Chapter45: Dominique and Back In Time.

Start from the beginning

More laughter escapes my lips but it's awkward and forced, I look away.

"I just don't understand the reason for it all." The words come out a lot more frustrated.

Leonardo's silence only seems to make this rising of emotions in my heart intense.

How on earth could one woman causing pain to her own son have reason?

How does her leaving then coming back years later then leaving again have a reason?


How can I make sense of this with Leonardo when all I have are these cringey quotes that sound nice but have a really trash meaning.

The silence hangs over us heavily and I feel this overwhelming pressure to fill it with words of comfort but I'm empty, my brain stuttering through hopeful quotes that will probably make Leonardo want to punch me in the gut.

Does this have a reason?!

These quotes bring no comfort instead it's a brain hurting, soul searching exercise that makes you mad.

For some reason, I chuckle maybe to fill the silence, maybe to stop thinking but it catches Leonardo's attention.

"I think it's a stupid saying," I tell him.


"It just is..." a pause, " I mean does this happen for a reason?" I kick a rock on the pavement and it skids steps ahead.

Leonardo's lips twitch upwards.

"Does this happen for a reason?" I start jumping up and down as we walk.

Leonardo's smile broadens, his dimples appearing.

I'm a little out of breath,my heart hammering in my chest. I stop jumping before I slip and fall face first on the pavement.

Leonardo's dark eyes hold mine with clear amusement, awaiting my next point.

"Does this happen for a reason?" I flick his forehead hard with my fingers.

Leonardo chuckles, the dimples on his cheeks deepen but it's the spark of life in his dark eyes that relieves a little bit of the tension in my heart.

"Does this conversation happen for a reason?"

I'm looking for another thing to say even though it's clear Leonardo gets my point.

Maybe this is more for me than it is for him.


I do a double take at someone who I catch a glimpse of from the corner of my eye.

A short dark skinned girl wearing the navy blue Vestalia uniform catches my eyes. It's the way that her shoulder length braids almost cover her face as she walks with her head down. It's the way she holds her black bag by its straps.

I've never seen her before.

" Hi!"

To prove my point even further to Leonardo I'm calling out to her.

Her head lifts up, her eyes meeting mine as her short braids part a little so I can see more of her face and her eyes that are a lovely colour brown.

Her brows furrow and she's got that look on her face that almost makes me laugh.

That looks that says: I'm trying to remember if I know you and where I know you from and how I can escape this situation if it gets too awkward.

I smile at her, and the tension in her brows is eased a little once she realizes that this is the first we're interacting.

"Just wanted to say that you're beautiful."

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