chapter 17

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POV: Sonic
Tails stood by my side as I ordered us chili dogs from my favorite chili dog stand. Since I was a regular, I made a bit of small talk with the stall keeper. He pointed out he hadn't seen me for a week, while I usually came by each day, or every other day. I didn't want to answer it, since it was about my rank.

"Must be heat, heh? Bummer. It must suck being an omega, especially a hero like you."

I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know about my rank?" I questioned as I watched him pour the chili on.

"Hm? Oh it was on the news. When you collapsed on the square."

"Oh, great. So the whole world knows." I gritted my teeth. The stall keeper handed me my order and I went to sit down at one of the outdoor tables. "Chili dogs, I missed you." I took the first bite while handing one to Tails.

"You really can't go without em, can you?" Tails chuckled.

"I can say the same about you and mints." I ruffled his fur and he laughed as his tails swayed.

"Hello, omega~"

I looked over and saw a guy standing near us. My face turned sour. "Don't call me by my rank."

"Do you know if there are any cops around?" The guy ignored what I said and went on talking. That sentence had me tense up slightly. Was there an emergency? Was someone in trouble? "Cause I want to steal your heart~"

I tsked. It was only a pickup line. And an awful one. "Not interested." Rolling my eyes, I got up. I had the feeling this guy would keep bothering me. I didn't want to deal with a male version of Amy at the moment.

"Hey!" The guy shouted and followed me. "You can't just walk away from me, omega! I'm an alpha!"

I stopped and turned around to face him. My eye twitched. "Do not call me by my rank." I repeated. "I do not care if you're an alpha."

Tails stood there awkwardly. I knew he didn't like confrontation much. Turning away from the alpha, Tails followed by my side.

"I won't have some omega disrespect me! Omega, stand still."

I froze in place. I didn't know what happened. My body stopped moving. Why am I listening to this guy? It must be his alpha voice. But I'm not letting some stupid alpha tell me what to do.

I wanted to go against it and keep walking. But, it caused me such a headache. Why? Why is going against it hurting me?!

"Ha! Can't do anything against that, can you?" The alpha laughed mockingly. I snarled. How dare he.

"Leave him alone!" Tails stood between us.

"Aside, pipsqueak." The guy pushed him aside and grabbed my arm. "Show me your neck." He bared his fangs. My eyes widened. He was going to mark me.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Let go of him this instant!" The stall keeper grabbed the guy by the scruff to get him off me. As a human, he could handle a mobian with ease, since we're smaller than them. The alpha trashed but lost his hold on me.

"Thank you."

"I'm just looking out for our hero, and my favorite regular. I saw him bothering you through the stall window." The stall keeper shoved the guy. "Scrabble!" The alpha hissed but ran off.

"Did he hurt you? What happened?" Tails asked as his ears lowered, showing his concern.

"I'm fine." I held my head. Going against a command hurt. That's ridiculous.

The stall keeper led us into the shop and got me a damp towel for my head before making us a bunch of chili dogs to take home.

Humans are so lucky. They aren't affected by those plants. They don't get ranks. They can continue on living their life.

Tails and I quickly returned home after that. I groaned and lay on the sofa. "How it sucks to be an omega..." I opened the gifted bag of food and ate.

"Amy was right... You are in danger. You can't do anything against an alpha." Tails was worrying.

I sighed and sat up. "It was just once. I won't let it happen again."

"It was hurting you-"

Wrapping my arm around Tails, I pulled him in for a side hug. "I will find something against it. Don't you worry about it, little bro."

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