27 | be cautious of a lover

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—[twenty-seven]descamps is a pussy!—

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descamps is a pussy!

Sadie sighed at her misfortune, forgetting that for the first half of the day, she and Descamps were sat on opposite sides of the room from each other. She had little to no chance of talking with him during class, and while Le Goff was a lot more laid back than Douillard, he still wouldn't be a fan of her not paying attention in class to do charades, just so Descamps could get an idea of her apology. Especially since she sucked at math.

"Can anyone explain to me how to find x?" he asked, making Sadie want to groan.

Her seat next to Annick also made it so she had to look like she was paying attention, since Annick raised her hand for almost every single question and brought attention to their table. It succeeded in her not only feeling dumber every minute, but also having less of a chance to reach out to the boy at the back of the classroom.

Sadie sat there, listening to the teacher as he assigned everyone to do the problems that were written on the board, when she decided to reach into her bag to grab her sketchbook and doodle instead. She figured she could at least make it look like she was taking notes or something. However, as she ruffled through her bag, she found old crumpled up pieces of paper shoved at the bottom. Furrowing her brows, Sadie subtly opened one up, and nearly laughed at the old message from Descamps.

'How mean of you to not sit next to me on my birthday :( Make it up to me with a birthday kiss?'

She sighed, rubbing the paper in her hands. She wished she weren't so dramatic and had just written back to him that day.


Sadie's eyes widened as she dug through her bag again for her sketchbook, quickly scribbling a quick note on to one of the pages,

'can we talk at lunch??'

before secretly tearing off the piece and folding it up. When Mr. Le Goff was distracted by Michèle calling him over for help on one of the problems, Sadie turned around to a boy sitting behind her.

"Hey, Arthur, can you pass this to Descamps?" she asked, handing the folded note over.

But Arthur gave her a weird stare. "Who the hell is Arthur?"

Sadie tilted her head in confusion. "...You?"

He glared at her. "My name's not Arthur!"

Her eyes widened. "It's not?!"

"Are you serious right now? I've sat behind you for this class every other day! You know it's the end of November, right?"

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