Chapter 12-Clarification

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Yoongi POV

After she takes off to her bedroom, I sigh. Great job, Yoongi. Cleaning up my mess, I head to my room. Also, opting for a shower and fresh clothes. She couldn't get away from me fast enough, so I decided to give her space and flop down on my bed. Lying on my back, I throw my arm over my eyes.

When I open my eyes again, it is dark outside. Looking at my phone, I see it is after 6:30 PM. I get up groaning and make my downstairs to figure out what to do about supper. Walking past the living room, I didn't see her at first, but then I caught the sight of her hair over the edge of the couch. I walk around to ask if she is hungry, but she is asleep. Taking a seat on the coffee table in front of her, I watch her sleep. She looks so peaceful.

The blanket is around her waist, and she is wearing a tank top that is hanging off one shoulder where she has been moving around. I reach and gently push a strand of hair from her face, and that's when I notice it. There are what appear to be, tear streaks down her beautiful pale cheeks. Shit, is this because of me?

Returning to my room, I quickly text the one person I think might be able to come home. He texts back quickly, letting me know he is already on his way. I quickly change clothes into jeans, a tee, and a hoodie. When I hear the door, I don't say anything; he nods at me, and I slip out the door.


I wake to the smell of food cooking. Getting up, I adjust my shirt and walk toward the kitchen.

"Yoongi, what smells so-"

I freeze. It isn't Yoongi in the kitchen; it is Joon. He turns and gives me a smile.

"Almost done, but don't expect anything big. I am merely heating something. I am not to be trusted in the kitchen." He scoffs and makes a face, making me giggle lightly.

"I thought everyone else was busy."

"I got done early." He says, shrugging.

I sit and notice that Yoongi's keys, which he left on the counter earlier, are gone.

"He's gone, isn't he?" I ask, looking down at my hands in my lap.

"It's not you, you know?" He says, coming to stand beside me.

"It sure does feel like me. I mean, things were great last time and when we were in New York. Then all of a sudden, we get here, and he...feels like he has changed his mind."

"No, it is not that all. I promise. Trust me."

I shrugged, and he placed a bowl of kimchi fried rice before me.

"Thanks. I think I am going to eat in my room."

I don't wait for a response, take my bowl to my room, and close my door. Setting the bowl on the nightstand, I turn off the light, plug up my phone, and lie down in bed. I am awoken by whispers in the dark. Peeking out, my bedroom door is cracked.

"She didn't even touch her food."

Someone sighs. "I don't like this."

"I know, but what can you do? He is stubborn."

"I don't know, but this can't be how things are."


The next morning, I woke to an empty house again. Again, there is a note from Jin, and I find breakfast in the refrigerator, but my appetite hasn't returned. It may seem selfish. Out of seven guys, six of them want me and to be in a relationship with me. I shouldn't be moping over one, right? But they are seven parts of a whole, and if one is unhappy with a situation, they can't be whole. I promised I wouldn't run, and I won't. I also promised to try, which is me trying and apparently failing. From the start, I told them that they were too important to come between. I guess we all need to have a talk.

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