chapter 18

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POV: 3rd person
Seven days flew by, and by then, Sonic had entered heat again. But this time he could take suppressants. He still felt a bit warm, as if he was standing in the sunshine. But long not as bad as the week before.

"Ready to go, Sonic?" Tails called from downstairs. Today they had a gang meeting. That usually involved eating somewhere before going to do an activity.

"Almost!" Sonic put a heat suppressant pill in his mouth and swallowed it with water. He grabbed the masking spray, which hid his heat scent, and sprayed some on his neck. "Ready!" He jolted downstairs. "Where are we meeting up today?" He asked the young fox.

"The bowling alley."

"Not a cafe beforehand?" The blue hedgehog tilted his head. He didn't want to skip out on food.


Sonic ordered a lot from the snack menu the bowling alley had. Of course it wasn't just for himself but for the whole group. Everyone picked a drink while Tails filled in the names to get the round started.

Sonic was first to throw. He was quite good at bowling. After him came Tails. The blue hedgehog gave him a high five before sitting down.

"How is it going with the heat suppressants?" Amy asked him. While one was throwing, the others could talk.

"It's so much better. I would say I'm warmer than I usually feel, but it doesn't feel like I'm burning." Sonic explained. The drinks arrived and he grabbed his glass of coke, taking a sip.

"You're on suppressants already? Hasn't it been only a week since your last heat? Shouldn't it be next month?" Rouge looked confused. She hadn't heard that that was no longer valid, since heat differed with every species of mobian.

"Ugh, don't get me started. As a hedgehog, my heat schedule is a mess. Nine days in heat, then seven days off. And then it starts again." The blue hedgehog grumbled. He hadn't looked into it, but remembered what Amy had told him. "Doesn't any of you have gone into rut yet?"

The three alphas shook their head. Sonic grumbled. Of course he was the only one suffering. Tails had finished his throw and managed to get a spare. Thus Amy stood, grabbed a heavier bowl and began her turn.

"Not every alpha will have a rut cycle. It's more likely that an alpha got into rut because it was triggered by an omega in heat." Rouge explained. She knew that much.

"You're in heat. But I don't smell you like before. Do suppressants take that away too?" Knuckles asked. He was sitting in the seat next to the omega. He didn't smell Sonic's scent at all.

"Only a little, I think? I'm using masking spray as well." Sonic was a bit more open to talk about it than before. He was slowly accepting that he was an omega and that wouldn't change.

"Good. We wouldn't want you to get in more trouble." Rouge chuckled, referring to her and Shadow having to come to rescue him the first time he went into heat.

Amy switched with Knuckles who took the heaviest bowling ball and threw it not so delicately.

"...Sonic did get in trouble the other day." Tails spoke up. The others didn't know about the run-in with the alpha.

"Tails." Sonic sinisterly smiled at him. "No need to tell them."

"What happened?" Rouge and Shadow demanded to know. The two looked at each other and blinked, both confused about what took over to get them to say that so demanding.

"It was just some alpha. It was nothing." Sonic waved his hand around, dismissing the danger.

"He used his alpha voice on Sonic- Luckily there was a human around to help. I couldn't do much..." Tails sighed as he looked down. He hasn't been able to protect Sonic at all. He wasn't much of a hero, just a coward who couldn't fight.

Sonic's ear twitched and he scowled. The others didn't have to know what happened. He huffed and crossed his arms as his friends began to ask if he was alright.

"Rouge, your turn." Knuckles sat back in his seat. Rouge didn't stand immediately. She asked Sonic if the voice hadn't hurt him.

"I'm fine." Sonic said through gritted teeth. It felt like his legs were starting to ache, especially his thighs. His chest felt heavier, causing shallow breaths. "I'm fine. I'm not repeating myself again." The blue hedgehog said as he stood up. He left to go to the restroom.

"What did I miss?" Knuckles looked confused. His and Shadow's eyes followed Sonic's movement. Something wasn't right with the way he walked.

The omega made it to the restroom and caught himself on a sink as he nearly collapsed. "My legs..." He whined and slid down against the wall. This didn't feel like heat. He wasn't warm. Yet his legs were aching. And his lower back started to hurt. "Ugh... Nausea." Sonic held his head. What was causing this?

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