chapter 8

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POV: Sonic
"This. You're at the omega sanctuary because you got in heat in public. You were barely conscious. You triggered alphas' runts. You were in danger. Sonic, don't you understand how terrible wrong this could have gone for you? You could have been marked unwillingly. Or even worse..." Amy sighed and looked down. She hugged herself. "I was so worried about you when Rouge was at my door and explained to me what happened."

She looked to be overthrown by worry. "I'm okay. See? Don't worry." I put a hand on her shoulder which made her look up at me.

"Knowing you're an omega, who didn't do self care. It changes things so much. I need to be your guard against three alphas. Your ranks collide with each other. Hadn't you noticed?"

"I mean. I did notice my body was being different around them. Especially to some of their words."

Amy sighed. "I question how you have not gotten in trouble yet. It sucks knowing about the omegaverse. It's not the most... lighthearted trope. You're an omega. All I can think about are the possible dangers-"

"Amy, you forget who you're talking about. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog."

Amy shook her head and sighed. "That doesn't matter. You're an omega. You really know nothing, do you? Seems I will have to teach you even the basic stuff about your rank."

"Another time, Ames. Right now I really need a cold shower." I still felt like I was burning. I needed something cold.

"There is an attached bathroom over there." Amy pointed at the door in the corner. "But, don't go around getting educated about your rank. It's really important you know."

POV: 3rd person
Sonic ignored what she said as he locked himself in the bathroom. He sighed as he turned on the shower, turning it on its coldest setting. "Great... They know now." He grumbled as he got under the stream of cold water. It felt so nice, maybe a tad too cold but it did cool him down. He stayed under the shower for a while before he came out. But when he did, he felt refreshed, only to quickly be hit by heat again.

The blue hedgehog groaned as he burrowed under the thick blanket. "It's too hot!" He complained.

Amy sighed, feeling sorry for him. He must be suffering. "You better get used to it. Heat lasts a whole week, and comes back every month."

"A whole week of this?! Every month?! Nah, I might as well let Eggman kill me now."

"Relax. Don't be so dramatic. You can't take anything your first heat, since it will happen no matter how many suppressants you take. But, after this, you can take suppressants against going into heat." Amy explained to the hero. She couldn't believe she had to tell him that. He should know this.

"Can't I take those suppressants now?" Sonic asked. Anything to get rid of the warmth.

"Didn't you listen to what I just said? You can take them but it does nothing. Nothing stops a first heat." The pink hedgehog sighed and shook her head. Sonic whined, he wanted the heat gone. "Heat is going to stay a pain until you're mated. Then it gets easier to handle as you have a mate who can help you out. Unless mating season starts, then there is nothing you can do against the heat."

"...Why does it change when I have a mate?" Sonic hadn't thought about getting a mate before. He felt no need.

"Right now, your heat exists to attract a mate. When you get a mate, the heat dies down and you can simply mate with your partner and then the heat is gone." Amy explained. Sonic being an omega meant he would choose a male partner. There were rare cases where a male omega would choose a female, but Amy didn't want to give herself false hope. Sonic would be attracted to a male alpha much sooner than a female beta. That was simply how their hormones worked.

The blue hedgehog frowned. "I don't a mate. I'm not interested." He huffed in annoyance. Why does his body have to act this way? It's not what he wants.

"You could choose for that. But then you really gotta be careful around your heat period."

"Stupid plants that had to grow and give us these stupid instincts and hormones. Can't we burn those stupid plants?!" Sonic hissed. He was angered that things turned out like this for him. It wasn't fair.

Amy sighed. She understood Sonic's frustration. It must be hard for him to accept that he was an omega. "I don't think that will do anything. It's already been done."

"It's not... fair." The hero hugged himself. He hated this feeling. He felt weak, something he had never felt before. It wasn't like him, but his rank made him feel that way.

"I'm sorry..." Amy moved to sit next to him on the bed as she saw his ears lower.

"I hate feeling like this. I want to feel like my old self again." Sonic put his head against her shoulder and cried. He didn't even understand why he felt like crying. He never shed a tear. Amy looked at him saddened and hugged him, giving all the comfort she could.

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