Bad Guy pt 5

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Jadens pov
It was time for the game to start but I looked out in the bleachers and couldn't find y/n...did she change her mind? Maybe she got hurt? What if she doesn't even like me??

I got caught up in my thoughts until my friend Jax tapped my shoulder "Hey man look it's y/n! Yo is that your jersey she's wearing!?!?" he said loud enough for the rest of our teammates to hear "Yo!!"
"There you go Jaden!" "Jadens the man!!"

"Ok Jaden I see you, having your girl pull up to your game In your jersey!" My coach says patting my back while the boys were hyping me up

"Bro chill remember it's a dare" Max says making us all go quiet "Bro no I told you the dares off!" I say a little angry"What you think she's gonna want you after this??" Max says while my teammates look shocked and are looking behind me

I turned around and saw y/n standing there with tears rolling down her face "y/n-" I say before getting cut off "I already knew..." she says quietly
"w-what?..." I say softly "I heard you Guys the other day in the hallway...I thought you were different..." I say before walking off "Y/n!-" I say trying to run to her but felt someone pull me back

"Where are you going? I told you she wasn't going to forgive you after this" Max says laughing "SHUT TF UP!" I say punching him causing him to fall on the floor, I kept punching him nonstop and felt my coach and my teammates trying to pull me off

I hear them yelling before pulling me off


I say crying and hear my dad and family come in "Jaden?!? What happened?!?!" My dad says trying to hug me "LET ME FUCKING GO, I NEED TO TELL HER THE TRUTH!!" I say crying and punching his chest to get off of me

"Jaden what do you mean!?!" My dad says yelling
"Y/N I NEED TO TELL HER!!" I say crying and punching his chest still "Tell her what?!?!!" My dad yells

"I NEED TO TELL Y/N THAT I LOVE HER!!" I say as I stop punching him and start crying more than ever "hey, hey, hey ok Jaden go talk to her she hasn't left" my dad says hugging me one more time before letting me go

I ran to the entrance and saw y/n walking back home so I ran to her

Y/n pov

I was walking back home with tears pouring down my eyes and heard loud footsteps coming from behind me and someone yelling my name
"Y/N, Y/N please just listen to me!" I feel Jaden Turning me around seeing his eyes red and puffy "Just leave me alone!" I say pushing his hands off me "Please y/n I need you to know I never meant to hurt you!"

He says yelling "So you we're gonna use me even though I'm helping you?!!?" I yell " I swear I didn't want to Max threatened to take my spot if I didn't please I didn't want to hurt you!"

"I thought you liked me!... I thought I actually had a chance with you even and you pretend to like me for a dare..." I say quietly "y/n I swear if you'll just give me one more chance I won't mess it up I never wanted to hurt you believe me..." he says holding my cheek

"You promise you won't hurt me if I give you one more chance?" I say looking up at him "Yes I promise I just need a second chance" he says looking down at me, I thought about it for a second and decided to give him one more chance "Fine I'll give you another chance just no more dares" I say making us both laughs a little bit

"I promise that was the first and the last time I hurt you," he says smiling down at me

I see Jaden's coach yelling from the entrance "cmon y/n" Jaden says holding my hand and running back inside

Jaden went out to play and his family told me to sit with them so I did and we watched him play and win the game! We all ran to the field and congratulated him and once he was done talking to his family he turned to me

"Congratulations Jay," I say smiling, he smiled back and put his arms around my waist and picked me up, and kissed me. We kissed and heard everyone cheering and I felt him smile making me smile. After a bit, we pulled away and he looked at me

"Y/n," he says calmly "Yes Jay?" I say smiling "Will you please be my girlfriend?" he says smiling and making me blush "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend Jay"
I say happy making everyone cheer again and Jaden

"I love you" Jaden says looking at me smiling "I love you too" I say making us kiss again

Jaden Walton imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now