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                                                                           Three Months Later...

We got settled in our Condo by the beach. Jupiter surprised us with buying us a freaking condo. Me having pregnancy hormones flipped out but I loved it obviously. It's spacey. We got all moved in. Jack graduated high school and was happy he was out of high school. We bought all of the baby gear we need with the help of Raylen and Jupiter. Jupiter and I went shopping  for baby clothes. We bought a special dress for Annalise that says, "I'm daddy's girl". I bought a onesie for Jax that says, "Mommy's boy".    

I'm in my final weeks of my pregnancy. Thank God. Being pregnant was great, but third trimester was literal HELL . The babies are going to be soccer players. They kick like nuts. Jack is really excited. He really likes the clothes we got. Especially Annalise's. He got a onesie for the both of them saying, "Mommy said yes". They're both white and have a ring on it. I laughed as I saw it. 

We got the nursery set up thanks with the help of Jupiter's artistic eye. The nursery was a wooded themed. A very cozy nursery. We had two cribs next to one another, a nursing couch, pictures of me and Jack,  blue-ish wallpaper, books that we can read the babies when they're born, and blankets that have their names on them are along the cribs. It's just a very beautiful, cozy nursery. 

When Jack saw the nursery for the first time he grabbed my hand and looked at me. He said, "This is so beautiful. You guys did a great job." Jack grabbed out of his bag a plaque saying, "I'll always be my daddy's baby girl". He handed it to me and my heart melted. He's going to love Annalise with all of his heart. I put the plaque on the table by her crib. I stood back into Jack's arms and took into the room. The room was complete. Everything was complete except the babies. They needed to be here. Jack looked at me.

"I also bought Jax his first football." We chuckled. Jack placed the football on the table by Jax's crib. Jack held me baby my shoulder.      

I felt the babies kick. I rubbed my belly. "Hello, guys. It's Mommy. We have everything ready for your arrival."  

Jack put his hand on mine on my belly. "Hi guys, It's Daddy. I'm so excited to meet you. I've been waiting an entirety."  

I sat down on the nursing couch and sighed sadly. Jack leaned his shoulder against the door   frame.  

"What's wrong, Baby?" He asked.

"I'm just---I'm just nervous about giving birth." I cringed. "I've read and watched that it was horrified. I don't know Jack."  

Jack came and kneeled by me and put his hand on mine. "What are you scared of?" 

"I don't know. That I can't get them out. Um---it's going to hurt so much that I can't stand it, I know it's worth it, but Jack. I'm just anxious."    

Jack sat on the couch and grabbed me and sat me on his lap. He rubbed my back and our foreheads were together. 

"You're going to be fine. You, Jax, and Annalise are going to have a healthy labor. And I'm going to be right by your side the whole time---and I'll get to give you the babies when the nurses are done with checking on them."   

I smiled. 

Jack smiled softly. "I hope Annalise has your smile." 

I groaned. "I guess. I hope she has your eyes." I said.   

"I hope Jax has yours."   

I suddenly felt a trickle down my leg. I gasped and looked down. There was a pool of fluid on the ground. I looked at Jack and I started to have pains. I groaned. I grabbed onto Jack's hand and squeezed it.  

"Jack! My water broke." I exclaimed, panically.   

Jack grabbed me and held me tightly. Pain shoots from my stomach to my groin. I squeezed Jack's hand tighter as I moaned. 

"Jack! Help me to the car. It's time ." I exclaimed, trying to get up.   

Jack grabbed the hospital bag we packed and said, "Wait here. I'll help you to the car when I put the bag in the car." 

When Jack came back he looked at me and smiled softly. He scooped me up and took me to the car. When Jack started to drive I felt happy he was with me because I don't know what I would do without him. Despite of the pain, I couldn't help but feel happiness. We're meeting our babies.    

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