Watching The Chūnin Exams

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I ran in on my mother, who was drinking tea in the front room. "Mama, guess what?!"

She didn't think I'd be the one to be so eager, neither did I. But I had a good reason for that attitude. "What is it?", she asked, putting her cup of tea down.

"My friends are participating in the Chūnin Exams today", I announced proudly. I couldn't wait to see how strong they've gotten the last time I saw them.

"..Aiko and Kurai? Well that's wonderful! What about you though?", she questioned.


I groaned slightly and crossed my arms, giving my mother a death glare. Why would I be talking about those two? They matter to me, yeah! But why would we be participating in that stuff now?

"Mama.. I'm not talking about Aiko and Kurai. I was talking about Sasuke, Naruto and the others from the Academy."

She looked surprised and felt stupid after not knowing what I meant. "Oh! Honey, I'm so sorry for not getting that earlier."

"It's okay", I sighed. "All of my friends have the opportunity to become chūnin, mama. They all passed the first stage, second stage, and preliminary stage. Now they're gonna compete in the finals. Can I watch them?"

"What about your team and Amaya?"

I was so glad she asked. "Amaya's on this mission with Kurai and Aiko isn't really doing anything right now." The reason that Kurai went along was so he can prove to Amaya that he's powerful than Aiko and I. I wouldn't really consider myself powerful... but it is what it is.

"I can take you then, honey. Does Aiko want to come along?"

When she said that, Aiko ran out of my room to us and smiled brightly. "I'd be glad to go!"

She surprised the both of us that moment. How the hell did she get in my house? Did she follow me? Was she underneath my bed?
When we made it to stadium, I hurriedly went to a seat and sat down, followed by Aiko. Oh, my mom? She went to a nearby place in the village while we watched. Bad parenting? Eh, you could say that. If I were a mother, I wouldn't wanna watch a bunch of kids fight either.

"Aiko, you have the popcorn, right?", I asked the ravenette, who was staring off at someone. "Aiko?" I looked at who she was staring at, only to see Kiba, who was sitting with Hinata on the row next to ours.

"Who's that, Nariko? I know you know who it is- tell me!", she shook me violently, her face turning red as she did so.

I grabbed her arms and pushed her a little. "That's Kiba. He's apart of the Inuzuka Clan.", I informed. "He also has a dog, Akamaru and they're like inseparable."

"Inseparable, Hm?", Aiko sighed happily and leaned back, watching Kiba.

"..I think he has a thing for the girl next to him."

And just like that, Aiko's love for the boy hopelessly went away. She crossed her arms and pouted, looking away from Kiba and down at where the battle was going to take place.

Kiba noticed us and looked over, blushing slightly before looking back at his teammate. "Hinata, who's that with Nariko?"

Hinata then glanced at us and squinted. "I'm not sure.. but she looks pretty. Don't you think?"

It was obvious that he thought that as well, but he shook it off. "She's okay. You think Nariko's here to see Sasuke?"

"I think so.. but I don't think Sasuke showed up yet. She's probably here for Naruto too.."

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