bastard" He says before pulling his sword out, letting Bryce fall to the ground. As he was about to head back to The King he's stopped by Karen who somehow didn't get picked off by his crew. "Oh great, what the fuck do you want now" He says, preparing his sword. "Awee, did you not miss me Joongie" She says, her tone a little flirty. Hongjoong shivers with disgust and rolls his eyes "There's nothing about you that i'd miss. Trust me, i'm plenty occupied on my ship with my own...activities.." He said, wiping the tears from his face. "Oh? Crying are we captain? It's ok, I gave that slut what he deserved." She said in a snarky tone. "You did fucking what..." Hong said, gripping onto his sword tightly. "You heard me. I gave him what he deserved. I carved a pretty little word into his arm that just describes him perfectly. He wouldn't stop bitching the whole time he was here. I can't see why you'd think he was good lay." She said before Hongjoong came towards her, beginning to attack her. It didn't take long for him to get rid of her. She was weak anyways.
Hongjoong returned to The King covered in their blood. He wiped a little off his face and dropped his weapon once he was on his ship. "Had fun did you Captain?" Woo said, leaning against the railing and cleaning his knife. Hongjoong walked over past Woo, glancing at him before he noticed Seonghwa sitting up from the corner of his eye. He turned and saw he was awake, running over and crouching in front of him. Hongjoong cupped his hands on Seonghwa's face and kisses him, blood from his hands smearing onto Hwa's face. Hwa didn't kiss back but Hongjoong didn't care about it right now. "God you're ok" He said, his eyes tearing up a bit. Hwa stayed quiet, looking over at Anthony, realizing that he isn't moving. Seonghwa starts to tear up, wiping his face with his hands. Hongjoong realized why Hwa was crying and hugged him gently, trying his best to comfort him. "I should have never left you alone on the ship.." He said quietly.

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