Suprise pt2

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I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door and I knew it was Jayla "Come in" I said wiping my tears "Oh babes please don't cry" she said coming to me and hugging me "I just don't know what to do" I say crying more "ik it's confusing but Jaden has an explanation ok?" She says rubbing my back

"Abt why he's been distant and never wants and is always around her" I say pulling away "Yes y/n let's just go to his game so he can explain okay?" "...ok"
I say wiping my nose "ok cmon let's get your fine ass ready" she says pulling me off my bed "Hahaha okay"

"Let's look at the dresses you have" she says going into my closet and looking "Dresses?? It's a baseball game I think regular clothes are fine" I say laughing "Nope you need to look hot tonight" Jayla says grabbing a dress "This one"

"Let's look at the dresses you have" she says going into my closet and looking "Dresses?? It's a baseball game I think regular clothes are fine" I say laughing "Nope you need to look hot tonight" Jayla says grabbing a dress "This one"

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I put it on and she started doing my hair and we decided on no makeup since I felt pretty. It was 7:30 so the game starts soon me and Jayla started driving there

"What do you think he's gonna say??" I ask bouncing my leg "Relax girl, idk but ik there's an explanation for all this, do you love him?" She asked me "ofc I love him, I've loved him since the day I met him"

2nd grade

"Higher!!" I scream to my friend Liz to push me on the swing "More!?!?" Liz yells "Yeah!!" I say laughing
Liz pushed me harder and I went higher, everything was going fine until I slipped off and fell

"Oooowww!" I yell crying holding my leg that got scraped "OMG HAHAHA!!" Liz laughs making everyone else laugh at me except one boy who ran towards me "STOP LAUGHING AT HER!!, y/n are you ok?"

A boy named Jaden from the other class who I've never talked to asked

"It hurts" I say still crying and holding my leg "Here let me see" he says carefully moving my hand "cmon let's go to the nurse" he says getting up "My leg hurts though" I say wiping my tears "cmon ill give you a piggie back ride" he says reaching out his hand

(Does anyone still say that or just me?😅)

"Ok" I say I say grabbing his hand and jumping on his back. "Cmon I'll help you" he says smiling at me making me smile "Thank you Jaden" I say resting my head on his shoulder "Np y/n"

We had to go to the nurse's office and she had to clean up my cut with peroxide which meant it was gonna sting "Here hold my hand"  Jaden says sitting down next to me and holding out his hand "mkay" I say holding his hand

"There you go, thank you Jaden for helping miss y/n here's a lollipop for both of you now go on back to class" the nurse says giving us our lollipops.

We walked back to class still holding hands and since our classes were right across from each other we talked for a bit "Do you maybe wanna be friends?"
Jaden says smiling "Yeah that would be awesome " I say smiling back

"Nice we should hang out during recess and lunch" he says "Omg yeah that would be so cool" I say laughing "Okay I gotta go bye Jaden" I say "Wait!"
He says making me turn around and hugging me

"Ok see ya y/n" We both went to class and the rest of the day I was happy in a different way??

Me and jaden from there on we're best friends and he begged his parents to let him switch into my class and 2 days later, and I stopped being friends with Liz.

Jaden asked me to be his Valentine that same year and the following years and in 4th grade he asked me to be his girlfriend.


"Y/n we're here" Jayla says parking the car "Oh yeah mb" I say grabbing my phone and getting out "cmon my family's over here" Jayla says grabbing my hand and pulling me

"Hey sweetheart, omg you look so beautiful" Jessica says standing up and hugging me "Haha thank you Jess" I say hugging her "What's up kiddo, you ready for the game" dj says hugging me "Yeah I'm excited" I say sitting down

The game started and we were winning and most of the points were from Jaden. I was really happy that he was winning until I saw Emma standing against the gate and ig Jayla noticed "Hey it's okay he doesn't like her OK?" Jayla says into my ear. I was trying to ignore her until I saw Jaden go up to her and start talking to her

Jaden then looked and me and I just rolled my eyes and got up to get some air "Where you going?" Jayla says worried "Just to get some air" I say leaving to the front

My eyes started to tear up so I looked up into the sky and started to blink "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I whisper under my breath "baby" I hear Jaden say from behind me "What..." I say under my breath "Let me show you something" he says walking up behind me and holding my waist "Fine" I say Turning towards him

He covered my eyes and started walking back to the field and I could hear people whispering "Ready?" Jaden says uncovering my eyes

I see candles on the field and turn around to see Jaden holding a bouquet of flowers "So is that a yes?"Jaden says smiling "Yes ofc I'll go with you" I say hugging him and hearing everyone cheering

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I see candles on the field and turn around to see Jaden holding a bouquet of flowers "So is that a yes?"
Jaden says smiling "Yes ofc I'll go with you" I say hugging him and hearing everyone cheering

"I'm so sorry I got distant I was just trying to get everything ready and Emma was helping since she helps with the school and I needed help getting everything set up-" Jaden says quickly before I cut him off by kissing him

" I love you sm jay" I say pulling away "I love you more Princess"

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