Chapter 3

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"Wicked Woman No more"

After I was done bathing, 3 of my maids dressed me and managed my looks.

Wow, so this is what it feels like having maids and being pampered. This is honestly a little awkward for me since i haven't really experienced this kind of treatment before, cause eversince my parents passed away, it was hard for me to earn money.

So i had to work a lot of jobs eversince i became 14, and my income was only enough to financially support myself.

"Your grace...?" Mia implied.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Regarding your letter, do you wish to send off an immediate reply?"

Right, the letter, i was so busy with this transmigration that I forgot the palace sended me an invitation.

"Yes, tell the head butler to reply that I'll be attending the debutante ball."

"As you wish your grace. Also, your breakfast is already served in the dining hall. "

"Thank you."

The maids bowed and left.

Upon seeing the table with lavish and fancy food, i thought to my self, are these really all for me? This is merely too much for one person.

"Umm, Mia, isn't this a bit too excessive to be eaten by a single individual?"

"But your grace, you were the one who told us to always set up your table just like this."

"Is that so?"

Damn this woman, she should've used all this food to give to the needy instead of wasting it like this, i know well she alone can't finish a breakfast with so many dishes served. Wait! I'm that damn woman now, so i have every right to do that.

"Mia, after my meal, please tell all of my coach men to prepare for departure because I shall go out in the slums to give the rest of this food to them, also tell the chief's to cook some more dish since theres definitely gonna be a lot of people were feeding."

"Huh, oh , ah, YES!, my lady."

As Mia left, she thought to herself, though her grace does support a lot of orphanages by donating them money. I never thought she would be so kind enough to lend people whos struggling with poverty some food and personally go herself. Have i been misunderstanding her grace all this time?

After finishing my meal, I immediately went outside and waited for the preparations to finish. When it was done, I said to the head butler.

"What was your name again?"

The man looked stunned to speak, "Ahh~, it's Philip..., your grace."

"Philip, please take care of my state while ill be away for a while."

"Yes, your grace." he bowed while answering.

This is the first time her grace ever called me by my name. Serving her since she was young, she was always indifferent towards her staff, but now she's acting out of character compared to before. What has happened to the lady?

As the carriage started moving, i looked outside the window to see the whole new world that I was in.

I dont know if im exaggerating or not, but this world is much more bright and colorful compared to the place where I've lived in before, and the fact that im on my way to give food, its the first time in my life that I  ever did this.

Even though the original Cynthia financially lended the orphanages some help, it was only for mere good public view of her inorder for people to support her rule as grand duchess, which was of course smart, but it wasnt pure and genuine.

But this time, I am her now, and since i have the status and power to change things for the better, I will give my best to help, and live this new life of mine with no regrets.


The Evil Grand Duchess Just Wants To Enjoy Her Brand New Life!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum