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—[one]first days and awkward introductions—

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first days and awkward introductions

Sadie Devereaux was many things, but most of all, she was late. She had probably spent a little too long doing her hair, but all she knew was that today was the worst time for her to be running behind.

She hopped around her room on one socked foot as she struggled to get the other on, cursing the frilly things her mother had excitedly bought her the night before. She admitted they were cute with their little ruffles and matched her heeled mary janes her father bought her last Christmas, but the way it was difficult to pull them on in her frantic state made her want to chuck them and just go to school barefoot. Her nerves only worsened when she heard her mother calling from downstairs to hasten so she wouldn't miss her first day of school.

"I'm coming," Sadie yelped, finally pulling on her sock and running out as quickly as her slippery feet would let her.

"Please don't fall on my floors, I just swept them, love," said her mother.

She wore her nightgown still, but the paint-stained apron haphazardly thrown over it let Sadie know her mother had been up for hours at this point, having probably gotten a stroke of inspiration in the middle of the night. The paintings scattered around the living room only confirmed her suspicions.

"Good morning, Mama," she greeted, quickly grabbing her brand new school bag and double checking she had everything she needed. While it wasn't her first time attending school—she had actually gone to multiple different schools, including in Colombia and the United States—she was still walking into uncharted territory: boys.

She needed to be prepared.

"Where's Papa?" Sadie asked offhandedly, not really paying too much mind to the answer. She couldn't find her lucky handkerchief.

"He left for the library, said he wanted a copy of that one philosopher's book to get some inspiration for his next piece."

She hummed in acknowledgement, though she was starting to get annoyed at the way the cloth hadn't turned up after moving the same notebooks around for the third time. She was just about to turn them around for the fourth, before her mother spoke up again.

"You do realize you have ten minutes to get to school, correct?"

She turned towards her mother to answer, only to find in the woman's hands was her handkerchief. She wanted to smile and thank her mother, however, she could only focus on the raised eyebrow and pointed eyes, letting Sadie know her mother wasn't impressed.

She laughed nervously, grabbing her lucky handkerchief before giving her mother a kiss on the cheek. Her mother snorted while Sadie easily slid her shoes on and left for the door. "I'll just get my exercise in on the way, Mama! I'll see you after school!"

She could hear her mother sigh, before calling out, "Have a good day! Actually learn something, will you?"

"I'll try," Sadie laughed genuinely before closing the door and making her way into the busy morning streets.

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