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When we went downstairs, Raylen and my mom were sitting in the living room watching tv and laughing. My mom and Raylen were the happiest people on earth. The happiest I knew. Jack and I looked at each other and smiled.  Raylen and my mom made eye contact with Jack and I and paused their show and waited for us to talk. Jack smiled at me.  

"So, Kimberly...Raylen. We have an idea. We want to take a road trip through the United States through the break and we--well Delilah wants your approval."  Jack said, with patient eyes. 

I look at my mom and Raylen waiting for their answer. They look at each other and then back at Jack and I. I suddenly felt nervous. Why? My mom stood up and sighed deeply. 

"Okay, but I want you guys back before school starts back up." She said, seriously.    

Jack and I looked at each other nodding in agreement. That was fair. I just needed to get the hell out of this town. Too many traumatic things have happened over three years. I need adventures. And no person I want to have it with is with my best friend. 

"Agreed." Jack and I said. 

My mom nodded. "Okay. When would you leave?" 

Jack and I looked at each other. I started to breathe heavily. I didn't need to think of a date. I just wanted to think of getting the hell of here.  Jack put his hand on my shoulder. He looked at my mom. He knew I was anxious. 

"Day after tomorrow." He said, seriously. 

"Okay. You better get to packing, guys." My mom said, smiling at us. 

Jack smiled. "Yes ma'am."

Whenever I let Jack out I smiled at him. He looked at me. "Thank you, Jack for being there for me. I'll see you in two days." Jack's eyes were onto my eyes. It felt so intense. "You're welcome, Liles." Jack smiled at me and left.    

That night I felt free. I felt the weight was lifted off my shoulders. That night I spent time with my family. Raylen was looking at me intensely all night. When I went into my room for the night Raylen came into my room and leaned against the wall. He closed the door and inhaled sharply. 

"So, what's going on, Del?" He asked seriously.      

I looked at him. "Nothing."

Raylen looked at me suspiciously. "Really?" 

"No. Taylor broke up with me for no reason." I choked up. "I didn't know what was going on---"   

Raylen came to me. He wrapped his arms around me as the tears welled up in my eyes. Raylen's jaw tensed and looked angrier than I've ever seen him. Raylen and I were close. He was a father figure to me. Ever since our trashy dad left us two years ago. Whenever our parents divorced. He was there for me. He treated with me the man affection I needed that my dad never had the balls too. My brother is a true one. 

"I'm going to kill him!" Raylen exclaimed, angrily.  

I looked at him. "Please don't. It won't help." 

I put my head on Raylen's shoulder. I felt the most safest when I was with either Raylen or Jack. They were my safe spaces. He rubbed my arm and sighed deeply. I felt him looking at me and I looked back at him.   

"I'm sorry baby sis. This must've been a terrible day."  

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah." 

When Raylen stood up to leave I smiled and looked at him. "Hey, Ray?" 


"Thank you." 

He smiled before leaving. When Raylen left my phone beeped. My close friend and Jack's sister, Jupiter texted me. 

Jupiter: Jack said that you're going on a trip. We need to go to the mall tomorrow to pick up new outfits.   

Me: Ha, ha. Okay. 

Jupiter: Meet me tomorrow at ten. 

I sent Jupiter a heart emoji. Jupiter and I have been close friends ever since I became best friends with Jack. She's a year younger than Jack and I, but she's a very good friend to me. I can tell her anything that I can't tell Jack. When I told her about my crush on Jack she encouraged me to tell me but I said, "Hell Nah." She's spirited and a very good encourager. She has a gift of being wise. 

She has the reddest of hair. Long and wavy. Her eyes are the clearest of green like emeralds. It's like you can see right through them. She has full lips that she colors them with bright red lipstick.         

The next morning I met Jupiter at the mall. When I saw her, she was excited to see me. It has been a while since we've hung out. Just us. She embraced me in a tight hug and I immediately felt better. It would be a good thing to hang out with Jupiter for a while.    

"Hi, Del. I'm so glad we can hang out and shop for outfits for your trip." Jupiter said, excitedly.   

"Absolutely." I chuckled.  

Jupiter and I walked into the mall. When we saw a store. we liked we went into it. Jupiter smiled at me and gave me a confused look. "So, what are we buying?" She asked.     

"Winter clothing. Or rather warmer clothing." I said, going to the winter section. Jupiter followed me and we saw beautiful, sexy options. Jupiter took down a pink off-the -shoulder sweater and put to me. She smiled big. 

"This is beautiful, Del."       

I put the sweater on my arm and continued to look around. Jupiter put a few sexy nightgown on her arm. I rolled my eyes and looked at what else she had on her arms. A white low-cut long sleeve dress and black tights. And a rose gold one button-down cardigan. 

My eyes widened. "Bro, that's really sexy." I said, gasping softly.       

"Oh, really? I didn't notice." 

Jupiter grabbed light blue and black skinny jeans. And ones with holes in them. I looked at Jupiter shocked. "I love these, but um---these are too much, Jup."    

Jupiter smiled softly. "Get out of your comfort zone." 

"I guess." 

We checked out and we walked aside by side. She looked at me and her mouth began to open then closed. I looked back at her. 


"Jack told me about Taylor. I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry and Taylor is a dick." She said, symptomatically.     

I stopped and smiled wistfully. "Thank you. I just want to stop talking about him. That's one of the reasons I'm getting away. I wanted Jack to come because know."  

"Yeah. Yeah, I get that." 

When we got to Blue. A lingerie store. I looked at Jupiter and my eyes widened. Jupiter chuckled at my expression.   

"Let's go." Jupiter said

"Jup, this is a lingerie store." I said, surprised. 

"Oh, really?" 

Jupiter grabbed my hand and led me into the store. Jupiter put sexy bras and panties in the basket. Pink,  dark blue, black, white, teal, and red. This was not my style or what I wore but Jupiter was right. I needed to get out of my comfort zone.  When we checked out a man looked at us and I felt a strong blush come through my cheeks. 

When we got done at the mall Jupiter helped me get the bags in my car and hugged me tightly. She sighed deeply and started to tear up. I grabbed her by her shoulder and looked into eyes sentimentally. I waited for her to speak.   

"I'm going to miss you." She said.

"Oh, Jup. I'll be back in a few weeks." I said, somberly.

She looked down for a minute then back up at me. "Text me. Tell me you guys are okay." She exclaimed.

I nodded in agreement. She hugged me tightly once more before leaving. She went to her light blue Toyota Hylander. She waved at me and I waved back happily.       

When I got home I picked my travel outfit which was the pink off-the-shoulder sweater, my new black skinny jeans, and white ankle boots. I packed all my clothes and my new sexy ones. Hoping for something to happen. We can only hope, right?   

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