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  When he saw her, he did not understand that feeling himself, but he had to have her. She was a spitting image of Lilian, his first and only love.

  Back in 1925, Arrow was still a human. His parents were a couple of modest farmers. His family life was modest, though not bad. He was five years old at the time. There were not many people left in Arrow's village because so many had left due to the war. The only remaining kids in the village were him and one other girl who with her family lived close. He would frequently hang out with that girl, whose name was Lilian. Since they were old enough to start talking, they had gotten along well since they were only a few months apart.

  Lilian was both Arrow's first true love and best friend. He was unable to love anyone else the way he loved her. She was his one and only love.

  What made Lilian like him even more was that he was a very gentle and kind boy. As they grew up together, they were inseparable. They were able to spend a lot of time together because their parents got along well. Every Sunday, following church, the families would get together.

  Arrow's given name at the time was Henry.

  Early on in their childhoods, Henry and Lilian fell in love. Together, they planned their future throughout their childhood, hoping to get married and start a family once they got older. Unfortunately, the time was unforgiving. Henry was drafted into the military as soon as he turned eighteen because World War II was going on worldwide. Since Lilian was already expecting Henry's child, they had planned to get married in two weeks when he was drafted into the army. Henry had to leave almost immediately, so they were unable to get married, but he promised to buy her and their child a nice house in the city and throw an extravagant and beautiful wedding once he returned from the war.

  Only a week into him fighting in the war, Henry got hit with an explosion of a grenade. Luckily, he was too far and the physical damage was not too severe. But Henry seemed to have been poisoned by chemicals that the grenade seemed to contain. He was not killed in the explosion, but he went into a coma and required medical attention.

  Henry spent three years unconscious. In 1946, a year after the war ended, he awoke.

  Henry wanted to know how Lilian was doing as soon as he woke up. He was shocked to learn that Lilian had never paid him a visit during his three years in a coma. It was just his parents.

  His parents hurried to see him as soon as they learned that their son had woken up. Henry was told that his parents would be visiting him shortly. When he noticed his parents entering his room, he was overjoyed.

  "Mom, Dad. Hi," excitement filled Henry's words.

  He was hoping his parents would explain that Lilian was on her way and could not come before because she had a toddler to tend to. He was afraid Lilian had moved on and married someone else. He was unprepared, though, for what he was about to hear.

  "We're so sorry, son," Henry's father spoke while lowering his head and sounding regretful, "Only a month after you got hurt Lilian passed away."

  "What?!" Henry could not believe what he was hearing.

  "Some deserters broke into Lilian's parents' house and killed all of them to be able to stay there." Henry's father let out a sigh, "We found out only after a week."

  Henry's father attempted to touch his son's shoulder to express his sympathy after noticing how distraught his son was.

  He lost not just his fiancée but also his unborn child. The only source of light in his life, Lilian, was suddenly gone. He fell into a deep depression. He wanted to kill himself numerous times, but he decided to stay strong for the memory of Lilian and become a policeman, protecting the weak ones from people like the ones who killed her and her family.

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