Chapter 13 - Help

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I was stuck at the seat, staring at the screen for hours on end until visible eyebags hung on my skin. I groan, rubbing my face and leaning my head on the desk. I lie there for a few moments, my mind slowing with my thoughts. The soft and lingering fogginess adding to my tiredness filled my mind.


The AI voice blasts from the once quiet computer, bringing me to wake up and blink at the bright screen. I soon understand what it says: she's at a fucking corporation? "DREW! IT CAME UP WITH SOMETHING!" I scream, pulling myself up to open the door, to which he slams open and runs to the computer.

"Oh my god. No." Drew whispers, his face going pale and glancing into my eyes.

"What? What's wrong?" I question, worried. My body seems to shiver in this unknown fear of negativity.

"They got to her before we could. They.. That corporation is the lead corporation next to where I used to work. They have been constantly been seeking to overpower one another. I don't know how they did it.."

"Do you think there's a way we could get to her?" I ask, my heart beating out of my chest.

"The only way I could think of is breaking in." He answers, wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead and standing up, "Come with me." He orders. I follow after him through his beautiful and modernized home. After strolling through the wandering halls in silence, he opens up a small hatch in the floor boards, a latter immediately met in my eye sight, "C'mon."

I hesintely take myself into the darkness, looking up to the halfway-crazy man watching me descend. I drop my body after hitting the second step of the ladder, an echo hitting the walls around me. I listen the small and quickened steps of Drew coming down the ladder as well, "Here-" He hands me a flashlight. I take the light and press the switch, the room lighting up instantly. It had shelves of guns everywhere, and an elongated table crowded with an assortment of weapons and accessories to disguise yourself. I take a few steps forward, my light shaking slightly with how unnerved I was feeling. He grabs my shoulder, pulling me back, "Are you sure you want to do this, Elias?"

I take a glance at him, my legs giving a jelly-feeling. I take my arm down from resting the light in the room, "Drew, I don't know." I mutter, taking my time in staring at the empty darkness. I feel his grip on me lessen and then pull away with a sigh.

"I shouldn't have done this." He mumbles, slowly walking into the darkness. I look up into where he walked too, blindness taking over in the few feet in front of me, "Elias, take care of her for me, okay? I need you to find her for me."

"Drew," I question, "What are you talking about?"

"You know," He chuckles sadly, "I've already pretty much ruined my life. Any moment, those people could assassinate me." I pull my flashlight up, making eye contact with him. He had sat himself in the corner of the room holding a handgun in both hands. He blinks away his tears, a sigh leaving his lips before putting his lips to the weapon.

Why wasn't I moving?

All I could do was stare, that was really all I could do. I watched him close his eyes, his body comforting in the sense of death. I dropped the flash light, the room rolling with light, "Drew-" I whisper into the darkness. My hands went cold, and my body went limp with fear.

"Tell Zeph that I love her." He says with a monotone voice. I take a few steps, my ears suddenly shattering in pain as the gunshot winds through each crevice of my body. My frame freezes there, shattering into a billion pieces at the simple shot. I stood there for what seemed to be forever, my body circulating with a billion thoughts. I've seen death before, yes. But, never have I seen a suicide.. especially of someone that I knew for so many years. 

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