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  6th of May, 2023, Suburbs of New York.

  Stephen arrived on the scene and saw the looks of horror on everyone's faces. Everybody was staring at Elyse, horrified. I had to walk away for just ten minutes and she does shit like that? Annoyed thought to himself, Stephen.

  "How long has she been doing this?" Stephen asked.

  "About fifteen minutes," one of the hunters answered without shifting his gaze from the direction in which Elyse was standing. "We've been trying to get her attention and to stop her, but she wouldn't budge. We apologize, but we didn't want to risk anything - you said that we shouldn't make any rash decisions without you."

  "No worries."

  Stephen started walking toward Elyse.

  Since she had not harmed any other hunters, he did not rush to press the button to detonate the bomb inside her heart. However, these kinds of situations made him feel increasingly worried that she might lose control one day.

  Stephen heard a hysterical laugh grow louder as he started to approach her. Elyse looked like she had gone completely crazy and was laughing uncontrollably. Her waist-length black hair was flailing around, and beneath the incredibly short black dress with white ribbons across the chest and sleeves that hardly covered her buttocks, Stephen could see her red panties. The vampire's leather heels had turned completely red from the blood, replacing their original black color.

  Stephen was startled to see what was happening from the side rather than Elyse's back when he moved a few steps to the left. She was laughing hysterically and stomping on the head of a vampire that she had killed. Stephen could no longer even make out the vampire's head at this point; all he saw was a bloody mass on the ground that Elyse was smushing more and more. The sound of repulsive wetness, like water splashing everywhere, reached his ears as he drew nearer—only these were brains. Stephen observed the tiny bits of brain flying all around Elyse, adhering to the surrounding concrete and turning the grass near the road crimson.

  Stephen knew that Elyse was not crazy. He knew that she must have had a reason for this outburst, so he was not scared to approach her. Elyse was fond of Stephen, plus he could detonate the bomb in her heart anytime he pleased.

  Stephen could not help but think of the girl, who was compassionate and kind even though she was a vampire when he looked at her now.

  The other hunters harshly mistreated Elyse in her first few months of working at the Agency. The idea of a vampire working among them was strongly disliked. Stephen was certain that this was more of a fear on their part because they were afraid of the change and the fact that it was something new.

  Elyse made an effort to win their favor despite their cruel remarks and the hunters' obvious hatred toward her. She would bake cookies or cupcakes for the team at least once a week. But because she could not properly taste the food, she would knock on Stephen's door late in the evening to have him taste it. He was impressed by the effort that she was putting into this. And this prompted him to help her and protect her against the meanest hunters.

  Though it was not simple, Elyse was able to maintain a professional but amicable relationship with her coworkers. With most of them at least. Some of them still could not accept her, but it was not as bad as it had been at first. She felt grateful to Stephen for his help, so one day she decided to take him out for some coffee. When they went out, another vampire tried to kidnap a little girl. Elyse was ill-prepared at the time and could hardly hold her own against a vampire who might have been a little stronger than her. Nevertheless, she did not hesitate to act as soon as she realized what was happening.

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