chapter 16

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POV: 3rd person
"You don't understand it. I don't want to talk. So leave it alone." The blue hedgehog said, nearly snarling.

Tails flinched. The hero had never used such a stern voice with him. It scared him to say another word, so he kept quiet. The young fox had read that an omega was rather weak. He thought that must be the thing that was upsetting Sonic.

The other always told Tails to open up and talk about feelings and fears. But now, he shut down talking about his own.


The rest of the week went by slowly. Sonic suffered a lot due to the heat. He always had a cool pad with him, or was taking a cold shower. Even taking cold baths at some point. The heat was unbearable. But it didn't stir the feeling of wanting to be mated, yet.

Amy came by regularly to check up on the blue hero.

It was supposed to be the last day of his heat, Sonic was waiting out the hours, curled on a cool pad. He groaned before shifting while letting out a whine. "Just one more day. Then I don't have to deal with it for another month."

"Yeah. About that..." Amy scratched the back of her head as she let out a nervous chuckle. "There has been an update on the heat aspect."

"That doesn't sound good." Sonic furrowed his eyebrows as he sat up.

"Heat follows the heat cycle of the omega's species. You being a hedgehog. It's... not great."

"How bad is it?" Sonic groaned and rubbed his temple.

"You will be in heat for 9 days, then 7 days off, before it begins again." Amy felt so bad for him.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Sonic shouted, suddenly being overtaken by anger. "Why do I have to be a stupid omega?!" He clenched his fists in his quills.

"But, from the next heat on you can take the heat suppressants." That was the only good thing about it.

Sonic bared his fangs. He hated this, so much. The silence was overtaken by the sound of multiple alarms. Their communicators were going off, alarming them of an attack from Eggman. "Of course he has to attack today, not after heat is over." The blue hero snarled and stood, getting ready to go and fight.

"You should not be fighting." Amy stopped him at the door. Tails hurried over.

"You can force me to stay locked up inside and not have company. But you are not stopping me from fighting, which is saving the ones who can't fight." Sonic pulled his arm away from her. He dashed away, following the pinpoint on his communicator that showed him where Eggman had been spotted.

"We can't have him fight on his own!" Amy shouted.

"Right!" Tails hurried over to get the tornado ready for takeoff.


"Eggman!" Sonic arrived at the scene and was ready to fight.

"Well if it isn't the pesky blue hedgehog. Or would you rather have me call you the weak omega?!" The mad scientist laughed before sending his army of robots after the blue hedgehog. He had seen the news about Sonic being an omega. He thought it would be the perfect time to strike while he was suffering heat. "Robots, attack!"

"I will show you who is weak!" Sonic roared angrily and leaped into battle. He may be an omega. That doesn't mean he lost his strength or his speed.

Robots were no match for him. It were machines. Not living beings that released certain pheromones. Sonic's weakness was alphas, and only alphas. Eggman might have misunderstood that Sonic simply had become weak altogether. But he was mistaken.

Eggman ended up retreating and the hero gained another victory. "Dare call me weak again." He snarled. He normally wasn't this aggressive. His usual attitude was cocky and mocking.

Tails and Amy made it to the scene after the battle had ended. They hurried over to check on the blue hedgehog.

"I'm fine!" Sonic snapped then realized he had yelled. "I am... fine." He grumbled and walked past them. "I have proven not to be weak. Now stop treating me like a damsel in distress." It would seem his heat had faded. "Come on Tails. Let's go grab some chili dogs. I hadn't had any since I was forced to stay inside."

"Amy. You might be paranoid and overthinking danger, as the others said. It's rubbing off on me. I don't like it. Since I don't understand much of it. Which makes me worry more. So please, don't have me worry." Tails pleaded with Amy who sighed and nodded. The young fox then hurried to follow Sonic.

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