Chapter 21 - White Void

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It has been a day since I started my once one hour drive.

Why has it taken me so damn long, you may ask? It's because all the way back eighty miles, my father had been admitting to the police every single thing I did for that first year and a half before I ran away from home. They had arrested my dad for drug usage and selling fent. I knew my dad was addicted to drugs, and it made me laugh knowing he couldn't sleep with the withdrawals. That didn't stop me silently cussing him out each time I had run from the police in the last twenty-four hours.

My thigh still hurt like shit from Brad's crazy actions before I blew his brains out. And jumping from the small highway level onto the grass below was extremely painful. My 2018 vehicle that I had just scammed to get was now in the possession of cops. Although, they wouldn't find anything. 

Somehow, they found Vit's body immediately after I drove away. It annoyed the hell out of me, and caused a full night of staring at my ceiling with pits of anger multiplying in my stomach. I was hiding behind abandoned buildings and sometimes begging for food from strangers.

I wasn't all that horrendous for food to be honest. Back during my childhood, my drug using dad would be too focused either being high off drugs or bringing home a new girl every other night. It caused me to start eating the molded food in the cabinets and quietly throw up in the middle of the night. I had a horrible childhood, and at thirteen I had brought myself to alcohol as a way out. 

High-school brought me to parties, and parties brought me to be exactly like my dad. It brought me this fake pride and joy as you'd have everyone in the party watching me either downing shots, snorting coke off the counter, or even losing your virginity to a stranger. They'd all tell me these compliments, and I felt like king of the world during it. And after either struggling my way back home or having a friend being kind enough to drive me back, my dad would take his time in screaming about how I was the reason my mom was gone.

I found Zeph, who was urged by her high school friends to join in parties she hated. I had a tendency to love watching her finally give in to the girl's pestering and get drunk. After a couple flirty conversations, we started dating. I realized my mistake as soon as I caught her making out with a different guy when drunk. But, her constant pleas for the relationship to go on forced me into staying with her.

At seventeen, my dad stopped working and my job at Dunkin' Donuts wasn't helping much at all. It was sickening to wake up your high father just to tell him an eviction notice was hung on our front door. We had no where to live, and I had no where to go.

That was until a night at a bar brought me to find Drew. I wanted anything to get the bills paid and maybe pay my father's love back. And, my stupid, young self decided that since the people I was told to murder were sex traffickers, scammers, etc; then it'd be okay. I was obviously wrong. I managed to give my father all the cash, having him steady himself into a slightly larger house.

He never said thank you.

I had lived with my dad for around a year and a half after killing Luke at the party. But, after sobering up from his state for a couple days, he found who I really was. I had ran, stealing his vehicle in the process. I gave the vehicle to Mark after meeting him at a party as well. Both of his parents kicked him out at 16, and he had a raging anger to get revenge. I helped him complete his goal, hiding the corpses in Connecticut before losing contact for a long while.

I tended to stick to being in discord chat rooms or even the dark web. I wanted to feel seen without the thought of having the police called on me. I met Bradley, and soon told him my past. Surprisingly, he understood and found me abandoned homes to live at. He lived in Colorado as well, which I guess you could call me lucky. Bradley had been a raging alcoholic and even sometimes a pedophile. I know what I'm about to say is bad, but I didn't care for his disgusting antics and attraction to minors. I just was desperate for somewhere to eat and sleep. He told me that he'd had enough of his life a couple days before Zeph stalked me down and tried to kill me. I understood how he felt, and for some reason agreed to make a plan on his death.

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