Yn parents pt 2

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Cmon get in the car" We got in the car and we went to an empty parking lot. "Tell me everything that happened"
"I was asking her if I could hang out with you and she started calling me a slut and started to hit me when I talked back and she threw me out" "Omg baby I'm sorry she did that" "idk what I'm gonna do jay," I say crying "hey hey hey ik my parents wouldn't mind you staying with us. They like you so they'll be fine with it" "No I can't do that" "idc I'm not asking I'm telling you. You can sleep with me and we can help you" " I shouldn't ja-" "idc we're going to my house and telling my parents." He drove us to his house and his parents were in the living room talking. "Omg yn sweetie are you okay???" Jes says looking at the bruise on my cheek "Jaden told us everything and we just wanna let you know you can stay here for as long as you want" DJ said "your basically like family so make yourself at home" Jes said hugging me. Jaden took me to his room and gave me a hoodie to put on after I take a shower. I took off my shirt and was left with my bra. Me and Jaden don't mind changing in front of each other since he said "A bra is basically a
Bikini" Jaden then saw the bruises on my waist and upper arm. "Oh baby, what did she do to you?" He says lightly touching my bruises "I'm sorry... I didn't know how to tell you" he hugged me. He got out of the bathroom and I took a shower.

When I was done he had a plate of food for us to eat. We both laid down and cuddled. "I'm so glad you live here now" he says kissing my forehead "what did your mom even say before she kicked you out?" "Just that you didn't care about me and I'm a slut whos gonna get pregnant,and only hanging out with you for $ex" " baby...I would never do that, I care about you so much and I would never let you live on the street. Plus I would never pressure you into having $ex" " ik you wouldn't" "I love you yn" he says hugging me tighter "I love you too jay" "dw when we're 18 and married we can move as far away from your parents as you want" "haha promise?" "I promise"

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