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Ring* ring* I hear someone calling my phone. I walked out of m to bathroom and picked up my phone and noticed it was my cousin Wesley who lives out of state "hey Wesley!" I say placing down my phone down and smiling "hey y/n/n what are you doing?" He says scratching his head "oh nothing I don't have anything planned for the day so im just chilling" I say shrugging

"So you wanna come pick me up from the airport then?" He says making my look at the camera confused "huh?" I say raising my eyebrow "I'm here in Georgia I just landed" he says laughing a bit "holy what ok ok I'm going I'll be there in 15" "ok see ya" "bye!" I say smiling and hanging up

I quickly got my shoes and my keys and started driving to the airport.


"So is y/n coming over today?" My mom says opening the fridge "maybe I was about to call her to see if she wanted to" I say unlocking my phone to call my girlfriend. Once it was unlocked it opened instagram since it was the last thing I was on and noticed there were pictures of y/n and a boy....and they were hugging... I checked the comment under the tea page and my heart dropped and the overthinking started



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@onward_teA_pag8. Is y/n cheating on jaden!?!???who is that boy and why is she so close to him???

I never trusted her tbh...

Jaden deserves better :(

Y'all that could literally just be he friend chill out
Ok but that doesn't explain why she's so close to him

I knew it.

My heart dropped by the thought of y/n cheating on me... I didn't even notice but I had tears running down my cheeks and whipped them once I noticed and decided to check y/n's location. She was at our favorite coffee shop. What if she's on a date with him... no no no y/n wouldn't cheat on she loves me...I grabbed my keys and kept telling myself that she loved me so I wouldn't cry more.

I got to the Coffee shop and seen her car and seen her inside with the boy... I walked in and held back my tears and walked over to confront her "y/n" I say ignore it the guy sitting beside her "hey baby, what are you doing here?" She says getting up and trying to hug me but I stop her "baby what's wrong?..." she says worried "a-are you cheating on me?..."I say fighting back the urge to cry


"A-are you cheating on me?..." jaden says with tears in his eyes "what???" No ofc not baby what makes you think I'm cheating on you?" I say holding his face "y/n I seen a picture of you and this guy and you guys seemed pretty close an-" he says before I cut him off "baby no stop he's my cousin. Jaden this is my cousin Wesley, and Wesley this is Jaden my boyfriend" I say introducing them "wait he's your cousin?" Jaden says sounding Relieved

"Yes he's visiting from California and he's only here till Tuesday so we wanted to spend time together before he leaves" "fuck I look so dumb right now look man I'm so sorry" jaden says looking at Wesley

"Nah man it's all good. It's nice to finally meet you" he says shaking his hand "thanks man it's nice to meet you too" jaden says shaking his hand "here cmon join us" Wesley says pulling out a chair "oh thanks man" Jaden says sitting down "do you want me to get you a coffee baby?" I say pointing to the counter "um yea please the-" "the Carmel mocha with two shots of espresso and coconut milk?" I say getting up "yeah please" he says smiling "ok brb" I say giving him a quick kiss and walking away


I smiled to myself at how much y/n understood me and felt dumb for thinking she would cheat on me "so you play baseball?" Wesley says looking at me "oh yeah how'd you know?" I say laughing a bit "y/n talks about you a lot matter of fact she was talking about you before you walked in" he says making me get butterfly's "really?" "Yeah man anytime we talk she talks about how happy she is with you and the things you did to make her happy, and I would get tired of it but it's nice seeing my cousin in love" he says taking a sip of his drink

"Yeah I'm so glad I can call her my girlfriend " I say smiling to myself "I'm backkkk" y/n says sitting down "here you go baby" she says handing me my drink "thanks princess" I say kissing her cheek making her smile. We talked and I ended up finding out more about Wesley and I decided to comment on the tea page that said y/n was cheating. I didn't want people thinking my Girlfriend was a cheater and I didn't want her to see it and get sad

Y'all that guy y/n's with is just her cousin so stop saying she's cheating. Y/n has never cheated on me and she never will. She's a kind person and an amazing girlfriend so stop with all the rumors.

We hung out for th rest of the day and I spent the night at y/n's house and we decided to post a pic of us to show everyone we're ok


❤️326,195@onwardjdub  @y/n_y/l/n js hits different 🩷

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@onwardjdub  @y/n_y/l/n js hits different 🩷

@y/n_y/l/n my special boy🩷   ❤️onwardjdub

Cutieeeees🩷🩷   ❤️onwardjdub

She's definitely cheating on him
^@onwardjdub thankfully she's not like a certain person 🤷

Jaden w lipstick?!!?😻   ❤️onwardjdub
^@onwardjdub I'll only allow it if she puts in on me 🙏

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