ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 15: ᗷEᕼIᑎᗪ TᕼOᔕE TEᗩᖇᔕ

Start from the beginning

"You know... I have to admit, you were right all along," Axel confessed, taking a step closer. Elena furrowed her brow, her mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts, desperately trying to decipher his true intentions.

"I must admit, it was quite unsettling to witness you sneaking off to those motels in the dead of night! Seeing my own sister engaging in a scandalous affair with none other than Carton Callaway himself was the last thing I expected from you!" Elena stood there, paralyzed, as her brother's words echoed in her ears. Her inner turmoil grew louder, suffocating her with a sense of powerlessness.

"My sister, the diligent worker. I never expected my devoted sister to go against her own promises. It's ironic how she would expose all my secrets to our father," Axel's voice dripped with anger. Elena was stunned, unable to comprehend that it was Axel who had betrayed her by revealing her involvement with Carlton.

"And so, the truth finally escapes your lips!" Her unwavering gaze remained fixed on his countenance.

"Take this as retribution for the countless moments of agony you've subjected me to! It's about time you practice what you preach, dear elder sister!" Axel's words reverberated through the air, witnessing a solitary teardrop cascading from her eye.

"And the funny thing is that I invited him to the party where you met him! Such a good guy, he accepted my invitation even though he knew that our families shouldn't interfere at all.  But what a lucky guy I am to have seen my dear and devoted sister fall into the arms of one of my friends!" This was the turning point in her ability to endure whatever came her way. Her legs gave out when she heard her brother admit that this had been his plan all along. And that Carlton was indeed his friend.

"I can't stand you anymore! I absolutely despise you, Axel!" Elena's voice echoed through the room, filled with a mixture of anger and fear. Tears streamed down her face, leaving trails of moisture on her flushed cheeks.

Axel, seemingly unfazed by her outburst, replied in a mocking tone, "Oh, how lovely! Have a nice day, my dear!" With these words, he callously abandoned his distressed sister, leaving her alone in the house.

Elena's body trembled under the weight of her grief, and her attempts to suppress her emotions proved futile. The dam of her anguish burst and the flood of tears poured down her face with uncontrollable intensity. Each sob shook her to the core, adding to the overwhelming pain that consumed her. Her voice choked with grief, each gasp a desperate attempt to find solace amidst her inconsolable weeping.

She was trapped in the chaos of her own mind, tormented by relentless thoughts that refused to go away. But then a stranger unexpectedly appeared, opening the door to her world. As her gaze met his, she couldn't help but notice the tenderness in his eyes, a gentle warmth that drew her in. It was him, the man who had saved her life once before.

Overwhelmed with emotion, tears streamed down her face like a waterfall, each drop carrying the weight of unspoken pain and longing. Her resolve trembled as she desperately begged, "Please...take me away from here...take me away!" At that moment, Kelan's eyes widened, taken aback by the unexpected scene unfolding before him. Without hesitation, she rushed into him, seeking solace and rescue from the tempestuous place she found herself.

Taking a deep breath, Kelan gently held her trembling arms, his own eyes reflecting her desperate plea for help.

"Take my car keys and get me out of here....I feel like I'm dying!" She continued to cry as she looked steadily into his confused eyes. Then the inevitable happened, Kelan immediately slipped his hand behind her back and helped her out of the house to her car parked outside the garage.

Rising from the depths like a resilient sea creature, she ascended to consciousness, piercing the veil of nothingness into a realm consumed by an unprecedented darkness

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Rising from the depths like a resilient sea creature, she ascended to consciousness, piercing the veil of nothingness into a realm consumed by an unprecedented darkness. The darkness engulfed her, dazzling her senses and leaving her disoriented as to her whereabouts or what had roused her from slumber. She lay motionless in her bed, absorbing the unfamiliar air, her heightened awareness attuned to the symphony of silence punctuated by the determined chorus of chirping crickets. Struggling to decipher her surroundings, she gingerly rose from the comfort of her mattress and carefully scanned the room.

The rhythmic pounding of her own heartbeat rang in her ears, the only audible companion to the persistent chirping outside. She approached the door with trepidation, pulling it open with deliberate care, as if her actions would arouse suspicion in her enigmatic surroundings. The creaking hinges betrayed the presence of an unseen figure, piquing her curiosity. But to her astonishment, the room remained unexpectedly empty, shrouded in a mystery that begged to be unraveled.

Nestled amidst the tranquil woods stood a quaint two-room cottage, illuminated by the soft flicker of oil lamps that cast a mesmerizing golden glow, adding to its enchanting aura. Inside, the cottage exuded an inviting warmth, courtesy of a modest fireplace that radiated its comforting embrace throughout the compact space. One wall was adorned with a rustic bookcase containing a treasured collection of books, while the opposite side featured a petite kitchen, complete with an intriguingly peculiar stove. The heart of the cabin was dominated by a plush couch covered in fluffy white blankets, inviting weary souls to sink into its cozy depths. Elena's eyes sparkled with a deep mix of curiosity and innocence, captivated by the humble charm that surrounded the cabin.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a swift motion, revealing the figure she had longed to see for what seemed like an eternity. As their eyes met, his face transformed into a delightful surprise that mirrored her own awakening.

Elena's voice trembled with disbelief as she uttered, "You?!" Her eyes widened in shock as Kelan flashed a mischievous smile, relishing in her profound confusion. With deliberate slowness, he shut the door behind him, his arms laden with several sacks of paper.

A faint chuckle escaped Kelan's lips, breaking the tense silence. "Ah, it seems you've finally awoken from your deep slumber!" he remarked softly, his voice laced with genuine concern. Navigating his way to the kitchen, he gently placed the paper bags on the counter, his attention fixated on the task at hand.

A glimmer of mischief danced in his eyes as he continued, "I hope you're hungry because I was thinking of making you something to eat! I thought since you fainted from the drinks you had earlier, you might be starving." Kelan's focus remained on unpacking the provisions from the bags, his movements precise and deliberate.


Elena immediately clutched her stomach in embarrassment, the rumbling in her stomach betraying what he had just said. Kelan chuckled at the scene, his adorable eyes catching glimpses of her flushed face.

"Mhh...how about you eat this yogurt while I start cooking your dinner?" Kelan suggested as he held a small container of yogurt in his hand. Elena smiled back and quickly took the yogurt from his grasp.

"Thanks!...I...I'm sorry but who are you?" Elena asked as she stood there, looking him steadily in the eyes. Kelan's undeniable attention was on her, his smile growing wider as he stared into her jet-black eyes.

"My name is Kelan Benedict Cruze, nice to meet you!" He said, extending his right arm in front of him. Elena's soft features were slightly relieved as she finally met the man in front of her. She slowly moved her hand forward and took his in a gentle gesture. Her eyes remained fixed on the man who had twice saved her from dire situations.

"Elena Lila McLain," she said smiling at his brightened expression. Energy is such a powerful thing, you can feel when it's on, when it's off, when it's shifting & when it's just not there. And she could definitely feel her body transforming into something more than usual. An indescribable energy or feeling that brought a sense of peace and belonging in the strangest of ways.

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