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—[eleven]oh, how i love being a woman—

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oh, how i love being a woman

It was the following day when Sadie had decided to be kinder to Martine and wear a different dress to school. She honestly didn't have many to choose from, but decided to wear a white sweater over a pink plaid dress she typically saved for mass. It was her nicest one, which wasn't saying much since it had ink stains on it, but the sleeves were cute and it had a collar with a bow. Sadie knew that if anything would help the blonde completely forget the anxiety she felt about facing Mrs. Giraud, it would be Sadie trying to be fashionable. And if anyone knew Martine Gomez, it was definitely her, as her prediction was spot on.

"Good Lord," Martine gasped as soon Sadie opened the door. "Sadie Devereaux! You've been holding out on me!"

Sadie rolled her eyes as she laughed and grabbed her bag before stepping out into the morning. She put her hat on now that she was outside and walked side by side with Martine to the girl's bike.

"Just where has that dress been all this time?!"

"Church," Sadie replied, causing Martine to blanch.

"You're telling me all the nuns got to see you in this dress before I did? That's actual lunacy, baby."

"What's lunacy is the way you have all those ribbons peeking out of your binder. I can see seven different ones just glancing."

In Martine's right arm were her books tied together, and peeking out from the spine were many different colors of hair ribbons. She even had a couple tied to her wrists, causing Sadie to tilt her head.

"Is there some kind of awareness event going on that I missed?" Sadie asked as she and Martine put their things in the moped's basket.

Martine shook her head with a big smile. "No, these are for all of the girls at school." At Sadie's raised brow, she explained, "It's in case Mrs. Giraud decides to scream at anyone else for their hair being down, like she did with Annick. Even if the girls' hair is short, she can wear it around her wrist like me! To show solidarity, in a sense. I also brought a jar of micellar water for girls that happened to walk by that bitch while wearing makeup! Because let me tell you, the sink water is truly a nightmare!"

Sadie smiled softly at Martine as the girl pulled the said jar out of her bag with a proud grin, waving it and making the water swish against the sides.

"That's pretty thoughtful of you, Marty," she said.

"I just don't want the other girls to feel the way I had yesterday," Martine admitted, stuffing the jar back in her bag and hopping on her bike. "Whether it's from Bluebeard or not, us girls need to stick together and help each other out."

Sadie shook her head fondly at the blonde as she realized she didn't actually need to wear this dress today. She was right in the fact that Martine would be happy to see her dress, but she didn't quite account for the fact that even though Martine could cry, she was still her headstrong friend. Being humiliated by Mrs. Giraud would not be the end of her, she didn't need to be coddled by Sadie and would find her own ways to pick herself up to fight again.

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