Chapter 12-Clarification

Start from the beginning

The thought breaks my heart. Especially because I am here now. I am not about to move back. I am getting established, which means I won't have half of the globe between us. The likelihood of me running into them is high, seeing as how we got the apartment close to them for a reason. My vision blurs as tears start to build in my eyes and the fall. I hear a key in the door, and my head turns in that direction. It is Hobi, and I quickly turn, wiping my face, before turning back toward him. He grabs something from the table and is about to walk back out when he looks up and sees me. He smiles brightly at me and walks over, but his smile starts to fall the closer he gets.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Nothing. Just a lot on my mind."

"Mmm hmm, I'm not buying it. What gives?"

"It's nothing. Something stupid." I swipe, sniffling, wiping my face. "Did you forget something?"

"Yeah," He looks at whatever is in his hand and then back at me. "I actually need to get back."

I nod, not trusting my voice. He sighs when it is obvious I am not going to say anything else. After giving me a quick kiss, he leaves, locking the door behind him.

Hobi POV

I walk into the practice room, and everyone is there waiting for me. Placing my stuff down, I call Yoongi's name and motion to the hallway. Once outside, I walk toward him.

"What happened yesterday?"

He looks at me, confused. "Nothing, why?"

"Joon said you called him to come home so she wouldn't be alone. He said that you told him she looked like she fell asleep crying. Then today, when I stopped by the house, she was crying and tried to hide it."

He runs his hands through his hair and sighs.

"Nothing happened. I picked her up, and we got home and ate. As soon as she was done eating, she went to her room to take a shower and never came back out. So I went and took a shower and fell asleep on the bed. When I got up, she was asleep on the couch. She apparently watched a whole movie alone, and I had no idea."

"So you didn't talk to her like we suggested and then left her alone?" I ask incredulously.

"She seemed uncomfortable, so I didn't want to make her talk."

"Did you stop and think maybe she is uncomfortable because of the way you are acting toward her? I mean, you guys were close just like the rest of us, and now, at least in her eyes, you are avoiding her and being standoffish."

"I KNOW. I just, FUCK."

He takes a few steps away from me, his hand on his hips, head hanging. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls it out and types out a text. He stands there staring at it, willing whoever to answer. When it dings, his body relaxes, and he turns back toward the practice room.

"She is going to meet me here in my studio when we are done so we can talk."

"Good." I pat him on the back. "It's going to be okay."


I am nervous as I ride the elevator to the floor where Yoongi's studio is, and when the elevator dings, I step out hesitantly. Walking down the hall, dread fills me. I am not sure what I am walking into. His text simply asked me to meet him in his studio to discuss "us." Even though I had the code, I knocked on the door. A minute later, the door opens. Moving aside, he lets me in. Taking a seat on his couch, I watch as he takes a seat in front of his desk. He is wearing black joggers and a plain black tee. He makes even that look amazing.

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