Chapter 18 - End Of Act 1

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"To The Temple!"

A week has passed after my encounter with the emperor, and that nightmare came back haunting me eversince.

Im so tired, and i want to sleep properly, but every time that dream appears, it keeps me up at night, sleepless.

As the maid walked in, she was truly surprised to see how i looked, "Your grace!, your sleep schedule is getting worse, mybe a doctor is really needed now."

"I am fine Mia, this'll just go away once this nightmare disappears, so dont worry, i can still lift my arms like this, so I'll be ok, also make-up can hide my bad complexion. "

She thought, your grace... please, you need treatment, but she didn't say it outloud because she doesn't want to disobey her.

Reading the papers to start off my work, my eyes kept blinking in drowsiness,  but i endured since i knew the importance of this, and it is my role to finish my job properly.

I swear it all happened because of that orb, just what kind of curse did it place upon me, do i really deserve to struggle like this?, well mybe if i was the original Cynthia its deserving, but me? The soul that's inside this girl is innocent!

The head butler knocked outside, "Your grace, may i enter?"

"Of course."

Opening the door, he showed, "These are all the newly hired maids your grace since the retiring workers have already left."

All of them bowed.

I smiled, "It's an honor that all of you chose the grand ducal household to work with. Please take good care of the manor and i ."

Some of them spoke, "We will do our best to serve the grand duchy."

Philip told them, "All of you can start working to your assigned stations now."

They bowed and excused themselves.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Mia ran in front of the room.

I asked, "Mia, what's wrong?"

"Your grace, the succesor of the mage tower is here to see you."

Succesor of the mage tower?, does she mean Jullios?!

"Where is he?"

"He's in the lobby waiting."

"Is that so? Thank you for informing me." I stood up and went directly at his location. As i arrived, i questioned him, "Jullios, why are you here?"

He complained like a toddler, "Is there any problem with my presence? For two weeks straight, you didn't even bear to contact me. Do you really consider me as your friend? All this time i was waiting for a visit or even just a letter telling me how you were doing but not one single update came from you, and that makes me a bit disappointed at this, i thought both of us were getting close."

I sighed, oh my, why is he acting like a child?, "Im sorry, i was quite busy with stuff, and i haven't gotten any proper sleep eversince the debutante ball."

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