chapter 4

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POV: 3rd person
Sonic had to be as convincing as he could be. To try and convince Amy that nothing was wrong. The blue hedgehog himself didn't even know what was wrong. He would have known if he wasn't so stubborn and read the pamphlet he was giving with the omega care bag.

"Really Ames-! Nothing is going on. I don't even know what you are on about." That was Sonic's reply to the pink hedgehog's glare being send his way. He shrugged his shoulders and tried to go back into battle. He had himself under control again. With Amy being a beta, they didn't affect each other.

Amy couldn't even protest or Sonic had taken off. 'What is up with you lately?' She questioned and sighed before heading back into the fight.

Sonic finished off the last of the robots with ease which got the mad doctor to retreat, saying that he will get the rodent next time.

The blue hero dashed to stand next to Tails and stretched. "You did well buddy." He patted his head. Tails was improving a lot. He wanted to prove to Sonic that he too was a fighter and no longer a scared little kid, technically still is a kid. It didn't stop the blue hedgehog from being overly protective of him.

Shadow walked by, going to retreat as he didn't want to be around these annoying mobians any longer. Sonic's ear folded against his head and he stepped back to create more distance between them. Shadow had used his voice to give an order, which was to stay away. As an omega, the blue hedgehog couldn't go in against an order from an alpha.

Rouge stretched her wings. "You heard of the new branche GUN has set up?"

"No? What is it for?" Amy tilted his head and got her hammer to disappear.

"With this whole omegaverse going on, things have gotten quite chaotic for mobians. A lot of things in society need to change. GUN funded the new omega sanctuary as well as a new police force handling omega and alpha cases." Rouge explained. She had wanted to join to help out but got refused as she was an alpha. Only humans and betas could apply since they formed no treat to an omega or were a trigger for an alpha.

"That's interesting. GUN is doing so well and really caring for all civilians. An omega sanctuary is a must in this new society." Amy hadn't been too fond of GUN in the beginning as they started off on the wrong foot when they had captured Sonic, mistaken him for Shadow for stealing a chaos emerald.

Sonic tilted his head. He looked quite confused. "What is an omega sanctuary?"

"It's a place off limits to alphas. It's a safe place for omegas. When being unmated and in heat such a place can provide shelter from alphas since-" Amy went on to spill out all she knew when Sonic cut her off. And that when she was about to say something of use to Sonic, a warning that he should be aware of his heat around alphas. Because he could put himself in danger, as well as others.

"How do you know so much about this?"

"Uhm, well, you see..." The pink hedgehog blushed out of embarrassment. "I found the omegaverse interesting to read, if written by an author who knew what they were writing about."

To Sonic, that meant that Amy would be the one to discover his rank as an omega, because she knew the different ranks. Was that why she was suspicious of him? Did she already know he didn't hold the rank he claimed he had?

Now being wary of Amy, Sonic wanted to be around her less before she would catch onto him. He did not want to be mocked by his team for being omega. What would they think of him?

"A good book is a good book. I'm not judging." Sonic gave Tails a gentle push on his back to signal they were about to go home. "I kinda reek so I'm going to go take a shower. We will catch up later. Come on Tails." He began with a slow start so the young fox could catch up.

Tails tilted his head. His brother sure was keen on leaving quickly. He said farewell to the others and followed the blue hedgehog.

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