26 | you're not letting go

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—[twenty-six]the descamps protection squad—

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the descamps protection squad

Sadie kept fiddling with random strands of hair that kept popping out of her usual braid, keeping her fingers busy as she and Martine walked through the front gates of Voltaire. Sadie tried not to observe the courtyard's differences from how it had looked just a couple days before, not wanting to make herself feel even more nervous.

She had done a lot of contemplating and therapy with Martine the day before, the blonde even deciding to spend the night to fully unpack everything Martine had missed over the past couple of months due to not being in the same form. Their catch up spanned from noon, all the way to the early hours of the morning, so the two were properly knackered—and they definitely looked it, too with Sadie's dark under eyes. But after finally having the full rundown, Martine had advised her to apologize to Descamps when they got back to school.

"He should apologize to me, too. It's only right," Sadie stubbornly grumbled.

"The right thing isn't always about being right," Martine sighed, "Sometimes it's about being kind."

"But what if he hates me now?"

"Descamps? Hate you? Don't make me laugh."

And so here Sadie was, anxiously peering around to find an unruly head of blond hair that would only be tamed by his eyepatch. Usually, it wasn't too hard of a task, with his height and all. But Sadie forgot just how elusive Joseph Descamps could be when he wasn't obnoxiously calling attention to himself.

"God, where is he?" Sadie muttered, puffing her cheeks out.

Martine shrugged. She was on the lookout for their friends when she caught sight of Dupin and Vergoux. The boys were smoking, as usual, and bickering with Dupin's brother.

"Hey, there's Thing One and Thing Two over there," Martine motioned, making Sadie find them as well.

As she realized what she was referring to, Sadie snorted before shoving the blonde. "Not nice!"

"Whatever, just go ask them where their boyfriend is."

"But what if they know? What if they're mad at me?" she gave Martine an alarmed look.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. If they're mad, the worst they could do is say no, or ignore you!"

With her gaze watching the two boys, Sadie was able to see the older brother walk away to his own group.

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