Chapter 22 - Blooded Hell

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It has been about a day since I met this Jack dude.

We both got along well, I guess. I had made up a fake life, just leaving in the fact that my dad was a druggie and my mom nonexistent. I had helped him rip the weeds from the carpet and talked to him about life. I had nothing much to do afterwards since I had no way to charge my phone and cellular service was not present in the middle of the woods. The guy had just gotten back from a nearby store about three miles away with a bundle of quarters he had stuffed in his pockets.

"Kay, I got two snickers technically. But, they had this deal on if you buy two, you get two free. So, here's two snickers, man. By the way, there's some gnarly red foxes that you hear at night. Don't worry, worst that's happened is one tried to burrow underneath the wall."

"Cool." I acknowledged. I sit myself down into the grassy area of the shadowed room and start to mindless pick at the small green blades.

"Do you need any clothes?" He offers, "I got a few old clothes of mine you could borrow. You look pretty roughed up." He pulls some miscellaneous shirts and pants from his bag and strewn them out in front of him.

"Oh." I give a small surprised look, "Yeah, thanks, man."

After a few moments, I pull my grimy shirt off, and was left in only my black jeans and smudged Jordans. I groan, prying the new shirt over my torso. It was partly tight around my biceps, my movements in my arms strained and uncomfortable.

"Is it fine?" The guy asks, shoving the extra clothes back into his bag. I give a small nod, fixing the  bunches and wrinkles in the black shirt.

"Thanks." I complimented, giving the guy a small smile.

"Yeah, no problem." He zips up the bag, ". . .I know this is kind of personal, but like, what got you into being homeless or something? You seem so city-like and understanding of the present world around ya. I mean, what got you into this life?"

I swallow, looking down at the grown grass, "Well, uh. It's just a lot, man."

"I'm fine with hearing about it. You're all good."

"I.." I look out amongst the trees, a nervousness of the situation overwhelming my heart rate, "I got caught up into a bunch of legal shit. I mean, I don't know. I'm a bad person, in my opinion. Really, if I told you the truth of who I really am, then you'd turn me in."

It goes awfully silent for a few seconds, the wind rushing through the wooded area.

"Man." He states, leaning himself back into the grass and thinking to himself, "I understand. Really, I do. You know what? Fuck the legal shit, fuck the government."

"Ha-ha." I joke, "If we were to say that in front of a cop, then we'd both be in major trouble right now."

"I've been in legal shit before." The man admits, "Drugs and stuff. Nothing crazy, ya know?"

"Been in jail?" I question.

"Nah, I got this sick ass attorney that made up some stuff to make me get some community service for a bit."



It had all been set in place.

Somehow, someway, a painless suicide has brought me to linger through all the memories and all the horrendous, gory actions anyone committed in each length of time. I had all the documents of evidence in my hands; and I adored it. I may not be alive, but my soul yearned for the tasteful desire of knowledge. The truth of the universe and the reason life existed was all sprawled out and written in the book in front of me.

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