02 | the first crack

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—[two]when i say boys will be boys, it only applies to them being disappointing—

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when i say boys will be boys, it only applies to them being disappointing

"What have I done," Sadie muttered to herself as she walked through the halls of the school.

She walked in the middle of a huge group of people as they all steered their way through the staircases and halls to get to their Homeroom. It was a little overwhelming, being in a new campus and all, but what was even worse were the biggest addition: the boys. Never had she seen boys in an educational setting, only when she was out and about in town. To watch as groves of them laughed obnoxiously, or talk quietly, or even just plow their way to class so close to her took her more off guard than she expected. And it definitely didn't help that all of the girls she got on with were in different classes, on a completely different floor than her.

After a bit of trouble navigating her classroom, Sadie walked through the door for the first time, behind a group of serious-looking boys. She watched as one went to sit down in the middle of the first pew, while his friends took the seats to the left of him. Unlike the rest of the form, those three were quick to get their materials ready for the first lecture.

Sadie took a quick look around the room to find where to sit, seeing as there were only three other girls in the room: Michèle and Simone being the two she met outside, but they had already taken the seats next to each other. This left the last girl in the room, being the dirty blonde who sat in the middle of the room. What really caught her eye was the fact that she sat nowhere near the other girls, and was instead sitting and easily chatting with a few of the boys. In fact, she remembered seeing the girl pushing around the tall boy from outside as well. Sadie figured the group must've gotten on well before the school change.

Seeing the empty seat on the right side of the girl, she made her way to the middle of the room. Walking over, Sadie accidentally made eye contact with the same boy from outside, and saw as his eyes subtly widened behind his glasses. He, for some reason, started stretching before he nudged his friend beside him, causing the other to shut up immediately and go to run a hand through his hair. She watched as they pretended not to see her and keep talking to the girl in front of them, who continued whatever hushed story she was telling.

"—so then I had to act like I just had a crazy 'revelation' or whatever and run out of mass before they noticed the smoke—hey, what's wrong with the both of you? Dupin, you look like you need to take a shi—"

"Shut up, Molly," the brown haired boy—Dupin, she assumed—squeaked, interrupting the girl.

Sadie tried not to laugh as Molly looked utterly offended and reached over the blond to do something probably inappropriate, before Sadie stepped in.

"Excuse me," she intervened, a bit awkwardly. "Could I sit next to you?"

The three of them turned towards her, two of which were delighted, while Molly looked completely uncomfortable. Sadie tried to smile at the girl, but could tell her best attempt looked more forced than anything.

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