**Chapter 16: Frozen Realms, Wounded Hearts**

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• System Name: Duo Duo (formerly Lord Albus)
• System Number: 0
• System State: Inactive/Slumber
• Activation State: Due
• Ability: Error (Under Evaluation)
• Host: Luna Alexandra Nocturne (Drew)
• Host Age: 5 years old
• Species: Vampire
• Gender: Female
• Ability: Innate ice affinity, advanced night vision, fast speed, teleportation... yet to be fully discovered
• Speciality: Strong (Evolving)
• Nature: Calm, with emerging traits... Unknown

The virtual light screen flickered momentarily, hinting at the system's evolving state and the ongoing assessment of its capabilities.

Feeling sad Duo Duo disconnected trying to heal its shattered heart. The system's disconnection wasn't merely a technical event; it carried the weight of a sentient being grappling with newfound emotions.

In the virtual space, Duo Duo's once vibrant presence dimmed as it disconnected, its ethereal form flickering with traces of melancholy. Echoes of Lord Albus lingered within the digital realm, hinting at a profound transformation. The virtual villa, once illuminated, now bore a subtle gloom, mirroring Duo Duo's internal turmoil.

Completely clueless of her systems heartbreak Drew navigated towards the palace at full speed. Entering the palace, Drew, holding the herb, made her way towards a guest room on the third floor, the first room on the left side.

As she entered, Drew's eyes fell upon her father, Victor Nocturne, and their family doctor, Uncle Eric, both attentively observing the werewolf cub sleeping on the soft bed.

Drew handed the herb to Doctor Eric with a gravity that matched the weight of her quest, like passing a key to unlock a mystery. Her mind echoed with the realization of the delicate balance between the vampire and werewolf territories. The realization dawned upon her like a silver moon illuminating the darkness.

Victor, acknowledging her presence, gestured for her to follow him to the throne room. As they entered, Drew discovered a gathering of high-ranking military officers, heroes of the Eternal Eclipse kingdom, standing in respect for their king.

Victor Nocturne took his place on the executive throne, and Drew stood at the center of the tense throne room. Addressing her by her official name, Victor spoke with a grave tone, "Luna Alexandra Nocturne, do you remember what I told you before you ventured into the dark forest?"

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Drew nodded, her short silver hair catching the ambient light of the room. "I remember, Your Majesty."

Victor, with an authoritative demeanor, continued, "Very good. Now that you have hurt a werewolf, I don't care if it's intentional or unintended. Are you ready to receive your punishment?"

Drew, absorbing the tension in the air, scanned the throne room for her mother's figure but couldn't find her. Memories of the conversation between her parents echoed in her mind, and the pieces of the puzzle started falling into place.

Understanding the situation, Drew didn't bother to explain herself. She simply nodded, her young face revealing a mix of understanding and acceptance.

Victor, with an air of authority, declared her punishment, "Luna Alexandra Nocturne, also known as Drew, because it is your first mistake and you are only five years old, you are punished to leave the palace and stay in the military camp."

'From now on, you will follow all the military rules and serve our country and people for the next 13 years. At the age of 18, you may return, but before that, even in festivals, you are forbidden to return to the palace. Is that clear with you?"

Tempted Melodies: A Dance with DestinyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora