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                                                                           Three months later...

We've been staying at the cabin and everything has been perfect. I'm six months pregnant and I have my biggest support right by my side. My first semester wasn't perfect. I had morning sickness and in my final stages of second semester. I'm having swollen feet that kill me, and I have stretch marks that itch like nuts. Jack has been sweet. Every time I complain about my feet he rubs them and rubs my oil on my tummy for me. He's been the sweetest.          

I've been feeling the babies more and Jack puts an ear to my belly whenever they have hiccups. He talks to my belly. Telling the babies that he loves them and that he would be there for them. It's the freaking sweetest. I talk to the babies too. Telling them I was "mommy" and I loved them already.

Jupiter called us and told us that she got us an apartment so we started home that day. The two day trip was going to be hard. I looked at Jack.         

"Can we get a pillow? Because this trip is going to be uncomfortable." I asked, wincing.     

Jack grabbed me. "Yes, of course. Are you okay?"

"The babies are kicking like crazy and my boobs are freaking milk bags and they hurt so bad." I said, cupping my breasts. 

Jack chuckled. "Milk bags?" 

"Yeah. I'm going to start to produce milk in a few weeks."  

He clears his throat and got on his knees. He looked at my belly and sighed. "Jaxson, Annalise. You're making mommy miserable. Let's tone it down in there."    

I smiled and tried to conceal a laugh. Jack was going to be a great, funny dad. I could see the future whenever I saw him. He was going to teach Jax to throw a football. He was going to be a loving dad whenever Annalise got her heart broke for the first time. He was going to be the 'best friend' dad to Jax and tell Jack everything. Jack was going to give Annalise away one day and walk her down the aisle. Something I'm not getting.     

Jack put the bags in the car and helped me in his car. We decided to take Jack's car because he didn't want me to drive. We were going to get my car to Miami when we arrived. When we arrived to a store Jack looked at me and smiled. "I'll be back." He said, grabbing his wallet. I nodded and watched him go into the store.  I decided to call Raylen to tell him I was coming home.  He picked up on the fourth ring. 

"Delilah?"  He said, worried out of his mind. 

"Raylen, relax. I'm fine. I'm just calling you to tell you that I'm coming back to Miami."  I said, reassuring him. 

"Okay. I'm just glad you're safe. And the baby?" 

"You mean babies and they're fine. Raylen, they're twins. You're going to have a niece and nephew. We're naming them Jaxson, J.A.X.S.O.N and Annalise."   I said, happily. 

"Really? Oh, my god. Delilah, congratulations!"  

"Thank you." Suddenly I saw Jack coming back to the car with a pregnancy pillow. "Jack's coming back. I'll see soon. Love you, big brother."  

He sighed happily. "Love you too." 

When Jack came back into the car I hung up the phone. He handed me the pillow and I smiled. "Thanks, Jack. This is going to be a long trip, but this will help." I said, hugging the pillow.     

Jack nodded and started to drive. I grabbed the pillow and got comfortable. Jack looked at me and smiled. I looked back and asked, "What?" He shrugged and put his hand on my belly.    

"Jack?" I asked, grabbing his hand. 


"I've been thinking about our future. Ever since I took the test. Ever since we found out the genders. I know you're going to be a great father to our babies. The best friend type dad to Jax. Showing him how to throw a football and the loving father to Annalise when she needs you. And you get to walk her down the aisle when she's older. I just wonder who's going to look like who. I hope Annalise gets your looks."     

Jack pulled over and sat where he could look at me. "Oh, Baby, I'm going to be the greatest father to them. And Jax is going to know how to throw the football by the time he's two. And as for Annalise...I'm going to be there for her and if any boy hurts her, somebody's going to get hurt. And as for me walking her down the aisle. Um...I'm not ready. I'll never be ready. She'll be a Hill forever."   

I laughed. 

"I'm dead serious. Nobody is hurting my baby girl. And nobody is taking my baby girl away from me. At least until she's thirty."   

My heart melted. I grabbed Jack and kissed him gently. He was going to be the best father. When I tried to pull away Jack pulled me in for a long kiss. My breath was gone---every time he kissed me.     

Jack started to drive again and I closed my eyes. When I woke up we were at the hotel we were staying for the night. Jack grabbed our bags and I grabbed my pillow. When we got into our room I laid in the bed and exhaled deeply.    

"This bed is my best friend." 

Jack laughed as he dropped our bags. "You slept all day, Lilies." 

I glared at him. "Excuse me, Mr. Hill. I'm carrying your children." 

Jack jumped onto the bed by me. "Oh, of course, Ms. Holland."  

That night it was hard to sleep,  but the pillow helped. I felt the babies move all night. My back hurt. I couldn't get comfortable. And whenever I got comfortable I had to pee. Jack helped by massaging my back. "Ugh! When will I get you guy out?" I groaned. 

Jack exhaled. "A few more months, Babe."


Jack was the sweetest. He is my biggest comfort. I want to marry him one day. He is my best friend and I want to be a family. 

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