⏳Chasing Him⏳

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[WARNING: Homophobia, Physical + Verbal Abuse, Death]
(I promise we aren't homophobic- I'm gay and my friend is an ally. She deals with my gay shit everyday😭)

As soon as Joong realized what was happening, he ran off his ship and immediately ran to look for his crew. They needed to leave and they needed to leave NOW.
Hongjoong eventually found Yunho and Mingi, running to them out of breath. "We need to go, right now" "Why? What's going on?" Yunho asks with a concerned look on his face. "Seonghwa's gone, now go find Wooyoung and San. I'll go find Jongho and Yeosang" Joong says, running off down the street and spotting them leaving a restaurant.
    After retrieving Yeosang and Jongho, they all ran back to the ship, meeting up with the rest of the crew there and boarding The King. Yeosang untied the ship and climbed up on a rope. They left dock in an instant. Once they were sailing steadily in the ship's direction, Yunho came up and asked Hongjoong what happened. "I came back to see Hwa...and he was gone. Those...fuckers took him" "Ugh..Not them again" "If they so much as lay a finger on him...I swear..." He says, walking to the front of the ship and eyeing the boat in the distance, watching it get bigger as they approached it.
    Yunho went to the crew, telling them what happened and letting them get their weapons ready. The crew scurried around, grabbing weapons, readying the cannons, and dropping every sail to allow them to advance faster towards the boat of their rivals.
    Hongjoong bit his lip nervously as he watched the ship. Yunho came up behind him before hugging him from the side. "Hey, it's gonna be ok. We'll get him back." "God I hope we do..."

    On the Antiny ship, Seonghwa was getting beat yet again. Anthony listened from the stairs in fear as he heard the noises from the cell. The sound of the whip lashing against Seonghwa's skin echoing through the halls. Anthony had tears in his eyes, wanting to help but not knowing what to do for his newfound friend. He eventually heard the sounds stop and heard footsteps coming towards him. He got up and ran up the stairs, running to his room and curling up into a ball on his bed. The sounds of Seonghwa's screams echoed through his mind. After a little of listening and seeing if anyone was coming past, he came to the conclusion that the coast was clear. Anthony left his room and went down to Seonghwa's cell, finding him breathing heavily with red lashes all over his upper body. Anthony opened the cell door and came in to Seonghwa. "What did you do that made them hate you so much...." Anthony says, trying to find the bandages he'd hidden in the room. Seonghwa looked over at him "I wish I knew the answer to that myself..." Hwa could tell that the boy had been crying and smiled softly at him. "Don't worry about me...I'll be fine. I'm gonna get us out of here somehow, ok?" The boy looked over at him, a little doubtful "Not like this you aren't.." He says, beginning to bandage Hwa. "Do you not have anybody looking for you..." "Well...I might...but I don't think it's for the sake of me...it's just because of this stupid necklace" "Why's the necklace so special?" Anthony asked, cluelessly "It's best you stay in the dark when it comes to this, kid"

"We're not going fast enough..Pick up the fucking pace" Hongjoong yells at his crew. "We're going as fast as we can" Woo yells back at him. Hongjoong starts pacing back and forth on the deck, beginning to panic a little. "Captain please calm down...we'll get him back" Yunho says reassuringly. "But what if we don't?! Then what?? If they take that fucking necklace off then Hwa could very well die! I'm not mentally prepared for that...I don't think I could handle losing him.." "What are you talking about??" "That damn necklace is what keeps him alive. If they take it off then he'll start to spiral into illness until he eventually dies. I...I can't lose him, Yunho" Yunho's face is filled with shock and so the other members faces(not including Jongsang).

Anthony followed closely as Chad and Jonathan dragged Seonghwa up deck, holding him close to the plank that they would soon make him walk. "I've been waiting for this day...I can't tell you how long...I've been searching for that damned necklace.." Bryce said before Seonghwa replied quickly "It's not going to work, I've already told you this!" Bryce slapped him "Shut up, don't talk back to me" "Bryce, stop it!" Anthony screamed "You shut the hell up too! All you do is fucking complain! How about you make yourself useful for once and go swab the fucking deck" "Don't talk to him like that, he's just a child!" Seonghwa yelled, interrupting their argument. "Shut up you fag" Bryce said, coming over and taking the necklace off of Hwa. Hwa felt a headache immediately but he just shrugged it off, worrying more about Anthony than himself right now. "Will you just leave the kid alone..." Hwa said, looking a Bryce a little angrily. "Do what you want with that stupid necklace but just leave the kid be" "I've had enough of your shit" Bryce said, holding a knife to Hwa's throat. "Bryce, no!" Anthony says, pulling Bryce's arm away from Seonghwa and accidentally getting a big cut across his own cheek. "I've about had enough of your shit, Anthony. You always fucking do this. Why don't you just grow up and act like a man. You're on a pirate ship so be a fucking pirate, not a sissy" Bryce sat there staring at Anthony for a second before speaking up again "You know what...No, you're just gonna hold us down and get in the way..Jonathan." He said, gesturing for him to throw Anthony overboard. "What are you doing. I told you to leave the kid alone" "Pff, like i'd listen to you. Please, look at yourself. You're pathetic." Bryce says, turning and watching as Jonathan grabs Anthony. Anthony struggles and screams but it's no use. Soon enough he was thrown overboard to drown in the deep waters of the sea. Seonghwa struggled against Chad's grip, trying to go after Anthony. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!" He screamed at Bryce. Bryce just laughed at him and stepped back. "Since he wants to be with my little brother so bad, throw him over."

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