13 | just like a dream

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—[thirteen]flirting tactics: fight with her—

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flirting tactics: fight with her

"How nice of you to join us, Miss Devereaux! How ever do I thank you for your long awaited presence?"

Sadie resisted the burning in her cheeks to silently hand the note over to Mr. Herman.

She'd made it to class, a few minutes late after running over. Her breath was unstable, as well as her hair, but the note in her hand completely voided that as Mr. Herman sighed in annoyance.

"I see...Well, go have a seat somewhere. There aren't any seats next to the other girls in here, so find whatever's open," he dismissed, crumpling the note in his hands.

She nodded at him and quickly found the first open spot in the front of the room on the right. She saw there was no partner either, so she felt comfortable with not having a boy for a partner. She kept her head down, hair hiding her face, as she scurried over and set her things down.

"All right, now that we've been blessed with Miss Devereaux, why don't we get started," Mr. Herman announced, turning toward the board to write a few things down. "For our second class today, we will be going over the plants I introduced last class—"

Sadie was just getting started on her notes, when she felt a tug on her hair from behind. Gasping quietly, she turned around to face the culprit.

"Descamps," she hissed, not anywhere amused at the wide grin on his face.

Lo and behold, Joseph Descamps with his smug smile and annoying persistence. He sat with someone Sadie didn't recognize, far away from his friends who were in the middle of the room. She wouldn't be surprised if he got in trouble and was separated from the other two.

"Hello, Devereaux," he purred.

She rolled her eyes at him, about to turn around again, when he whispered:

"Where were you?"

"Up yours."

"Ha, you wish."

Sadie growled, before swinging back to the front. It had been perfect timing, as the teacher turned around at that exact moment, a suspicious look on his face. Sadie merely smiled innocently up at him, to which he gave her a look, before continuing whatever lecture he had started.

"So photosynthesis was initially discovered by Jan Baptista van Helmont, over in Belgium—"

As the teacher turned around again, Sadie tried her best to focus. But it was hard when Descamps kept whispering her name, over and over again, to get her attention.

"Damn it, Devereaux."

"Go. Away."

The two whispered between gritted teeth, instantly morphing their features into looks of utmost fascination in everything plants whenever the teacher would turn around again.

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