20. Losing Control

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What are you doing Akshara!!!!!"

It was less of a question and more of a stunned reaction of Abhimanyu as soon as his gaze accidentally landed on the window of his room after hearing some noises from there only to find her making an entry through the window late at night.

The same window from where she unknowingly barged into his life the very first time with her chaos.

She entered the wrong room back then, believing it to be Yuvraj's and ended up meeting a complete stranger- the same stranger who proved out to be better than all the familiar faces she had known her entire life.

The stranger who managed to see through the facade that she had built over the years.

The same stranger who brought a real smile on her face all this while by surprisingly becoming the reason behind her happiness.

The same stranger who carried a look of genuine concern and admiration in his eyes everytime he looked at her to let her know that he cared.

The same stranger who made her finally trust a man enough to the extent of confiding in him with no fear.

He changed her.

And she didn't even realise the journey of as to how he ended up holding such an special place in her life......until the moment he declared that he was leaving.

Abhimanyu was leaving.

He was now on the verge of becoming a complete stranger she met the first day all over again and this fact scared her more than anything else in the world- so much so that she ended up running back to him the same day after shouting on his face that she didn't care.

"Abhi first listen-", her desperate voice laced with both anger and concern came to a sudden pause as her foot slipped, causing her to lose the balance when he grabbed her arms tightly to prevent the fall.

"What is wrong with you? You could have fallen from here you idiot", he scolded, still being unable to process her sudden appearance out of nowhere.

"That's the problem.....you never let me fall", her eyes glistened with tears as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders for support- inching closer to him while sensing his hands protectively gripping her. "You always end up saving me. Why did you? Now I'm bound to fall down in your absence. Isn't it?"

He gulped, not answering the question and silently lifted her in his arms in order to carry her inside and softly placed her feet on the floor.

All this while, Akshara kept gazing at his stiff expressions while her arms stayed glued around him. "Are you upset with me?", she whispered, refusing to let go of her hold on him, even when he tried to step backwards.

"Why will I be upset with you", he asked. Even though his voice was polite enough, it still lacked the usual softness in it that she was getting used to all this while.

"Because I told you to leave....I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it at all Abhimanyu and I'm so sorry for what I said. I...I-", her voice cracked as she sighed deeply. "I don't want you to leave".

A tear escaped her eye, almost melting him immediately as she stood in his close proximity with her hands still wrapped around his frame while her eyes continued to scan his face for his reaction.

She looked worried, tensed and hurt.....for him?

It was both a sad yet satisfying feeling for Abhimanyu to experience in that moment. Yes, it was uncomfortable for him to see her in that state but somewhere a part of him felt relieved too upon noticing her concern for him.

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