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  "Frankly, I was surprised" as she and Stephen walked back to her office, the Director said.

  Stephen just nodded in agreement.

  The Director spoke once more after they entered the office, "Do you think we can trust her?"

  Stephen looked up at the Director. "If I'm completely honest, I don't know. There is a lot of risk involved. But I do believe this whole thing is worth a try, she might be useful to us."

  The Director sat on the edge of the table and watched through the window's blinds as the street and building lights brightly dispelled the night's darkness. She remained silent for some time, rubbing her chin as she considered her options. Stephen remained silently standing beside her. He was waiting for any kind of word from the Director.

  At that moment he found himself hoping that the Director would make the positive decision - he knew that otherwise, he would have to kill Elyse. He didn't understand why, but now he didn't want to kill her. Though, still despising her nature, he wanted to give her a chance.

  "Okay," the Director spoke after a few minutes of silence.

  Stephen got startled after being lost in thought for a while. He looked eagerly at the Director waiting for an answer.

  "This is very risky, but this could be the only way for us to get to Arrow. Given, that that girl is not lying."

  Stepping away from the table, the Director approached Stephen.

  "Stephen, if I had you take care of everything, to prepare her and to take care of her throughout the duration of her working with us, would you mind it a lot? You're the only one I trust enough to entrust this to."

  In the Director's eyes now, Stephen could see his aunt who was always there for his mother and him with his sister. She was asking as his aunt, not as his supervisor.

  "If you need me to do that, I will not disappoint you, ma'am. Just let me know what I need to do and I'll do it."

  Even though they were family, Stephen felt compelled to address his aunt formally.

  "Good. I really appreciate that."

  Stephen wanted to ask before the Director went on, "I can't help but ask, ma'am." Without a word, the Director gestured for him to continue. Stephen continued, "But how are we going to make sure that she doesn't do anything to hurt us or our agency?"

  "I have something. We tried it out with a few captured vampires and it worked." The director moved a few steps in the direction of her desk's middle drawer. She pulled out a couple of pictures and laid them out on the table so Stephen could see them. "See, this is a tiny bomb that would fit in someone's heart. It can be detonated with a remote control whenever within one hundred meter distance. Despite its small size, it is capable of blowing the heart to complete mush, hence killing the vampire," she pointed to the schematics of the bomb. "We will implant it inside Elyse's heart and, if she ever decides to do anything stupid, we will kill her."

  Stephen glanced up at the Director from the pictures. It seemed as though she would take pleasure in doing so, as he noticed the hint of sadism shining in her eyes.

  The Director looked Stephen in the eyes.

  "You will have the honor to do it if the time comes since you will be with her most of the time."


  After their conversation, the Director instructed Stephen to take care of Elyse's housing, blood for her, clothes, and training before starting to work at the agency. The Director took it upon herself to explain the situation to the other agents as this had never happened before and surely this decision would be met with anger, confusion, and in the worst-case scenario - rebellion. The Director gave Stephen two weeks for him to prepare Elyse for work at the Agency.

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