17 | i'm in a world apart

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—[seventeen]simone, the life saver—

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simone, the life saver

Sadie had done a phenomenal job of avoiding Descamps for the majority of the day, and she only had one thing to thank for that.

"Wow, Michèle! You're so funny, I'm so happy we've been able to spend so much time together today," Sadie breathed, one arm thrown around the girl's shoulder.

The two were leaving English with the rest of the class, but like the rest of the day, Sadie had been glued to Michèle's side as they made their way to Natural Sciences with Herman.

"Not that I don't love spending time with you, but why exactly, have we spent so much time together today?" Michèle questioned.

Simone poked in as well, "Yeah, are you okay, Sadie? You've been a little...off today?"

Sadie laughed nervously before waving the pair's concerns off. "'Off'? No! I just realized I've spent next to no time with you guys! Like, I don't even know your guys' favorite colors!"

Michèle laughed, "It's orange."

"Mine's green," Simone admitted, though the blush that ran across her cheeks made it seem like she was lying.

Nonetheless, Sadie cheered, "Ah! See, I never would've known that had I not spent this precious time with you!"

As they made it to the classroom, Sadie stopped in her tracks as she realized that with her excitement of changing the subject, she'd forgotten a crucial detail. She was Descamps' seatmate in this class.

And she couldn't excuse her way out of it like forgetting her glasses since she already sat in the front row.

There he sat, waiting impatiently in his seat for her arrival. And she would've thought that idea was a little delusional at first, had he not been staring her down the very second she walked through the door. His bag was settled by his feet, materials for the class already out, letting her know he had to have been one of the first ones in the class since everyone else was just barely getting seated. As they made eye contact, she watched as he visibly sat up straighter and unconsciously fiddled with his eye patch.

Oh, fuck, Sadie inwardly whimpered at his attention, wanting nothing more than to jump through the window.

Putting the back of her hand to her forehead, Sadie suddenly stumbled. "Wow, you know what, I think you're right, Simone! Something is wrong, I think I'm starting to come down with something!" Sadie suddenly sagged the rest of her weight onto poor Michèle, who easily caught her. "Looks like I'm gonna have to go to the nurse's office! Tell Herman I'm dying, or something—"

Sadie had turned around and barely made it out the door before Simone grabbed her arm and pulled her outside, a bit away from the door.

"Woah, Simone, what are you—"

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