chapter 5

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POV: Sonic
Tails ate mints as a praise for his good work while I went to take a shower. It wasn't necessarily because I smelled, but I could use the time to clear my head, get my thoughts in order.

I turned the knob to set the water to a nice temperature. Then I just sat down under the stream, leaning back against the glass. A deep exhale left my mouth. "What is up with me...?" I brushed my fingers through my quills. "If I'm going to keep acting like a fool in front of them, they will figure it out in no time! This is so stupid-!" I snarled at myself.

Why was I an omega? Why not an alpha like the others? Or just an ordinary beta? No. I'm stuck as an omega. It doesn't make any sense. I'm a hero, the hero.

"Calm yourself, Sonic. You aren't going to let some simple words affect you, especially from Shadow." I told myself and took a deep breath.

The shower wasn't doing anything to help calm my nerves. Why was I so tensed up? Only because he told me to stay away?

Groaning in annoyance, I stepped out of the shower after washing and shook the water from my fur before drying my quills with a towel.

POV: 3rd person
As the blue hedgehog got dried, a hot tingling feeling went through his body. It got the hero to shiver and his quills flared. He blinked in confusion as the feeling faded. "What was that?"

Sonic shrugged it off and got fresh gloves and socks before going downstairs. He stretched and flopped on the sofa. Tails had the news channel on as he was slowly eating the mints, hoping the other wouldn't notice this was his second pack already.

"You smell. Didn't you just shower?" The young fox looked around the other. He didn't stink, but his smell was much stronger. "I don't mean you stink. But, you smell."

"I do?" Sonic tilted his head and sniffed himself. He didn't smell it. "You sure?"

"Yeah?" Tails felt unsure now. But he swore he smelled Sonic much stronger now. "Or... maybe not." He added and focused back on the news.

Sonic shrugged and burrowed under a blanket. Must seek coziness, which wasn't like him before this all. If only he had read the pamphlet, then he knew the sudden heat wave and smell meant he was in pre-heat. Tomorrow his heat would start. His first heat, nothing can stop it. Being around the wrong characters could put him in danger.

The blue hedgehog ended up falling asleep on the sofa. His ears twitching every now and then at the sound of the television. Tails finished his third pack of mints and told himself to stop there. Not there were any more packs. The young fox shut the television off. He looked at Sonic but didn't want to wake him so he quietly went upstairs.

Sonic began to purr as he snuggled with the blanket. He wasn't a hedgehog that purred before. But now he was so cozy and warm, partly due to his body heating up, he couldn't help but purr.


"Tails-! You sly fox! You ate all the mints!" Sonic found out that the young genius's stock of mints had been cleared. The blue hedgehog was looking for one for a fresh breath, but there was none left.

"No I didn't-" Tails tried to not look like the guilty party. But he clearly was. Sonic didn't eat mints like it was a snack or a meal. He would sometimes take one for a fresh breath.

The blue hedgehog sighed. He might have a chili dog addiction, but at times like this, he thought his buddy's addiction was much worse. Yes, Sonic ate a lot. But he runs at the speed of sound. He is burning a lot of calories by running. If he skipped his usual stop at the chili dog stand, his body wouldn't have enough fuel to keep running. There wasn't enough food in house to keep Sonic fed after a run, especially after a fight.

Thinking about it, groceries needed to be done. They were running low on supplies. "I didn't want to go out today..." Sonic grumbled as he looked in the fridge.

His body was telling him to burrow and do nothing more than that, that was to keep himself safe while in heat. As an unmated omega, it was dangerous for Sonic to go out since he didn't have the protection of an alpha. Even though Sonic was the world's hero, he had no idea how vulnerable he was around alphas.

If only he had read the pamphlet. Then he would have known he was in heat and he needed to keep himself safe. And that he definitely shouldn't go out.

"I'm going out, to do groceries. And I'm not getting you more mints!" Sonic clarified to Tails. The fox whined. He wanted more mints. "No, you have had enough."

"You're so mean!" Tails puffed up his cheeks, looking angered. The blue hedgehog chuckled and got a bag for the groceries. He felt the house and approached his doom.

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