Creepy friend

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Today I was going over to my boyfriend Jaden's house to hang out in his pool with him and some friends and I was happy we were hanging out it's just one of Jaden's friends leo really creeped me out.

I told Jaden about it and he said it was probably nothing and he's probably just nervous around me. Leo would make jokes about us having sex or doing stuff together and everyone would laugh and jaden would just ignore it and say he's just joking.

I would believe he's joking but if they seen the way leo looks at me when I'm wearing revealing clothes or anything he licks his lips and gives me a nasty smirk.

I arrived at Jaden's house and knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer just to be greeted by Leo

"Hey y/n where's your bathing suit?" Leo says looking me up n down "under my clothes. Can you let me in" I say shortly "sure" he says moving. I walked in and heard him close the door and I walked towards the living room

"Baby your here!" Jaden says jumping off the couch and hugging me  "hey baby" I say hugging him back "cmon come sit down with me" we all sat down and talked and made some jokes until we decided to go in the pool

I took off my shorts and my top revealing my bathing suit

" Fuck y/n you got an ass how about you come sit it on this dick" Leo says loud enough for only me to hear "ew wtf stop" I say pushing him away and going outside "princess come here" jaden says waving to me in the pool "coming" I say sitting down ...

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" Fuck y/n you got an ass how about you come sit it on this dick" Leo says loud enough for only me to hear "ew wtf stop" I say pushing him away and going outside "princess come here" jaden says waving to me in the pool "coming" I say sitting down at the edge "you look so beautiful sweetheart" jaden says standing between my legs and kissing me

"Yo let's play truth or dare" Jadens friend max says "ok I'm down" jaden says "sure" I say getting in water "ok y/n truth or dare" max ask me "I dare you to call your mom and tell her your pregnant" "oooooohh" everyone says "fine" I say grabbing my phone and calling her on speaker "hey peach what's up?" My mom says through the phone

"Hey mom I have to tell you something but please don't get come mad" I say seeing everyone trying not to laugh "ok what is it?" "I'm pregnant..." I say hearing her go silent "mom?" "Oh um oh my god this is a lot to take in are you sure?? I didn't know you were starting that kinda stuff. Is Jaden the dad??" My mom says making everyone laugh including me
"No, no, no mom it's just a joke I'm not pregnant it was just for a dare"

"Oh thank god I wasn't ready to be a grandma" "hahah I'm sorry mom I gotta go bye" "bye peach"
I hung up and we all died of laughter and continued the game for a while until it was my turn again but this time Leo was the one asking me

"Ok y/n truth or dare" Leo says smirking "um truth"
"Have you and jaden had sex yet" he says making me uncomfortable and I'm pretty sure Jaden too "I'm not answering that" I say nodding my head "ok we'll have you ever thought about it" he says continuing the question "ok Leo she's not comfortable answering that and neither am I" jaden says holding my shoulders

"Oh cmon you guys act like you haven't thought about having sex together. Personally if I was dating y/n I'd fuck her everyday" Leo says making me wanna drown him "dude wtf is actually wrong with you?!?" Jaden says gettin angry "dude I'm just sayin" Leo says laughing " NO TF IS WRONG WITH YOU GET YOUR STUFF AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Jaden says angry

"Whatever" Leo says getting out and getting his stuff. Everyone left and I went up to Jaden's room to change. "Sweetheart?" Jaden says before walking in
"Yea?" I say brushing my hair "I'm sorry about Leo he had no right asking that question. I want you to know I'm not gonna be friends with him after that"

"It's ok that question just really made me uncomfortable why would he even ask that" I say rolling my eyes "well I might've told max about what we did after prom..." he says scratching his head "jaden seriously??" I say frustrated "ok I'm sorry but that night was amazing and I swear I only told max and he must've told Leo" "it's fine I'm just glad Leo isn't gonna be around anymore"

"Ikr. Look I'm sorry for not listening before when he made you feel uncomfortable. Those nasty jokes he made were unacceptable and I should've said something before I'm sorry" he says holding my hands "and about telling max what we did prom night?" I say laughing a bit "yes I'm sorry for telling him that too" he says laughing "I love you jay" I say smiling "I love you too sweetheart"

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